Dog People--advice wanted!



  • downinaggieland98
    downinaggieland98 Posts: 224 Member
    I don't use any of that stuff... I'm all about low maintenance animals. Don't like the food that I feed the other dogs, too bad, you'll eat it when you're hungry enough. lol

    What? That makes me sad. Heartworm disease is 100% preventable and if you own a dog, you should take care of the dog.
  • WattsJA
    WattsJA Posts: 160 Member
    As someone who has rescued an abused dog (neglect) .. YES you MUST use the HG. The dog I adopted was recovered due to abuse by neglect .. and guess what his #1 problem was ...... EXTREME heartworm infestation. It was bad enough that the vet wasn't sure he would survive the first dose of HG because he was so weak .. and then if the HG killed to many at once, they could break free and clog the heart.

    I am happy to report that he is 100% heartworm NEGATIVE .. but he gets HG one a month .. EVERY month on the FIRST Saturday of the month.

    Don't think that just because your dog is "indoors" they can't / won't get heartworms. That is just a built in expense of pet owning .. much like dog food.
  • thecanface
    thecanface Posts: 1,180 Member
    have to get the medicine? YES! if you want the thing to live a good life.

    have to get that brand? No. there are cheaper options.
  • rbn_held
    rbn_held Posts: 682 Member
    Just a not for those looking for the cheap way out. cheaper is not always better. Stay away from anything made by Hartz, I worked at a vet and we had numerous ailments and deaths due to Hartz products. Just a warning. I don't know how stores are allowed to sell products that are known to be harmful.
  • Alison12121
    Alison12121 Posts: 198 Member
    I know the stuff is expensive, but it's very necessary. I've seen dogs die of heartworm before, and it's awful, but it's easily preventable.

    I get Iverhart (for heartworm prevention) from the vet, but I get my Frontline Plus from I buy it directly from (not a third party seller) and it's so much cheaper there than at the vet or PetSmart, Petco or the vet. I can get a year supply from Amazon for the price of a 6 month supply from PetSmart or Petco, so you might want to check it out.
  • DalekBrittany
    DalekBrittany Posts: 1,748 Member
    I don't use any of that stuff... I'm all about low maintenance animals. Don't like the food that I feed the other dogs, too bad, you'll eat it when you're hungry enough. lol

    What? That makes me sad. Heartworm disease is 100% preventable and if you own a dog, you should take care of the dog.

    Yeah...not everyone can afford the top-of-the-line stuff, but there is no reason to cheap out on it, either. Do your research, find a product that both you and your dog are happy with. Don't buy something just because it is cheap.

    I live with my MIL. I have a Chorkie (Chihuahua/Yorkie mix) and she has a Chihuahua. Both of them are the same size and should be the same weight. They both get fed twice a day, once in the morning and once in the evening. I feed my dog Blue Buffalo dry food (which I realize not everyone can afford) with a fish protein instead of chicken or beef, as recommended by her vet for dry skin problems. She now has no problems with dry skin, has a beautiful coat, has a healthy digestive system (I could set a watch by her bowel movements :laugh:) and is a healthy 7.4 pounds.

    My MIL's dog, on the other hand, gets fed only wet food, I think it's Pedigree, and it's made with chicken by-product, "meat by-product" (would love to know what that is O.o) and artificial coloring, among many other things. She has many bowel movements per day, has terribly dry skin, and is 11 pounds, which led to her having hip problems. No matter how hard they try to get her to lose weight, it is not coming off, but they refuse to switch brands. They say she "only will eat wet food",but more than once I have caught her having a few kibbles left over from my dog's food. I even offered to let them use ours and we can both pitch in on the next bag. Sometimes, buying cheap food may help you in one aspect, but the money they are now spending on vet bills trying to control her weight could have been spent buying better food.
  • kasslass2
    kasslass2 Posts: 337 Member
    I use both on my babies and they are worth every last penny :)
  • cookiealbright
    cookiealbright Posts: 605 Member
    I get mine at and never had any problems. My big old dog now has to take fish oil for his joints - recommended by his vet. I just get that at any store and I take what he takes. I love that dumb old dog!
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    bump for later.

    just my 2 cents, I have 1 dog and while he's not exposed to other dogs that much nor do we have a yard for him to play in, I walk him everyday and give him trifexis once a month because I rather be safe than sorry.
  • MelsAuntie
    MelsAuntie Posts: 2,833 Member
    I don't, because of the expense and because we rarely see a mosquito here. Maybe two per summer.
  • MorgueBabe
    MorgueBabe Posts: 1,188 Member

    heartworm protection is super important. It's one pill once a month... super low maintenance and easy.
  • DalekBrittany
    DalekBrittany Posts: 1,748 Member

    heartworm protection is super important. It's one pill once a month... super low maintenance and easy.

