In desperate need to fit into my wedding dress

So I bought my wedding dress in January off the rack and it's 2 sizes too small. It's been such a rough go the last few months dealing with by anxiety, depression, and binge eating disorder. I'm happy to say I haven't really gained weight, but I'm still too big to fit into my dress. My fitting is in 2 months, and I think I need to lose about 20-25 pounds. I really don't want to have it taken out if I don't have to.

So I'm needing some friends to help me stay accountable, keep me motivated, and make sure I stay on track. I know this is my responsibility to do this...but sometimes that extra encouragement helps.

I know some people will say it's too much to lose in a short period of time...but i'm almost 250lbs right now...weight seems to fall off me faster the bigger I am. I would love to be 225 for my wedding.


  • JenAndSome
    JenAndSome Posts: 1,893 Member
    So I bought my wedding dress in January off the rack and it's 2 sizes too small. It's been such a rough go the last few months dealing with by anxiety, depression, and binge eating disorder. I'm happy to say I haven't really gained weight, but I'm still too big to fit into my dress. My fitting is in 2 months, and I think I need to lose about 20-25 pounds. I really don't want to have it taken out if I don't have to.

    So I'm needing some friends to help me stay accountable, keep me motivated, and make sure I stay on track. I know this is my responsibility to do this...but sometimes that extra encouragement helps.

    I know some people will say it's too much to lose in a short period of time...but i'm almost 250lbs right now...weight seems to fall off me faster the bigger I am. I would love to be 225 for my wedding.

    I was going to ask why you bought your dress too small, but if that's the motivator you need, good for you. I'm sure you can do it. I have seen so many success stories on here with great results.

    Good luck and congratulations on getting married.
  • StaceyJ2008
    StaceyJ2008 Posts: 411 Member
    25 in 2 months is doable if you are really committed and dedicated. :) If you need anything let me know.
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    I'd be happy to be your friend. My situation is similar, though not as 'dire'. I'm already married but it was a courthouse ceremony with a bigger thing 'Soon'. I went dress shopping, informed the woman of my size. She then brought me a selection of dresses 2-4 sizes bigger than my size, while informing me that wedding dresses run small.

    I refuse to wear a dresser 'bigger' than 'my size' (vanity is an awful thing) so I took my butt back home and decided I would readdress the dress situation later this year.

    Long story aside I do understand the wedding dress woes and would be happy to motivate and keep you on track in any way I can. :)

    Edit: Did you get that dress in your profile picture from Fredricks of Hollywood? I swear I have the same dress in blue.
  • DarkAngel262
    DarkAngel262 Posts: 118 Member
    I respect trying to lose weight and set goals, but to set such expectations near your wedding, which is already a stressful time, seems unrealistic. Especially when you mentioned anxiety, depression, and binge eating.

    What you could do is take it to the tailor and if the back allows, just ask them to make eyelet holes for a corset backing. That way you can adjust it to be as loose or tight as you need and it will still have a stylish, romantic look to it.

    Either way, it's your wedding. Be happy and feel beautiful and please don't ruin the months leading up to it with beating yourself up or working yourself to the bone! Good luck :flowerforyou:
  • LeenaRuns
    LeenaRuns Posts: 1,309 Member
    Best of luck to you--BED is tough, I have it too.

    You are really beautiful, btw.
  • ltfitz89
    ltfitz89 Posts: 295 Member
    I just bought my wedding dress also! My wedding isn't until next June, but the dress will arrive in July and I ordered it 1 size smaller than the consultant suggested because I don't want to spend a ton of money altering the whole dress just because I have a big ribcage! I am hoping to lose at least 5-10lbs before the dress arrives! I have been falling off and getting back on the wagon since January and I need a kick in the behind to get back on track! If you work really hard I think you can lose the weight and hopefully the dress will fit like a glove! When I started losing weight I was about 190lbs and I lost about 25-30lbs in 2 months. It is do-able!! You can do it!!!
  • confetti_blind
    confetti_blind Posts: 91 Member
    i did the same with my wedding dress in february. i bought it much too small. the most amount of money that i will ever spend on an item of clothing nd i bought a dress which doesnt even fit me! what was i thinking :(

    i have lost quite a lot of weight since i began my weight loss journey but still need to lose some more before my dress fitting in august eek

    we can do it! if we dont have the motivation now we never will!
  • nekosimba
    nekosimba Posts: 239 Member

    What you could do is take it to the tailor and if the back allows, just ask them to make eyelet holes for a corset backing. That way you can adjust it to be as loose or tight as you need and it will still have a stylish, romantic look to it.

    I'm lucky that it is a corset back already and they can take the panel out. It's such a beautiful dress as is, I don't really want to make too many modifications to it if I don't have to.

    Leena: thanks! :flowerforyou:
  • pwittek10
    pwittek10 Posts: 723 Member
    It is very doable, just you have to keep your eye on the prize.
    When you are tempted just tell your self you have to wait 2 months
    Good luck
  • ShreddedTweet
    ShreddedTweet Posts: 1,326 Member
    At 250lbs you could totally manage 10lb per month loss if you stick with it, clean up your diet, up the protein, drop the carbs, forget soda/sweets completely and exercise.
    If it's worth it to you, if you really want it, you can do it.
    Best of luck x
  • taylorckt1
    taylorckt1 Posts: 263 Member
    I started at approx 255-260 & lost 25 lbs in 5 is tough but doable...send me a friend request if u like.
  • determinedbutlazy
    determinedbutlazy Posts: 1,941 Member
    Work on losing some inches rather than the scale weight... I lost inches all over when I did 30 Day Shred and now that I'm doing p90x, but I didn't lose much scale weight. Commit to a workout programme and keep yourself accountable for it and keep measuring!
  • Akimajuktuq
    Akimajuktuq Posts: 3,037 Member
    The only reason that I am going to say "yes, you can lose that much" is because you are over 200. Otherwise that weight loss goal would be unrealistic. However the same struggles you have had in the last few months; do you expect them to vanish? Binge eating disorder actually could vanish but that would mean you would have to drastically change WHAT you eat. I've cured a long list of illnesses by changing my lifestyle permanently, and that includes binge eating disorder, severe depression, and anxiety (this one is not totally gone but much more manageable). These supposed psychological disorders are actually physical disorders. The brain is NOT separate from the body and it too is affected when there are metabolic disorders.

