Any writers out there?

I just recently started writing down some things out of my imagination and thought one of them might decent reading and i was wondering if anyone on here was a writer that i could bounce some ideas off of or get some advice from

the book or short story or 4 pages or what ever the hell it ends up being is going to be of the fantasy nature (D&D type fantasy not the other fantasy lol) throw me a message or reply on here i would really appreciate some help :) thanks


  • Cre8veLifeR
    Cre8veLifeR Posts: 1,062 Member
    hey. Check out for writers groups around you! I go to a few and they are really helpful!
  • iradamrawr
    iradamrawr Posts: 35
    thanks ill check it out but im brand new at this stuff and i dont want to embarress myself lol
  • locaoca
    locaoca Posts: 41 Member
    thanks ill check it out but im brand new at this stuff and i dont want to embarress myself lol

    I would look at it, I did some editing for Chicken Soup for the Soul. D&D stuff is selling good right now.
    But, as a writer you need to be really need to work on not being embarrassed. Some of the things that have been said to me during writing workshops has not only been embarrassing but sometimes cruel.
  • Nessiechickie
    Nessiechickie Posts: 1,392 Member
    I have a short story written and edited and also tried to publish it but didn't go through.
    Also have a novel written but have never let anyone read it, gave a few pages to my grandma but that was about it.
    and have a start of another novel written,
    I love writing stories but just have sadly run out of the time to do it.
  • 1ConcreteGirl
    1ConcreteGirl Posts: 3,677 Member
    I've been a professional writer for over ten years. That's why I'd like to let you know that writers already get paid pretty little and don't like being asked to read or edit things for free, especially for strangers.

    But maybe another writer will see this and edit it for you, just to prove something.

    Let's hope. :flowerforyou:
  • DesignGuy
    DesignGuy Posts: 457 Member
    I'm a writer, although fiction is something I've done off and on over the years (mostly a nonfiction writer). Actually, I did far more fiction writing and reading when I was younger.

    The meetup idea is a good one. Another would be to start surrounding yourself with other creators (writers, artists, etc) online or IRL.

    You shouldn't worry about embarrassing yourself. It will hold you back. I've been in the creative field most of my life and you really need a thick skin. No matter what you create, you'll have people that like it and people that don't. As long as you're happy, that's all that matters.

    At the heart of the matter is the story. Too many writers (new and old), IMHO, get all wrapped up in grammar and the act of writing first. This is wrong. The STORY is what matters most. If the story sucks, who gives a hobbit's *kitten* if the grammar is spot on and the language is fluid.

    One of the keys to writing well that for some reason escapes a good many writers is ... wait for it ... reading. The second key is exploring. Get out there and soak up life.

    Lastly, when you're creating a story, create first, edit last. Let the creativity flow out of you. Don't hamper it by trying to be logical.

    Feel free to add me as a friend and shoot me whatever. You can never know too many creators. :)
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    If you start a group, I would be willing to contribute to your ideas. I have done amateur writing for awhile and am very familiar with fantasy fiction.
  • angelcurry130
    angelcurry130 Posts: 265 Member
    i do creative writing when the mood strikes me, but i can never work a good narritive. i always get stuck in a Tolkienian style of back-history and lore. :(
  • iradamrawr
    iradamrawr Posts: 35
    thanks guys i when i get home from work ill throw you guys a message and we can set up a group maybe
  • rachel4304
    rachel4304 Posts: 115 Member
    Technical writing pays the bills but my dream is to branch out into published fiction.
  • I have a short story written and edited and also tried to publish it but didn't go through.
    Also have a novel written but have never let anyone read it, gave a few pages to my grandma but that was about it.
    and have a start of another novel written,
    I love writing stories but just have sadly run out of the time to do it.