    And, you don't have to worry about forcing them to take it...most are chewable and beef flavored.
  • MorgueBabe
    MorgueBabe Posts: 1,188 Member

    heartworm protection is super important. It's one pill once a month... super low maintenance and easy.

    And, you don't have to worry about forcing them to take it...most are chewable and beef flavored.

    Yup, we just plop it in their food bowls once a month.

    Gwen, the German Shepard in my picture is far from low maintenance.

    Every morning she gets a joint pill, Tylan powder, pepcid, and a steroid. She's got IBS and lymphectasia (AND Protein Losing Entropy) she is also on a very strict home made diet.

    Our hound was a stray in the carolinas before we rescued him, when we got him he was tested positive for heartworm, it's very dangerous for us to take him off of that. He goes to day care, and plays in our yard.
  • MorgueBabe
    MorgueBabe Posts: 1,188 Member
    People, take care of your animals or don't have them. It IS a choice.

    Thank you.
  • DalekBrittany
    DalekBrittany Posts: 1,748 Member

    heartworm protection is super important. It's one pill once a month... super low maintenance and easy.

    And, you don't have to worry about forcing them to take it...most are chewable and beef flavored.

    Yup, we just plop it in their food bowls once a month.

    Gwen, the German Shepard in my picture is far from low maintenance.

    Every morning she gets a joint pill, Tylan powder, pepcid, and a steroid. She's got IBS and lymphectasia (AND Protein Losing Entropy) she is also on a very strict home made diet.

    Our hound was a stray in the carolinas before we rescued him, when we got him he was tested positive for heartworm, it's very dangerous for us to take him off of that. He goes to day care, and plays in our yard.

    Poor baby :( But at least she has a good, responsible momma looking after her! :flowerforyou: I grew up with two shepherds, the first one died when I was about 16, the other died about a week ago. They both had problems with their joints, I guess it's common with shepherds.
  • MorgueBabe
    MorgueBabe Posts: 1,188 Member

    Poor baby :( But at least she has a good, responsible momma looking after her! :flowerforyou: I grew up with two shepherds, the first one died when I was about 16, the other died about a week ago. They both had problems with their joints, I guess it's common with shepherds.

    So sorry about the loss (have you read Rainbow Bridge)
    Oh it is so are digestive issues. She's got both. We've only had her since November. She's a great dog. We suspect someone dumped her (the rescue found her as a stray)... because of all her medical issues.

    Oh we also have to give her a B12 shot once a week. This poor thing.
  • Nikki_G30
    Nikki_G30 Posts: 72 Member
    It depends on where you live and the vet you use. If we don't leave our county in the summer then our vet says we don't need to use Heartguard. We do a lot of camping, etc around the state so we give Heartguard to our dog May-Oct. The affects from heartworm are horrible and very painful for the dog so to us it a no brainer. Heartworm is from mosquitoes and can easily be prevented. As for frontline, we do not use that as fleas are not an issue here and we always check for ticks after a hike.
  • doc800
    doc800 Posts: 148
    My advice, get the dog a good home. These things are necessary, if your skeptical about this then how will you face a real vet bill should something come up. Gold fish, cheap, don't eat much and easy to flush
  • quicklabs
    quicklabs Posts: 254 Member
    Heartgard--absolutely. Frontline, we tend to skip since they have never had a flea or a tick (I have two Labs, ages 13 and 9)
  • lripson28
    lripson28 Posts: 213 Member
    Personally, I think it depends on what you do with your dog and how much outdoor activity they see. If they are not around a lot of other dogs, IE dog parks, doggy daycare, etc.. then they may not be necessary. I give my 3 heartguard but not frontline... I live in the city and they are not playing in the woods or in tall grass so I don't think the frontline is useful. If you do want your dog to be on the meds try calling different vets or even research online to see if you can get better pricing. You don't have to go through your vet for it. Good Luck!!

    I agree. We don't give our dogs Heartguard because they're not around other dogs other than each other too often. And we are outside with them and constantly watching them when they are. We do give Frontline though because we have a cabin out in the country and they're always out running around the fields. You should not have pets if you can't afford or don't want to take care of the things that they need!