5'1"...What is yalls final wieght/goal?



  • janel867
    janel867 Posts: 53
    I'm 5'2" and my goal weight is 125...realistically I'd be THRILLED with 135 or lower though.
  • Lincolnlady217
    Lincolnlady217 Posts: 49 Member
    I'm 5 ft (used to be 5'1" but I guess I shrunk lol!) and I am aiming for 120-125lbs. Having said that, I have no idea what I will feel like as I get smaller because I haven't been that small since my early twenties (48 yrs old now) but I am setting that as my goal and I expect I will be there by the end of the year (knock on wood!)

    I'm going all the way this time as I'm NEVER going back to being overweight/obese! I will be FABULOUS by fifty, that will be my gift to myself! :)))
  • hungryhobbit1
    hungryhobbit1 Posts: 259 Member
    I am 5 feet tall, shooting for 130 pounds and then if and when I get there I'll re-evaluate. I know what you mean about the "healthy" weight range thing. The only time I've ever weighed under 100 pounds I was extremely unhealthy. My arm muscles actually wasted, it was gross. Since my kids, it's been difficult for me to go under 130, I do really well up until that point and then I get frustrated, stall and gain it all back.

    I'm trying to set myself up for the expectation that I will keep tracking my food and exercise for the rest of my life. Otherwise, the hobbit genes start telling me to stay inside and eat more. But I also don't want to get hung up this time on comparing myself to other people, or to what a size tag says. I have very wide hips so it's very difficult for me to go below a size 10, I'll be 40 years old by the time I'm back down there and I think that's old enough to grow up about such things and be happy with myself.
  • totem12
    totem12 Posts: 194 Member
    I'm just about 5'2" and the lowest I ever weighed was 100lb when I was at university. Since I left my weight crept up to about 122, which I've now got down to 114. Not that there was anything wrong with being 122, but it was depressing to not fit into any of my old clothes and I definitely suit being slimmer. I like the way I look but might go for a couple more pounds just to see if the fat at the top of my thighs and on my hips will EVER go away. Downside - need new bras :sad:
  • stephaniewindus
    stephaniewindus Posts: 3 Member
    I started in the 160s when I got on MFP. I'm currently 132. This is the lowest weight I've been since I was in middle school. I'm shooting for 125. Hopefully, I will feel comfortable there.
  • potluck965
    potluck965 Posts: 529 Member
    I'm in my sixties now and 125 at almost 5'2" seems to be the best I can do. When I try to go below it means real food deprivation, stomach aches, misery. I have various physical problems that make it hard for me to do a lot of exercise and heavy lifting is out of the question now.

    I actually look half decent except right around the middle and probably wouldn't look that much better even with another 5 pounds off. I feel pretty good about my weight and I am quite flexible and able to get around well because of the weight loss.

    No matter how thin I get, I am still going to be me and old and saggy. You can put lipstick on a pig, but it is still a pig :blushing:
  • ShaniWulffe
    ShaniWulffe Posts: 458 Member
    I'm somewhere around 5'2" to 5'4" (depending on the day lol), and my goal weight is 118. Right now, I'm around 122
  • melindasuefritz
    melindasuefritz Posts: 3,509 Member
    according to BMI
    u need to be 132 to be in healthy weight range
  • sunnyskys2013
    sunnyskys2013 Posts: 159 Member
    I'm 5'1 was 117# when my husband an i got together 12 year and 6 kids ago.. Would love to get there again.
  • lrosemoore1
    lrosemoore1 Posts: 22 Member
    I'm 39 and 5' 1", I was a happy 119 in college, 123 when I met my husband, and 130 when I got married. After staying home with the kids I grew to 165 and lost 30 with WW. Now I've crept back up to 154 and discovered MFP and making my way back down. I'd be happy to be 130 right now and will work lower if I'm successful.
  • I am 5'2" and have set a goal weight of 145. I currently weight 227.8. Years past I weighed 219 lbs and went down to 135 and did not like being that small. I was happy and comfortable at 150 lbs. That is why I set 145 as my set weight (gives me a 5 lbs. fluctuation zone). I am older, my children are grown and I am not looking to be appealing to anyone but myself.