something I found on facebook

fitfreakymom Posts: 1,400 Member

The guy who made the comment is not all that great looking himself. Not fat just not good looking in my opinion.

And there are certain clothes that do not look good on overweight people just like there are clothes that do not look good on short/tall people.


  • drefaw
    drefaw Posts: 739
    I guess it is his choice to do so ... After all, Bugatti's are built and priced only to market to the ultra wealthy .....Same difference really.

    No skin off my back, either way ....
  • A_Hornsby
    A_Hornsby Posts: 288
    OMG really!!!! What a total douche. He is clearly not one of the beautiful people he targets. He has had so much plastic surgery he looks like his face is melting.
  • wolverine66
    wolverine66 Posts: 3,779 Member
    although it addresses women specifically, wouldn't it be more correct to say that he doesn't want to market to fat people?

    and does that actually equal hate? i'm not convinced it does. he may hate fat people, or he may just be executing a business strategy. only marketing to people of a certain size doesn't have me convinced, but i could be convinced without too much more effort.
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    Didn't this story go around a few years ago, with the exception that the comment was made to Oprah Winfrey? (And then she kicked him off the show, goes the story, or something like).

    It was urban legend then. Wonder if it still is, or if it really happened this time...
  • pnut456
    pnut456 Posts: 67 Member
    He also says in his article that "he doesn't want larger people shopping in his store, he wants thin and beautiful people". So larger people are automatically ugly?? And they only hire good looking people in their store.... Who makes that determination? Isn't it "beauty is in the eye of the beholder"? This guy needs his head checked....
  • Jackson4590
    Jackson4590 Posts: 145 Member
    Let's say it was true... I don't think there is anything wrong with this marketing strategy. My wife can't find anything her size in Lane Bryant. Does that mean Lane Bryant is discriminating or they are "pigs"?

    It makes a lot of sense. If you look at the world of beautiful people a majority of them are in-shape or thin. That's a fact, not an opinion. That's their target market, period.
  • LonLB
    LonLB Posts: 1,126 Member
    Only issue I saw was that they hire good looking people. So does everyone else but then they don't tell people that.

    My main issue. I'm not spending $70 for the privilege to advertise their brand for them.
  • Jackson4590
    Jackson4590 Posts: 145 Member
    Only issue I saw was that they hire good looking people. So does everyone else but then they don't tell people that.

    So that's why I don't like Walmart!
  • fitfreakymom
    fitfreakymom Posts: 1,400 Member
    When I was younger and about 10 to 20 lbs lighter I worked in a couple of cafe's that only hired people who were fit and slim because it was more appealing to the customers and in the eyes of some people it looks more professional.
  • locaoca
    locaoca Posts: 41 Member
    Jefferies looks scary weird. He looks like the last thing you would see before the pillowcase goes over your head and the van door closes.

    Too bad for him...I don't fit into their sizes for women. HOWEVER, I buy men's shirts there that I love. So I guess his idea backfired. But after this I don't think I will buy anything there anymore.
  • abberbabber
    abberbabber Posts: 972 Member
    At least he's honest? :laugh: