Vampire, Ghost, or Werewolf? which & why?



  • CuteBikini
    CuteBikini Posts: 16
    Definately a VAMPIRE!!! More like the ones in True Blood !!! *-* Not like Twilight -.-

    1) They can do whatever they want and don't give an eff.
    2) They always are monsters so when somebody/something attacks them,they can always defend theirselves not like the werevolves that are only strong on the full moon.
    3) I admit...I have a thing for necks. D: !!!
    4) They have some really really badass looking fangs and DUH,they can live FOREVER! :D
  • Can I just go completely in a different direction and say mermaid? Or a vampire mermaid?:wink:
  • Svolt
    Svolt Posts: 284 Member
    Vampire, True Blood Style ....mmm Erik Northman lol

    What she said. Plus, being immortal would be better than being a werewolf or just being a dead (ghost) :wink:
  • JessFox33
    JessFox33 Posts: 66 Member
    Definitely a vampire because I love to bite...and to be bitten! ;)
  • Capt_Inzane
    Capt_Inzane Posts: 733 Member
    Depends on what your definition of each are.

    Twilight : Yea you get to sparkle! and who knows what groovy power you'll get
    Dracula : Yea you get to turn into a bat and there's always a pretty girl involved somewhere
    30 days of night : umm they seemed crazy but your still on top of the food chain so probably yea
    Vampire Diaries: You get to compel people...I can't tell you how much havoc I'd cause with this but you are kinda squishy
    True Blood: Yea, about the same as Vampire Diaries though except they can at least go in the sun

    Werewolf: Just got old lore don't know any of the new werewolf stuff but basically increased agility as a human and kinda furry during a full moon. Just doesn't seem as fun to me for some reason
    Hemlock Grove: I don't want to turn into a dog just bleh

    Ghost: Generally would be fun to go into the girl's locker room and what not but you can't really do much except be a voyeur and that just seems creepy
  • MistressAella
    MistressAella Posts: 99 Member
    Vampire of the Anne Rice or True Blood style.

    Also, werewolf, so I can turn and eat all the glittery vampires!

    YES! I was waiting for an Anne Rice fan! *pow* extra points for you. And, duh.. of course Vampire... my first order of business would be to "talk" to Stephanie Meyers... >_<
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