    I'm not a fan of setting timelines for weight loss. It doesn't work and whatever weight is lost is gained back. My recommendation is to find a healthy, sustainable lifestyle that addresses your health issues. A ketogenic (high fat, very low carb) lifestyle based on healthy, unprocessed foods would be very beneficial. And no, it's not a "dangerous fad"; quite the opposite. Humans are still hunter/gatherers at a genetic/physiological level.
  • srslybritt
    srslybritt Posts: 1,618 Member
    I added you, and have faith in you! Please let me know if you need a buddy, I'm always happy to be overly happy and supportive! ;)
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    20-25 lbs can be safely lost in 2 months, but you'll have to be very dedicated. You will need to stop looking to food for comfort, because planning a wedding is going to involve stress. Unless you get out of that mindset, it's unlikely you'll succeed. And even less likely you'll keep it off after the wedding, which hopefully is goal #2.

    Look to exercise as a stress reliever. It will work better than food, and you won't be left feeling guilty after because not only did you relieve some stress, you worked toward your goal while doing so.

    Best of luck to you! :flowerforyou:
  • verdancyhime
    verdancyhime Posts: 237 Member
    So I bought my wedding dress in January off the rack and it's 2 sizes too small. It's been such a rough go the last few months dealing with by anxiety, depression, and binge eating disorder. I'm happy to say I haven't really gained weight, but I'm still too big to fit into my dress. My fitting is in 2 months, and I think I need to lose about 20-25 pounds. I really don't want to have it taken out if I don't have to.

    So I'm needing some friends to help me stay accountable, keep me motivated, and make sure I stay on track. I know this is my responsibility to do this...but sometimes that extra encouragement helps.

    I know some people will say it's too much to lose in a short period of time...but i'm almost 250lbs right now...weight seems to fall off me faster the bigger I am. I would love to be 225 for my wedding.

    Yeah, good luck with that.
    I'm about your size and I've lost around 30 lbs since xmas. And that was only around half to a full size depending on the brand. It's possible, just not probable.

    As I understand it, wedding dresses are highly expensive and custom tailored.
    Why the heck didn't you just pick out a design and then have it tailored to the size you are at your dress fitting, whatever that may happen to be, so you can be happy with yourself no matter what size you are and not add on a ton of stress in the middle of all the wedding planning? You do know that a dress fitting usually involves CUTTING into the dress to make it smaller, yes?

    I am not the person who likes being rude to people about their goals, but expecting to lose two whole sizes in 2 months seems like you're setting yourself up for failure to me. Is this about wanting to be healthier or wanting to fit into a dress which can be made in any size? Is it about wanting to get in shape or being ashamed to show the people you love what you look like on the day you're promising to love someone for better or for worse and in sickness and health?
  • drmrsthemonarch
    I've also struggled with anxiety, depression, and binge eating disorder so I know exactly how you feel.

    If I may make a few suggestions on the binge eating - quit eating refined sugar completely (I realize this is easier said than done, but if you're serious about fitting into that dress, you're gonna have to be committed). Figure out what your "trigger" foods are and avoid them. For me, although to be honest anxiety is my biggest binge trigger, crunchy things (tortilla chips especially) are what I have a tendency to binge on, and I've been known to binge on them whether I'm feeling anxious or not. So I stay as far away from that stuff as humanly possible. If I'm craving a crunch, I go for carrot sticks or celery sticks instead. For you, it might be something else, like sweets or candy. Also, it sounds cliche, but exercise helps my anxiety tremendously so I exercise sometimes as much as three times a day (yes, it's worth it). Just stay strong and remember your goal.

    If you need any more help feel free to send me a message. I believe in you. Namaste.
  • stacybg
    stacybg Posts: 2
    I lost weight over the last few years and went from a size 16 to an 8. I just got engaged in February, and when I bought my dress they said because of wedding dress sizes I would need a 16. I was so upset, but realized that I'm proud of the work I've done. I can't wait till my big day on Sept 21. You should be proud of yourself for anything you do, and if you put your mind to it and stick to it, you can lose the weight by your fitting!!

    Good luck and congrats on your upcoming wedding!!

  • micamacho
    micamacho Posts: 3 Member
    I lost weight for my wedding and it is so rewarding when I look at my pics. Let your stress work for you and make sure you have foods around to nibble on. I found out that McDonalds kiddie ice cream cone only has 45 calories. Also I just strated "Lipotropic B6" shots and they have given me the boost I needed.

    You can do this - - you will feel so beautiful on your wedding day and it will show in your pics! We are all rooting for you.
  • moniquebryan
    moniquebryan Posts: 34 Member
    Have no fear a new friend is here! I will keep u motivated. We can keep eachother motivated. I will send you a friend request. I want to know what steps are you taking?? to get what you want!!!!