Excessive Sweating

Hello, my name is Cheryl and I'm a "sweater"; well, I think I'm an excessive sweater. I took a boot camp class and within 5 minutes, sweat was dripping off of me; I sweated through my hair (looked like I just got out of a shower) despite the sweatband; my shirt possibly could have been wrung out and...I was the only person in a class of 15 to be sweating like that. I was working hard - for me - but I was not able to keep up 100% with the instructor, so I know others were doing MORE work than I was. Everyone says it's good to sweat, but how do we know when we sweat too much?

Another thing that happens is I get a super red face (I am fair skinned) and soemtimes get a headache after the classes. In one instance, we were asked to do jumping jacks, but I felt like I could not do them because it hurt my head. Is this normal? Do I need to see a doctor?



  • billsica
    billsica Posts: 4,741 Member
    Hottest Thread of the day!
  • ckmama
    ckmama Posts: 1,668 Member
    It is called Hyper hydrosis. I have it as well. At any weight, I might add. Being over weight hasn't helped. But my husband and kids sweat excessivly as well.

    If you are getting a headache then your blood pressure or heart rate were too high and you didn't cool down slow enough. Invest in an inexpensive Polar Heart rate monitor and it will help. I also get red faced but less and less as my fitness levels change.
  • AngieM76
    AngieM76 Posts: 622 Member
    I am the opposite. I work my butt off and barely glisten. I would love to drip sweat for just one workout!
  • underwater77
    underwater77 Posts: 331 Member
    I am the same way - on all accords. Sweat, red faced, headache.

    You should see me after hot yoga. Oh em gee. It's frightening.

    From the research I have done, my field of work, and from speaking with physicians, I do not think it is an issue (for me). My doctor said that if I sweating for no reason at all, then there may be a problem. But to sweat during a workout, however excessive it may seem, is normal.
  • ChristineLavi
    ChristineLavi Posts: 62 Member
    Hmmm did you just write about me?? Because I am 100% exactly the same as you wrote, I never thought I needed to go see a doctor about it, just figure it is how my body burns? When I am out for walks with co-workers I have to bring a cloth to keep the sweat off my face and out of my eyes - I just make sure I drink a lot of water.
    I am interested however to hear what others might have to say.
    I did a circuit training class (Greco Lean & Fit) and there will be 25 ppl half will be sweating pools (trainers will walk around wipping up our sweat) and other will be dry but breathing hard. I think (hope) it is just our body make.

    Great question!
  • gabijadc
    gabijadc Posts: 90 Member
    10000% same here. I sweat like insane!
    Not only during workouts, but just in general if the weather is hot - and I understand we all sweat under such hot circumstances but I sweat a 100 times more.
    My friends often comment on that... It can be a regular sunny day and everyone is fine but my face looks like after insanity cardio or something...
  • mmm_drop
    mmm_drop Posts: 1,126 Member
    Don't be concerned about your sweating or your red face. I sweat like you wouldn't believe! When I first started working out everyone said I would sweat less as I got more fit. Nope. I still sweat more than most people around me AND I get really red faced too if I am doing some high intensity cardio. As long as you feel okay, don't worry about these things.

    Your headaches could be a number of things. Are you hydrated before your workout? Have you sufficiently fueled your body for the workout? I used to get headaches as well and found that if I have a protein rich snack like a cheese stick or Greek yogurt or chicken, etc about an hour before I am good to go!
  • iecreamheadaches
    iecreamheadaches Posts: 441 Member
    I sweat A LOT, not quite that much but I do sweat a ton. I left the gym the first night I went with some work friends and I was soaked, from my hair all the way to my toes. I do also get redfaced but I don't get lightheaded or get headaches. I don't mind and its not a huge worry to me. I mean it grosses me out a bit, but I just tell myself that sweat is fat crying, and it makes it okay.
  • GiddyupTim
    GiddyupTim Posts: 2,819 Member
    There are some medical conditions that have excessive sweating and headache as symptoms, such as hypoglycemia (low blood sugar) and anemia, which is more common for women than you might think. However, most of them would make you feel fatigued as well. I don't think you would be doing the class if you were fatigued.
    You may just sweat a lot, which can make you dehydrated, which can make you susceptible to headache.
    But, it is always better to be safe than sorry. If you are worried, consult a physician and put your mind at ease.
  • I would see a Dr .Not to scare you but do these symptoms occur when you're doing simple things like going up stairs or, walking a mall? Do you have trouble breathing or is it just the sweating and flushed face?

    I had been diagnosed with Super Ventricular Tachycardia, i've since had a corrective procedure done to fix it, I still sweat and struggle but it's because I'm VERY out of shape after being basically told "told get your heart rate up" for 10 years.... Everything you describe is exactly what I go through as well. I hope the Dr can give you some answers. It took a while for them to figure out what was wrong with me..... have you always had these issues?
  • feistymoon
    feistymoon Posts: 152
    I sweat loads! Literally to the point where my top and jogging pants could be soaked.

    You know what, I don't care either. I'm not there to look good and the only person I am competing with is myself. I weigh 120 lbs, run 3 times per week on average, do resistance training and interval work. I was a dancer for 18 years, rode horses for 10 years, and have always been active-- so it's not that I'm unfit either.

