Who's pushing for that last 10 pounds??



  • melabk
    melabk Posts: 6 Member
    I lost 50lbs. Then after an injury I gained 10 back. This was 9 months ago and it's been a struggle to get it off. I'm in serious mode now and determined to get it off by summer time!
  • jamiep926
    jamiep926 Posts: 85 Member
    I've lost 50-50 pounds but I really want to lose a few more pounds and tone up... So frustrating. I''ve been working on this stubborn few pounds for MONTHS. It's true what they say, the last 10 are always the most difficult.

    Oh yeah....getting down 20 was whole lot easier than pushing the last 10....
  • TMartinFranklin
    I'm a guy, but in similar situation. I lost about 18 lbs. over the last several months, but that last 10, mostly around my middle and face, just will not go away!!! Any tips on how to shake it, please add me and let me know!!
  • KimberlyDCZ
    KimberlyDCZ Posts: 525 Member
    *raises hand* 10.5 lbs away from goal and having a hard time sticking to my workout routine :-/
  • jamiep926
    jamiep926 Posts: 85 Member
    I think we are in a similar boat. I started at 132 and my goal weight is 115. I have 9 stubborn pounds left! I'm 5'6. How tall are you?

    I'm 5' 6 too!
  • Kassadeedle
    Kassadeedle Posts: 136 Member
    meee!!!! 40 down and 10 to go! just started 30 DS but i'm not doing it every day consecutively, more like 3 or 4 days a week. I have to do it at 5am before work since it's the only time there isn't a baby trying to climb my leg and it sucks!
  • DixieDarlin1987
    DixieDarlin1987 Posts: 553 Member
    I am also around the last 10 mark (maybe 15, we'll see after I get 10 off lol) And now I have a deadline I'm aiming for....my beach vacation with my family in July, my WHOLE family! Some comments were made to me recently by some rather negative family members, when they asked me if I was still working out after having my little girl, that once you have kids you might as well kiss your hot body goodbye. I managed to get an even hotter body than I had after having my son, second time around the weightloss is proving to be a little more difficult. I'll show them lol!
  • kennie2
    kennie2 Posts: 1,171 Member
    sammeee. i once lost them but then put them back on once i started the crazy uni lifestyle haha and now they wont come off!
  • Going4Lean
    Going4Lean Posts: 1,077 Member
    I would be happy losing 10-15 lbs and yes its very hard. My midsection wont let go.
  • jamiep926
    jamiep926 Posts: 85 Member
    Hello! I feel I am in the same boat as you.....pushing for those last few pounds, fighting the few pounds that want to come back. Please tell me more info about you: What is your goal weight? How tall & what is your age?

    I like your ticker, how do I get one like that?

    For the ticker, I just chose upload photo option from the settings. I am 5'5 or 5'6 ish. Right now, I'm 120 and my goal weight is 110. 110 because I want enjoy food and reward myself and be confident enough to gain back several. Because my idea weight is 114 ish.
  • jamiep926
    jamiep926 Posts: 85 Member
    I am also around the last 10 mark (maybe 15, we'll see after I get 10 off lol) And now I have a deadline I'm aiming for....my beach vacation with my family in July, my WHOLE family! Some comments were made to me recently by some rather negative family members, when they asked me if I was still working out after having my little girl, that once you have kids you might as well kiss your hot body goodbye. I managed to get an even hotter body than I had after having my son, second time around the weightloss is proving to be a little more difficult. I'll show them lol!

    Oh man!!! I hope you really reach your goal by summer!!!
  • carlynn13
    carlynn13 Posts: 281
    I have about 10-15 left... and they are fighting me. Feel free to add me :)
  • LaurenVamp
    LaurenVamp Posts: 74 Member
    The last 10 are brutal and stubborn!! I lose a couple, gain a couple, very frustrating. Just started Paleo and hope that will be helpful - definitely can't cut any more calories and increasing exercise hasn't seemed to help either. I'm going crazy!

    I'm with you all--the last 10 are the absolute hardest. Mind explaining to me what Paleo is? I've seen it all over my forums/social networking pages. I guess I could just google it. Ha.
  • KimberlyDCZ
    KimberlyDCZ Posts: 525 Member
    meee!!!! 40 down and 10 to go! just started 30 DS but i'm not doing it every day consecutively, more like 3 or 4 days a week. I have to do it at 5am before work since it's the only time there isn't a baby trying to climb my leg and it sucks!

    I feel ya here! My baby is almost 10 and I can't seem to get a workout in without him distracting me!
  • misskathiek
    me too! I have lost almost 50 since last summer, and have another 10-15 I would love to get off. It is so hard and I just go up a couple, down a couple. Trying to exercise more, but that is hard, too. I am 50 years old, and 5'6".
  • kahdxoom
    kahdxoom Posts: 129
    Chris Powell's "Carb Cycle Solution" ! That is the answer. I suffered losing that final 10 for YEARS! Now I alternate carb days to protein days- even get oone cheat day a week!

    Everydiet.org explains the gist of it (among others.,) or go to Dr. Oz's site search for it there.

    Also I follow the nowloss.com 95 day free workout plan. Lost 7 lbs. in 4 weeks! 4 lb. to go.

    These plans in unison are the only things that have worked for me AND it's an easy lifestyle to live with forever!
  • grrrlface
    grrrlface Posts: 1,204 Member
    On my last 6-10 depending on how I feel. Tried a lot exercise wise but what really got the weight and my body toned more has been walking! Started about a month ago, generally walk 5 - 7 miles about 4-5 times a week. Along with eating well (generally clean though I do drink and have slip ups a couple of times a week) I've found my body is looking better (lost an inch off my hips this month) and the weight started shifting again. :)
  • namluv
    namluv Posts: 194 Member
    yup, I am in that home stretch too and fighting just to keep the same weight! I think I will be taking up lifting and intervals like someone else on here and see where I go. For sure everyone has told me I look great (and the smaller clothes I bought still seem to be getting looser) so I will just lay off the scale!
  • PennyHarris123
    PennyHarris123 Posts: 159 Member
    grrrooooan, same here....I'll join in too!!! these stubborn last 10 pounds haven't moved since before Christmas! I train hard too and find it soooooo frustrating! I've introduced weight training and HIIT a couple of weeks ago to try and help start shift it again...grrrrrrrr :ohwell:
  • goodtimezzzz
    goodtimezzzz Posts: 640 Member
    last ten lbs is easy!! the secret is that it may not be 10!! let me explain if u lost 3 to 5 but really got fit with strength training for example...you may be shocked how great your body looks:) or even if your weight stayed the same but you transformed your body
    by losing fat and gaining muscle you are golden!