Mother of all charlie horses... HELP!

Background story: This morning around 2 AM or so I awoke out of a nice deep sleep, SCREAMING! My calf muscle was in so much pain I started crying, tried to get up fell out of my darn bed, significant other wakes up thinking someone broke into the house, ready for a fight but instead finds me on the floor holding my calf crying like a baby.

I am no stranger to having the occasional charlie horse, but NEVER had I felt one like that. It's been eight hours since and my calf still extremely sore and feels like someone repeatedly punched me in an isolated spot. I've increased my water intake the last two weeks, I take multivitamins regularly, stretch before every work out, and eat the occasional banana.

What on earth could have caused a pain like that? Possible strained muscle from running? I'm at a loss... my grandmother had a similar pain a few weeks back and ended up having a blood clot, but I'd like to stay positive here.

Any one experience the same thing, if so whats your remedy?

P.S. I'm not pregnant.


  • Kxgz
    Kxgz Posts: 198 Member
    I had one the other night that went from the top of my thigh down to my food. It was excruciating. I don't really know what to do about these cramps I get but I get them often. I am hoping yoga will help in lengthening the muscles which I would think would help prevent cramps. Hope you feel better soon : )
  • Capt_Inzane
    Capt_Inzane Posts: 733 Member
    Are you doing cold stretches or warm?

    Maybe warm your body up a bit then stretch if your not and stretch after you workout.

    If you're getting them frequently you may want to speak with a doctor as there could be an imbalance.
  • littlemissnotfit
    Kxgz -- They're awful aren't they? If you're getting them frequently I would let you doctor know next visit. I get them once every 4-6 months but this last one was a nightmare. Feel better as well!

    Zeroaccess -- I do cold stretches in the morning before cardio. I stretch after regularly just a habit after being a dancer growing up, but I will try the warm stretching! Anything that might help prevent that again I'm game. Thanks for the suggestion and if I keep getting them will definitely contact my Dr.
  • dansnewstart
    dansnewstart Posts: 4 Member
    I get them all the time too. They're the worst. I've heard that adding magnesium to your diet can help so I now take a supplement and it has seemed to help some. Good luck.
  • jqh23
    jqh23 Posts: 311 Member
    I once had a charlie horse in my foot last 6 hours, I couldn't walk.. went to the ER and spent 2 weeks in crutches with a sprained foot.

    if rolling it doesn't help, I'd call for an appointment with your GP
  • flobag83
    flobag83 Posts: 23 Member
    I've had this happen to me too! I would say I get them every 4-6 months as well, and I'm glad you posted this topic because I'm extremely interested in what other people have to say about this.

    The last time this happened to me it was the exact same story (except that I didn't fall off the bed :smile: ) but it was in the middle of the night and I woke up my boyfriend from my scream of pain. And then my calves were sore the next day too.

    I learned that you have to flex your foot, I get in fetal position and hold them stretching that muscle out as much as possible. One other time it happened I realized I had been sleeping with my feet hanging off of the bed... do you sleep like this? because that might be the issue too... i don't know though. but it does hurt sooo bad and it's one of those lingering excruciating pains!

    P.S. are you pregnant? LOL that made me laugh :laugh:
  • mourningkiss
    You mentioned that you eat the occasional banana, but I have heard you should eat a banana WHEN you get a charlie horse. People have said it will prompt almost immediate relief. I have not had a charlie horse since I was a child so unfortunately I cannot speak from personal experience.


  • littlemissnotfit
    Thank you all for your suggestions! I will try all of the above. Adding magnesium to my diet never occurred to me I will give that a shot.

    jqh23 -- Six hours!? Holy smokes that sounds awful I hope to never experience that.

    flobag83 -- I've been stretching like crazy, trying to roll the soreness out. Not working, but not making it any worse either. I'm glad someone had a similar experience, the boyfriend thought I was nuts LOL :ohwell: . The only reason I added P.S. I'm not pregnant is because that was the first thing my mother asked me this morning when I told her about the crazy experience (she really wants grandkids), but I have heard its common among women who are pregnant to get charlie horses often.
  • Lesley2901
    Lesley2901 Posts: 372 Member
    Stretching, particularly after a workout is important and should help

    When it does occur try covering your mouth and nose with cupped hands so that you are breathing in the air you have just breathed out. After a few deep breaths you will find that the pain has eased.

