why should i use protein powder?



  • KodAkuraMacKyen
    KodAkuraMacKyen Posts: 737 Member
    Protein powder is great right after a workout (within 45 minutes of the workout you should be consuming fast digesting protein like whey or isolate).


    Unfortunately no it isnt.

    Protein Powder should be used to reach your protein macro goal and it does not matter what time of the day you take it.

    Okay back the truck up. I thought many did post workout protein/carb shakes to help bring down cortisol levels that elevate during exercise. Is that not the case? Learn me!
  • myofibril
    myofibril Posts: 4,500 Member

    Okay back the truck up. I thought many did post workout protein/carb shakes to help bring down cortisol levels that elevate during exercise. Is that not the case? Learn me!

    I think for most people it's not worth worrying about. Your body cycles through anabolic (growth) and catabolic (reduction) states quite naturally.

    The idea is that post heavy workout amino acids can be converted to glucose to compensate for the energy deficit created by exercise and to restabilise blood sugar levels. Therefore the theory goes you should provide your body with an energy source (food) which contains both protein to promote protein synthesis and carbs to prevent protein breakdown.

    However this ignores the fact that you may have eaten a meal a couple of hours before your workout which your body is still metabolising or you eat a meal a few hours after your workout etc.

    Protein shakes are simply for convenience only. They are by no means a requirement and frankly usually unnecessary.
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member

    Okay back the truck up. I thought many did post workout protein/carb shakes to help bring down cortisol levels that elevate during exercise. Is that not the case? Learn me!

    I think for most people it's not worth worrying about. Your body cycles through anabolic (growth) and catabolic (reduction) states quite naturally.

    << snip >>

    However this ignores the fact that you may have eaten a meal a couple of hours before your workout which your body is still metabolising or you eat a meal a few hours after your workout etc.

    Protein shakes are simply for convenience only. They are by no means a requirement and frankly usually unnecessary.

  • waldo56
    waldo56 Posts: 1,861 Member
    The only need to use protein powder is if your diet is otherwise insufficient.

    Most people just starting out on a higher protein diet will need it to hit protein goals. Over time chances are your diet will shift and protein powder will become unnecessary.

    The after workout window is something you might worry about when you've been at it a few years and are having a hard time continuing to add any muscle mass whatsoever.
  • missADS1981
    missADS1981 Posts: 364 Member
    What are your goals? Are you weight lifting to build lean muscle or are you doing lots of cardio and trying to lose body fat?

    Protein powder is great right after a workout (within 45 minutes of the workout you should be consuming fast digesting protein like whey or isolate).

    Not all protein powder is made the same. Some are high in fat, some are high in calorie, some are with artificial sweeteners and some with all natural plant based.

    I am a fan of and use daily:
    Syntha 6 by BSN
    Anabolic Halo by Muscle Tech

    When i started out using protein i used muscle milk light.
    I also liked Vega One when I was not eating meat since it is plant based.
    Alot of people love Optimum Nutrition gold whey standard, I personally find it doesn't blend that well and prefer the taste of the above 3 I mentioned.

    Agreed. And I might have to try to Syntha 6 when all my ON stuff is gone.

    To the OP...
    The "feed window" post workout is highly overstated. It definitely exists, but the average person should worry far more about hitting their calorie/macro goals in a sustainable way than nutrient timing.

    More accomplished people do need to worry more about the finer details, so nutrient timing can be important for them (just not the average person, IMO).

    I like BSN for both syntha 6 and amino x :)
    anabolic halo is great added to fat free chobani, tastes like cake batter
  • JTick
    JTick Posts: 2,131 Member
    I currently use Body Fortress that I picked up from Kroger. It was $25 I think for around 20 servings? It is 30 g protein for about 130 calories. I don't use it every day, more like 1-2 times/week...some days I'm just not feeling the chicken or steak and will down a protein shake on those days to meet my goals.
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    Protein powder is great right after a workout (within 45 minutes of the workout you should be consuming fast digesting protein like whey or isolate).

    Unfortunately no it isnt.

    Protein Powder should be used to reach your protein macro goal and it does not matter what time of the day you take it.

    Okay back the truck up. I thought many did post workout protein/carb shakes to help bring down cortisol levels that elevate during exercise. Is that not the case? Learn me!

    Cortisol, leptin, Growth Hormone, insulin, IGF-1, ghrelin, PPY, adrenaline, noradrenaline etc..

    who cares... calories in vs calories out.

    Want to add mass, eat above your TDEE, if you want to lose mass, eat under your TDEE. that's all that matters.

    I'm not sold. I think macros make a world of difference if you stick to them.

    Please elaborate.
  • LeeshLove
    LeeshLove Posts: 197
    Whey protein is definitely the most used type of protein powder. It used more often than any other different types of protein powder available. Whey protein is made from whole milk. The protein portion of milk is made up of 20% whey protein and 80% casein protein. For many individuals, it’s the most efficient all-around choice with respect to taste, excellent quality and value. One other unique advantage of whey protein, and something that is undoubtedly disregarded, is that it enhances the immune system in lots of ways.

    But there are A LOT of different kinds of protein on the market. You have to find the one that works for you.
    Other Different Types of Protein Powder
    Soy Protein, Hydrolyzed Whey Protein, Egg Protein, Micellar Casein Protein, Weight Gainers, Reduced Carbohydrate Protein Etc...

    They're an easy and convenient source of complete, high-quality protein, But remember: Most people, can also get everything they offer by eating sources of lean protein like meat, fish, chicken, and dairy products. If you are looking to lose weight, certain protein powders may be beneficial to you. protein powders can help promote fat loss due to the high level of leucine, an essential amino acid, found in whey. Consuming 20 g to 25 g of whey protein may also help to promote satiety, or a feeling of fullness, to help you eat less throughout the day.

    Okay with all that being said... I found that I like Herbalife protein. I drink it just about everyday.

    Sorry don't know if I helped at all. :noway:
  • LishieFruit89
    LishieFruit89 Posts: 1,956 Member
    Saving for later reading

  • seths_milf
    seths_milf Posts: 56 Member
    I use it to maintain lean muscle mass and to get more protein in my diet because I tend to lack on eating protein. I just bought EAS advantage soy protein vanilla and its amazing.
  • DoingitWell
    DoingitWell Posts: 560 Member
    I buy whatever they sell at wal-mart. I've purchased more expensive stuff online, tried mid grade, and frankly don't see any differences except in sugar content and some other macro nutrients based upon brand. I'd experiment with different brands to see what agrees with your body the best.

    As for reason why you should take protein powder, you use the powder to supplement protein intake when whole foods aren't sufficient to meet your macros for that day.

    Here is a bodybuilding.com article on why you need protein powder: http://www.bodybuilding.com/fun/spin-the-blender-5-reasons-you-need-protein-powder.html

    Good luck doll : )

    ^^ this, and just wanted to add to make sure you buy the smallest jar of the protein powder first before buying to big jar I bought some and it tasted great but after two or 3 days It started making my stomach cramp and I was left with a huge bottle of something I couldn't use. Now I use Designer Whey. Doesn't taste all that great but I just remind myself it's not a meal just a supplement.
  • tmgider
    tmgider Posts: 16
  • MorgueBabe
    MorgueBabe Posts: 1,188 Member

    Protein Powder should be used to reach your protein macro goal and it does not matter what time of the day you take it.

    Why? I have to use them to reach my goal
  • RonnieV50
    RonnieV50 Posts: 1 Member
    Yesterday, I pulled out a bag of protein power i brought from GNC last year. It is low in carbs, fat and sugar (GNC WHEY AMP 60). Yesterday, i went over board because i used the serving size of 3 scoops which translated int 60 g of protein. i realize later i only need 48 g for the whole day:). Plus, i put it in 2 % milk, more calories! 20 oz container. OH Boy... today i used a scoop and a half in the same milk. i also had a boiled egg. So far, i feel full. For both days, i added cinnamon, which i understand is also good for your health. Drank plenty of water.

    I am drinking it now because it is easy for me to fix in the morning and allows me to control my intake. I agree that healthier,fresh, unprocessed foods are the best, but i can not seem to make that work for me right now.
  • goodtimezzzz
    goodtimezzzz Posts: 640 Member
    you shouldn't...total waste of money...I have learned my lesson...no more powders pills supplements NADA!! and then...boom all fat started dropping and muscles growing!!
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    you shouldn't...total waste of money...I have learned my lesson...no more powders pills supplements NADA!! and then...boom all fat started dropping and muscles growing!!

    So you're saying that powders and pills were the reason you weren't seeing any progress?