    Ok, now I'm dying to read your short story. Do I dare ask to ready your novel??
  • CrazyTrackLady
    CrazyTrackLady Posts: 1,337 Member
    I just recently started writing down some things out of my imagination and thought one of them might decent reading and i was wondering if anyone on here was a writer that i could bounce some ideas off of or get some advice from

    the book or short story or 4 pages or what ever the hell it ends up being is going to be of the fantasy nature (D&D type fantasy not the other fantasy lol) throw me a message or reply on here i would really appreciate some help :) thanks

    Hi there! Let me give you my credentials, in case you're wondering who I am:

    Former editorial assistant
    Former professional proofreader
    Former writing tutor for college students
    Creative writer of children's stories (not published, just have written several)
    Writing Consultant for the National Writing Project
    Language Arts teacher

    I can assist with both the input and output methods. Just shoot me a PM and I will be more than happy to take a look. I can even send you my wordpress link so you can see the types of writing I do.
  • CrazyTrackLady
    CrazyTrackLady Posts: 1,337 Member
    I'm a writer, although fiction is something I've done off and on over the years (mostly a nonfiction writer). Actually, I did far more fiction writing and reading when I was younger.

    The meetup idea is a good one. Another would be to start surrounding yourself with other creators (writers, artists, etc) online or IRL.

    You shouldn't worry about embarrassing yourself. It will hold you back. I've been in the creative field most of my life and you really need a thick skin. No matter what you create, you'll have people that like it and people that don't. As long as you're happy, that's all that matters.

    At the heart of the matter is the story. Too many writers (new and old), IMHO, get all wrapped up in grammar and the act of writing first. This is wrong. The STORY is what matters most. If the story sucks, who gives a hobbit's *kitten* if the grammar is spot on and the language is fluid.

    One of the keys to writing well that for some reason escapes a good many writers is ... wait for it ... reading. The second key is exploring. Get out there and soak up life.

    Lastly, when you're creating a story, create first, edit last. Let the creativity flow out of you. Don't hamper it by trying to be logical.

    Feel free to add me as a friend and shoot me whatever. You can never know too many creators. :)

    I'd like to add that when I teach others to write, I tell them they do NOT have to start in any particular order -- just jot down what parts of the story they currently have floating in their heads. Stories don't have to be written in sequential order - work backwards, forwards or out from the middle if need be. What comes to you the best should be your starting point. From there, branch it out and fill in the missing parts.
  • dsjohndrow
    dsjohndrow Posts: 1,820 Member
    Just write.

    If you are new, write a blog. Sign up for grammar and writing emails, word of the day that sort of stuff.

    You need to get past what you think of your writing, and think even less about what everyone else thinks. Not all writers get published, but the ones with passion find outlets for their works.

    It is good to get ideas, and feedback, but in the end it's a reflection of your soul.

    Good luck.
  • CrazyTrackLady
    CrazyTrackLady Posts: 1,337 Member
    thanks ill check it out but im brand new at this stuff and i dont want to embarress myself lol

    You need to write for YOURSELF, not for others' enjoyment.
  • johnp1732
    johnp1732 Posts: 32 Member
    I can understand. It's a little easier to ask questions on a board like this of others instead of standing/sitting in front of them as they tear through your story.

    At least here you can ask questions of others and get a decent sampling of answers to figure out which one you want to use best. Because really, how do you approach or ask a question on twitter like "If my main female character wears a red dress, what color shoes go with it? Yes, it's for a story, and yes, I'm a guy that just doesn't know." without sounding a bit -- off?

    There's also a group for writers on here that you may want to consider joining up. It doesn't have too much activity at the moment, that I can tell, but that may change.

    I do have to agree with CrazyTrackLady though -- I have 3, no -- 4 different stories started. One of them has the beginning, half of chapter 1, part of a middle, another middle part, and the ending done. Just start writing and stay consistent.
  • Great advice, thanks CTL
  • If there is one, or someone starts, a writers group, please let me know. I want to join and be active in it.
  • CrazyTrackLady
    CrazyTrackLady Posts: 1,337 Member
    Great advice, thanks CTL

  • alexisdc
    alexisdc Posts: 117 Member
    Hey there - my husband writes fantasy too; the D&D type fantasy :) Let me ask him if he would be willing to exchange emails with you and you two could possibly read eachothers and provide some peer to peer critique. -Alexis