    My daughter was taught the above tip by her dance teacher a quite a few years ago and it really does work.

    If it's happening frequently it may be worth visiting your doctor.
  • stephaniemartin42
    You may have a mineral deficiency. Try supplementing with magnesium, calcium, and potassium. I eat lots of avocados for the potassium, drink almond milk that's fortified with calcium in my smoothies every day, and take a magnesium supplement and I rarely get muscle cramps anymore.
  • caribear1984
    caribear1984 Posts: 203
    I would also suggest an epsom salt bath. Epsom salts are magnesium salts and you absorb them through the skin, which is why they're such a popular remedy. Even just soaking your feet may help if you don't have a bathtub.
  • megge6537
    megge6537 Posts: 10
    I can attest that eating a banana when the cramp happens helps tremendously (like within 10 mins). I get them in my feet sometimes & no amount of stretching helps. Running the shower/hot water on it helps relax it a bit but does not fully make the cramp go away for me.

    My DH found me writhing in pain at 11:45pm one night & ran to the store to buy me bananas!
    I've also taken a multivitamin with lots of potassium/magnesium when I'm in so much pain & it also worked in about the same timeframe.
  • lilpoindexter
    lilpoindexter Posts: 1,122 Member
    I started bike riding about a year ago. I frequently push myself further than my watery muscles can handle. I get cramps like a Mutha. in my particular case, If I keep covered up during my bike riding (so my legs don't get cold) I tend to get as many, or cramp as hard. I down a 20oz gatorade before my riding, which helps, but not 100%. Once I have one....If I can contort my body so i can massage the muscle, it helps the pain dissipate...the muscle is usually hard as rock, and touching it relieves the pain, yet induces a pain of it's own. Stretching after my bike ride helps a little, but again, not 100%
  • Doodlewhopper
    Doodlewhopper Posts: 1,018 Member


    As I recall there was a comparison test and pickle juice was found to be effective.
  • kcmsmith0405
    kcmsmith0405 Posts: 259 Member
    Magnesium by itself (it doesn't work as well if you take it with calcium though you do need calcium too). If you take calcium and magnesium together take another magnesium some other time during the day alone. As far as potassium goes, add bananas or pistachios and you won't need to take supplements for that. The Epsom salt bath also works very well since it is magnesium and is skin absorbable.
    I had horrible leg and feet cramps for years until I found a natural doctor who told me to do this. It actually took a while to stop getting them completely, but if I needed to I would double up on the magnesium. Now I just take one every day or every other and an extra if I start feeling them come back.

    Good luck!

  • logicman69
    logicman69 Posts: 1,034 Member
    but I have heard its common among women who are pregnant to get charlie horses often.

    CRAP!! I Might be pregnent them. I get them often!!! :laugh:

    Seriously. If the pain doesn't go away after a day, head to the doctors. You mentioned that your grandmother had similar pain that turned out to be a blood lot. Better to get it checked early than find out the hard way that is was somethign worse (I know from experiance.... trust me, catch things early!)
  • ctalimenti
    ctalimenti Posts: 865 Member
    The other members have some good ideas on why you are getting them. I will agree with the member who gave you a strategy on how to relieve them. He is right. You will have instant relief. Point your toes upward so you lengthen/stretch the calf and the pain instantly goes away.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    Magnesium. I've been using the tablets, but apparently the oil/lotion works awesomely too.
  • emy61032
    emy61032 Posts: 10 Member
    yes-magnesium. I used to get charlie horses all the time. And, since taking calcium-magnesium supplements I rarely get them anymore.