30 day shred. Every day or not??

Hi everyone. I started the 30 day shred yesterday. I felt fine afterwards just a little bit tired. Did it again this morning and my thighs, calfs and upper arms are sore. Calfs are the worst it's hard to walk (but I'm continuing to walk about.) I was hoping to do the shred every day, and my friend who's an avid gym goer says i should be pushing through the pain in order to get results. However, if I'm in pain, it's going to be harder too do it tomorrow and surely i won't be able to do it effectively if I'm I've got sore muscles?? My main question is should i have a rest day or just man through!? And will my muscles ache after each go and level?!?

Bit of background about me. I'm 176lb and i don't do any physical activity at all usually just a bit of walking probably about 2 hours a week


  • rahlpn
    rahlpn Posts: 551 Member
    Push through it. I did 30DS in March and day 3 I could barely get on or off the toilet and stairs were torture. I did take one rest day a week, 6 days straight then one day off. Try a light 10-15 minute walk outside then come in and do the 30DS, once your muscles warm up you can stretch them good and you should be able to power through the workout. Being sedentary and "resting" will just stiffen your muscles even more. Eat some protein, some potassium and drink plenty of water (your muscles need it to repair) or Gatorade. Ibuprofen is helpful too. Good luck! I lost 11 lbs with the 30DS :)
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    You probably won't hurt yourself if you push through and continue. I'd say keep doing it, but have a rest day every few days.

    ETA: If anything but your muscles is sore (knee, ankle, etc), take a day off and let it get better.
  • Shagilmore
    Shagilmore Posts: 5
    I'm going to start my 30 Day Shred today. Really looking forward to it but I know I'm going to be sore.....

    Good Luck Everyone
  • meganfoster12
    meganfoster12 Posts: 411 Member
    I push through the pain; I take a 1 day break between each levels....
  • BJJGirl79
    BJJGirl79 Posts: 6
    Push through it. The soreness is lactic acid that has been released from your muscles due to inactivity. It's going to last for a little while, but after a few days, the soreness will wear off. Drink plenty of plain water, take ibuprofen as needed, ice sore joints, and heat sore muscles.
    The warmup before the workout is extremely important too. Warm up before any stretching, and don't stretch too long, or the warmup was for nothing.
    I promise it gets better, and no, you won't be sore after EVERY workout. It's only in the beginning. It sucks, yes, but no pain, no gain! Stick with it!
    Starting the first day is an amazing step to your goals!
  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    Jillian Michaels herself said that she never expected people to finish 30 Day Shred in 30 days straight. Only you can decide what your body is telling you, but yes the system is meant to have a few days off here and there.
  • nabzilla_uk
    nabzilla_uk Posts: 45 Member
    I did it every day for about 20 days, but I spoke to someone really ripped at work and he said you shouldnt do any muscle training for more than two days in a row. I'm not sure how accurate this info is, but he's really beefed up so I was going to give it a try next time i do it.
  • rinn09103974
    Thanks for the replies everyone. This is what i was hoping you would say :) . I didn't feel like her warm up "warmed me up" enough, so i think tomorrow I'll do her warm up then do my own!! I've been drinking loads of water and eating plenty of carbs and protein!!! It's just my muscles that hurt but if anything else hurts I'll stop.
  • thomaseggleton
    My wife and I just started and we're looking to do it on weekday mornings. We have to get up and out for 6:00am daily so getting up at 4:20 and having it done by 5:00 gives us a nice boost in the morning. We don't plan on doing it on the weekends as that's our only chance to sleep in :P
  • 1223345
    1223345 Posts: 1,386 Member
    I think 3 times a week, but I have heard of people going for 5 once they got used to it.
  • LisaD1025
    LisaD1025 Posts: 74 Member
    I power through it. After day one my calves are always KILLING me (all those damn jumping jacks), but pushing through it and not taking a day off right away helps me and I feel better on day three.

    You'll see amazing improvement super fast with that program. I love it!!
  • Becks41319
    Becks41319 Posts: 156 Member
    I'm probably just repeating what everyone else has said, but I say power through! I'm on the third day today and I'm actually feeling a lot better than I was yesterday. I'm pushing through you can too! Also, I used to play sports in high school, we didn't get rest days other than of course the weekend but I suspect if the coach could have, he'd have had us working out those days too.
    GRUNO Posts: 98
    I started 30DS again on Saturday. I did it three days in a row. After the first day I was a bit stiff and sore. Doing the work out again actually helped ease some of the pain and stiffness. I do think you need a better warm up. I get on my exercise bike or elipitical for about 5 minutes before starting the video and doing her short warm up.
  • Becks41319
    Becks41319 Posts: 156 Member
    I started 30DS again on Saturday. I did it three days in a row. After the first day I was a bit stiff and sore. Doing the work out again actually helped ease some of the pain and stiffness. I do think you need a better warm up. I get on my exercise bike or elipitical for about 5 minutes before starting the video and doing her short warm up.

    I usually do the walk with my dog and a run beforehand so I have already gotten a lot of cardio in before starting.
    GRUNO Posts: 98
    That's a good idea, I walk my dogs most days anyway. I think part of the reason the warm up so short is because the producers wanted the routine to come in under 30 minutes. I also do some additional stretching at the end.
  • lynnelynsey
    lynnelynsey Posts: 20
    thanx for this post.i have terrible pains in my legs after 5 days and couldn't do it today.will push myself tomorrow now i know its normal.lol
  • crowesnest16
    crowesnest16 Posts: 58 Member
    Just finished Day 2 and can really feel it - felt better than I did yesterday though and recovery was quicker - downing lots of water and did more stretches after.... my plan is to try and do it every day at least for Level 1!
    Good luck - I keep hearing it gets better and you actually want to move onto Level 2 by the time you have got to day 8/9 - I'll believe it when I get there!!
  • Becks41319
    Becks41319 Posts: 156 Member
    thanx for this post.i have terrible pains in my legs after 5 days and couldn't do it today.will push myself tomorrow now i know its normal.lol

    It is very normal. I have experience with heavy everyday work outs from high school, sadly I got out of that once I didn't have a coach pushing me to run faster, climb the steps quicker, do more push ups, etc...soreness is a good thing. It means you are doing something right. It'll fade, which usually means it's time to take it up a notch (if you are not where you want to be of course).
  • Becks41319
    Becks41319 Posts: 156 Member
    Just finished Day 2 and can really feel it - felt better than I did yesterday though and recovery was quicker - downing lots of water and did more stretches after.... my plan is to try and do it every day at least for Level 1!
    Good luck - I keep hearing it gets better and you actually want to move onto Level 2 by the time you have got to day 8/9 - I'll believe it when I get there!!

    From what I've read and what I know from my history in training, doing the same thing over and over for days upon days will slowly bring your muscles up to par with that work out and you'll know you've hit it when it stops burning so much which means you will be ready to move up of course because you are not working as hard anymore. It's like learning to run a mile. You run a little ways over and over and over until it gets so easy you hardly get winded then you know it's time to up it and push yourself again with a little more distance.
  • katinachaos
    katinachaos Posts: 90 Member
    If your muscle pain isn't allowing you to do the exercises properly, take a day off. I know occasionally my quad pain made it so my lunges were super shaky, so rather than topple over or not have proper form, I'd take a day off or replace that particular exercise with something else. Sometimes muscle pain isn't because you just need to "power through it". You could be doing the exercises incorrectly in the first place so pay attention to what hurts and what causes it and check you're not doing any damage.