    Don't worry about it. At least you know you are working!!!
  • TurtleD55
    TurtleD55 Posts: 2 Member
    I wouldn't worry so much about the sweating. Some of us work up a sweat in no time (like me), and some of us you wouldn't even know exercised. I would focus more on the headache issue. With the sweating that you do, you may become dehydrated during your workout. Are you taking a couple sips of water here and there, and then drinking afterwards? It's important to replace lost fluids. For myself, I get what I call "dehydration headaches" on occasion when I don't drink enough water after my workout.
  • 257_Lag
    257_Lag Posts: 1,249 Member
    Yup, Hyperhydrosis sufferer here too. I carry a hankie or a towel with me most of the time. Nothing you can do about it so try not to worry about it. I sure felt better 5 years ago when I had a name to go with it and realizes I wasn't alone.

    Last night I WALKED 3 miles. It was overcast, breezy and 64 degrees. Shirt was soaked by the time I got done.
  • HardcoreP0rk
    HardcoreP0rk Posts: 936 Member
    I sweat like crazy, have a really high heart rate, and get all red in the face too. At all levels of athleticism I had these issues. As D1 soccer player, in peak shape, I still felt this way. I think it has something to do with circulation, but after talking to many doctors over the years, it hasn't been anything worth investigating further.
  • links_slayer
    links_slayer Posts: 1,151 Member
    I love sweating. It's an awesome feeling. You can literally wring my socks, shorts, and shirts out after a workout or run.
  • crjohnston12
    crjohnston12 Posts: 76 Member
    I would see a Dr .Not to scare you but do these symptoms occur when you're doing simple things like going up stairs or, walking a mall? Do you have trouble breathing or is it just the sweating and flushed face?

    I had been diagnosed with Super Ventricular Tachycardia, i've since had a corrective procedure done to fix it, I still sweat and struggle but it's because I'm VERY out of shape after being basically told "told get your heart rate up" for 10 years.... Everything you describe is exactly what I go through as well. I hope the Dr can give you some answers. It took a while for them to figure out what was wrong with me..... have you always had these issues?

    Thank you for your feedback! I do not have these issues under basic circumstances, like walking up and down stairs; only when I'm really working out. BUT...I am all too familiar with SVT! I had been diagnosed 25 years ago with Atrial Tach - they thought it was Wolfe Parkinson White Syndrome and tried to cauterize during an electrophysiology study, but were unable to as the problematic pathway was in the atrium. I was medicated for several years and then went off the meds to see if I could have been a candidate for advanced procedures, and lo-and-behold, never had another episode of tachycardia! I've been off meds and have not had any issues for about 16 years now. I do notice sometimes when I get depleated of electrolytes that I get PVC (premature ventricular beats) but that is resolved through drinking coconut water or pedialite.

    PLEASE don't freak out, I have had my heart checked and there are no issues...my doctor does know my history and has cleared me for exercise.

    I admit that when thinking about it, I really do not do enough hydrating BEFORE my workouts. I will be very cognizant of it and do my best to drink more water during the day to see if that helps my work outs in the evenings.

    Thank you fellow sweaters! It's good to know I'm not totally broken!!!
  • crjohnston12
    crjohnston12 Posts: 76 Member
    Yup, Hyperhydrosis sufferer here too. I carry a hankie or a towel with me most of the time. Nothing you can do about it so try not to worry about it. I sure felt better 5 years ago when I had a name to go with it and realizes I wasn't alone.

    Last night I WALKED 3 miles. It was overcast, breezy and 64 degrees. Shirt was soaked by the time I got done.

    LOL...I have to have a towel or hankie everywhere also! I went to Italy many years ago and the first purchase I made while I was out sightseeing was a towel from a street vendor so that while I walked, I could mop up along the way...ha!

    I am definitely not feeling self conscious about sweating (as compared to others who don't)...I'm only at the gym for myself and not competing with anyone - either for looks or athleticism; I'm more interested in hearing if this is normal, which it sounds like it is.
  • beccyleigh
    beccyleigh Posts: 846 Member
    A friend on mine has this in her armpits, palms & face, even just sitting down she will be dripping with sweat. She started having botox injections which stopped it. The only down side is they have to be done a couple of times a year. Must be awful though!
  • jennifershoo
    jennifershoo Posts: 3,198 Member
    It sounds like you're in really poor shape. Keep working out and you'll improve your cardiovascular capacity. You'll then be able to complete a class without putting as much effort, so you'll sweat less. Also, headache most likely means you're dehydrated, especially if you lose all that water through sweat. Drink TONS of water before, during and after working out.
  • crjohnston12
    crjohnston12 Posts: 76 Member
    It sounds like you're in really poor shape. Keep working out and you'll improve your cardiovascular capacity. You'll then be able to complete a class without putting as much effort, so you'll sweat less. Also, headache most likely means you're dehydrated, especially if you lose all that water through sweat. Drink TONS of water before, during and after working out.

    Hmmm...I'm actually not in REALLY poor shape and it would appear that the other readers / posters who may even be in better shape have indicated that it is not a result of the shape one is in that causes sweating and red faces. Could I be in better shape, sure! I think that is why we are all here. Kind of chuttzpah, I have to say. :huh:

    I will say, I focused on drinking a lot of water during the day yesterday before a very intensive workout in the evening and I noticed that I did not have a head ache after. I'm going to work on getting better at being more hydrated before work outs : -)