What do you do to not overeat at night??



  • PauliePCC
    PauliePCC Posts: 32 Member
    I just drink a few glasses of water to cure hunger pains. It may work or it may not. I find it's all mind over matter because I did intermitted fasting for 4 months where I'd go 16 hours daily with no food and just water. Prior to that, I was a binge eater and would eat complete meals in the middle of the night. Good luck!
  • AbsoluteNG
    AbsoluteNG Posts: 1,079 Member
    I skip breakfast and lunch so I can eat a bigger meal during social settings at night.

    joking, right?

    Nope. It's called intermittent fasting and has a lot of science to back it up as a healthy lifestyle. The two buff guys do it in the video below. If you want some real scientific research, just let me know and I'll lead you in the right direction.

  • cschiff
    cschiff Posts: 209 Member
    I skip breakfast and lunch so I can eat a bigger meal during social settings at night.

    joking, right?

    Nope. It's called intermittent fasting and has a lot of science to back it up as a healthy lifestyle. The two buff guys do it in the video below. If you want some real scientific research, just let me know and I'll lead you in the right direction.


    Okay, well to each his own. I'm not here to judge. Doesn't seem like something I would be interested in, but thank you for the offer!
  • ice1200s
    ice1200s Posts: 237 Member
    I had the same situation with my former girlfriend. We solved the issue by cooking for ourselves. It was a win-win because we both got what we wanted or needed.
    If you're doing the cooking, weigh and measure everything out and just take what you need.
    Pretend you are at a restaurant and eat a hearty salad before your main meal.
    Try drinking two glasses of water about 20-30 minutes before each meal. It helps fill you up.
    As far as night snacks, I budget for them in my daily plan. Make your snacks healthy like an orange, apple, celery sticks, carrots...
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    go to sleep early OR wait till midnight and count it as the next days calories. yes. i'm totally serious.
  • Crankstr
    Crankstr Posts: 3,958 Member
    Leave some calories for night time. Then you can fit the food in your goals and you will be fine.

    ding ding ding

    as for me, i have coffee for breakfast, and save most of my calories for later...i LIKE eating at night, and it makes me happy.

    i no longer have to resist the urge to chomp while watching TV or reading.

    many people do this.
  • jsdcap
    jsdcap Posts: 46 Member
    I do the cooking, so I control what everyone eats for dinner. I also make myself a huge salad
  • ryry_
    ryry_ Posts: 4,966 Member
    Leave some calories for night time. Then you can fit the food in your goals and you will be fine.

    ding ding ding

    as for me, i have coffee for breakfast, and save most of my calories for later...i LIKE eating at night, and it makes me happy.

    i no longer have to resist the urge to chomp while watching TV or reading.

    many people do this.

    x2 for this shift in thinking being a major turning point in embracing night time eating and still moving towards my goals
  • siqiniq
    siqiniq Posts: 237 Member
    I have to get up super early so i just go to bed. (This is after my meal, so I dont overeat on snacks)

    ETA: I should learn to read better lol. I just make the same meal for everyone. I don't make anything no one else would eat. I just buy leaner cuts of meat, lots of veggies, and balance it out with a starch they all like. For myself, I just weigh out my own portions and it fits right into my day.

    What she said. Make the same meal for everyone, serve from the stove and not the table so that you don't see the leftovers, and eat what everyone else eats. If you tend to snack in the evenings, you might try sugar free jello or saving some calories and snacking on a piece of fruit. I too go to bed shortly after dinner, as I get up early. When I finish what I need to do in the evening, I go to my bedroom and read or watch tv, and I refuse to go back downstairs for food that I really don't need.
  • SteelySunshine
    SteelySunshine Posts: 1,092 Member
    I don't eat breakfast until 1pm and I have my last meal between 9pm and 10pm. So, I might be hungry in the morning if it's real bad I will have some kind of protein for a snack and subtract it from the rest of the days calories. But, I can have just about anything I want for dinner this way.
  • seaya5
    seaya5 Posts: 4
    Don't panic. I had to get into my routine (and head) to focus on snacks that were right for me. So when the family is munching on chips and ice cream, I have a snack that is right for me (fresh strawberries, plain yogurt, natural peanut butter)! While processed snacks are great for family members, I will gain weight. What ends up being a moment of pleasure, takes me weeks to get it off.

    Here's to your total well-being!
  • davitalynette
    davitalynette Posts: 117 Member
    When all else fails, I sleep lol. Sometimes I'll try to drink something like coffee to feel like I'm consuming something treatish, but ultimately sleep is the only thing that can prevent me from late night snacking
  • Buffymiller1992
    They say that bar you eat and then drink water. It works, I know you need to stay eating with the family. So I would try that and see how it works for you. You will still eat a little but not over do it. the thing is also is snaking for you may help you stop over eating later. Get something you like and snack on it through out the day. A good protein, then one day out of the month do a juice day. You will up your energy and you will be happy.
  • Buffymiller1992
    so happy for you 2 lbs ya hoo
  • Buffymiller1992
    good job 22 lbs so happy for you
  • Buffymiller1992
    Good Job, so happy for you
  • Buffymiller1992
    Ya but what do you put on the salad? That could be the worst
  • michellekicks
    michellekicks Posts: 3,624 Member
    I'm someone who has always struggled with stuffing my face at night......but when I eat proper all day, with plenty of protein, complex carbs & fibre every 2-4 hours, I am satisfied and don"t binge at night. It takes discipline for me to eat breaky - but makes a real difference!!!!

    ^ This.

    For me, saving calories for inevitable night time snacking is a self-fulfilling prophecy. If I just eat well during the day and plan to finish up my calories with just a little something left for after dinner, I'm fine.

    Mostly I will get bing-y at night if I'm tired and/or dehydrated. What I need to do is just drink something hydrating and go to bed.
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    water. lots and lots.

  • Shel2Peru
    Shel2Peru Posts: 128 Member
    I was told I was doing it wrong for saving like 800+ cals for dinner, but it is what works for me and keeps me from snacking through the evening..also losing weight though doing it this way.....if that works for you you will be able to have a very nice supper with the family.....I also try to make my supper late enough like around 7 pm to hold me through the evening hours!