ladies with strong legs

My boyfriend worked out with me today and I could lift more with one leg than he could with both of his on the leg press machine. I love having strong legs much more than I would arm strength. I actually did 320 lbs with one leg, very proud of myself


  • curds
    curds Posts: 201 Member
    wait what? 320 pounds *mind boggled*, I think I have strong legs and I can definitely go the distance in leg workouts, but wow 320! I don't even need to convert that to Kgs to know I'm out matched! Congrats!!!!

    hehehe ps: I'm also stronger than my bf in leg workouts (only) so perhaps its just a female thing!
  • blobby10
    blobby10 Posts: 357 Member
    Wow that's impressive! I was feeling chuffed with myself for getting to 90kgs using BOTH legs!
  • vstraughan
    vstraughan Posts: 163 Member
    Agree! Despite my boyf being a skier he can't come close to matching me on leg strength. I think it must be a female thing!
  • samgolod
    samgolod Posts: 93 Member
    apparently it is - according the NROLFW women are more 'quad dominant' - but apparently that isn't a totally great thing and I can't remember why now!
  • Elf_Princess1210
    Elf_Princess1210 Posts: 895 Member
    Women tend to have a stronger lower body than men do. good going on the 320lbs though.
  • xampx
    xampx Posts: 323 Member
    I think that naturally, women have stronger legs and weaker arms and men are opposite. Not sure if thats real life actual proof or anything, but until I am told otherwise, I will carry on believing that.

    I am fairly new to lifting and I can do 250lbs on the leg press, because thats how fat I was and thats what I used to carry around on a daily basis. My arms can lift about 60lbs. Without even testing the theory, I can assure you that my bf cannot do 250 with his legs, but without any training I think his arms are stronger than mine. He can lift stuff around the house that I can't.
  • chymerra
    chymerra Posts: 212
    many guys hate doing legs; they prefer doing upper body only and it makes me laugh when i can squat more then them and they look like a hulk standing next to me.
  • dietcokeg
    dietcokeg Posts: 68 Member
    thats brilliant, well done!! i can leg press 220lbs at the moment and going to increase it little by little! i love lifting heavy! i am however working on my upper body as the max i can lift with a machine is 55lbs and with free weights i can only do about 15lbs! looking on improving my arms big time, i love a challenge! more power to you for lifting 320!
  • rachaelr22
    rachaelr22 Posts: 32
    thats brilliant, well done!! i can leg press 220lbs at the moment and going to increase it little by little! i love lifting heavy! i am however working on my upper body as the max i can lift with a machine is 55lbs and with free weights i can only do about 15lbs! looking on improving my arms big time, i love a challenge! more power to you for lifting 320!
    thanks, good luck on your upper body, that's where I need help
  • BarackMeLikeAHurricane
    BarackMeLikeAHurricane Posts: 3,400 Member
    >using the leg press instead of just doing squats
  • rachaelr22
    rachaelr22 Posts: 32
    many guys hate doing legs; they prefer doing upper body only and it makes me laugh when i can squat more then them and they look like a hulk standing next to me.
  • BarackMeLikeAHurricane
    BarackMeLikeAHurricane Posts: 3,400 Member
    Here's my dad (his username is cptmiabn on here if anyone want to add him :smile: ) leg pressing 1,010lbs. I taught him how to squat last week and he made it to 115lbs. Leg press is not a good indication of leg strength. It doesn't allow full range of motion and the machine does most of the work for you.
    Click "save pic" to see the whole pic. Cba to resize it.
  • rachaelr22
    rachaelr22 Posts: 32
    Here's my dad (his username is cptmiabn on here if anyone want to add him :smile: ) leg pressing 1,010lbs. I taught him how to squat last week and he made it to 115lbs. Leg press is not a good indication of leg strength. It doesn't allow full range of motion and the machine does most of the work for you.
    Click "save pic" to see the whole pic. Cba to resize it.
    makes sense
  • Rowan813
    Rowan813 Posts: 170 Member
    My husband is always surprised by how much I can squat. I set a goal of 100% of my BW. I reached and exceeded that quickly. I really focus on upper body I need it more. I love the people who look so surprised when the little lady is lifting the big weights with the guys. Even better is the look I get from other ladies lifting heavy that says "way to go!"
  • Seekerman
    Seekerman Posts: 58 Member
    I think on average men have stronger legs but the difference is small where in upper body the difference is large. It also depends on the level of training and genetics. I admit I don't train legs very much while my GF does all the time. When I met her I was surprise how strong here legs were but on the other hand her upper body was very weak.

    She runs and bikes hills, does spinning, lunges and squats but not much upper body lifting. She can out squat me by a significant margin (50 pounds) and leg press me by two plates. She goes deeper too and she weighs 50 pounds less. When we go biking or steep trail running she can leave me in her dust. My legs burn and can't keep up but part of that is her excellent cardio. Her leg strength to body ratio is much stronger then mine. I don't do dead lifts often and she can almost match me there lol. Her legs power the weight off the ground so smoothly. On the other hand I can bench more four times her and similar on other upper body exercises. Pound for pound if you combined upper and lower body she has got me beat. Sure I should improve my leg strength and cardio but I am 50 years and 15 years older then her. I am not in a competitive match with her and she is a fitness nut. Her training has given her some very sexy looking legs and butt. Stand us side by side with our clothes on you would say I am many times stronger. On the beach reveals where she got me whooped.
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    In for skull crushing thighs! :drinker:
  • Daisy_Cutter_
    Daisy_Cutter_ Posts: 386 Member
    Here's my dad (his username is cptmiabn on here if anyone want to add him :smile: ) leg pressing 1,010lbs. I taught him how to squat last week and he made it to 115lbs. Leg press is not a good indication of leg strength. It doesn't allow full range of motion and the machine does most of the work for you.
    Click "save pic" to see the whole pic. Cba to resize it.

    Hmmm, In my opinion squats and leg press work your muscles differently.

    Have you tried to press 1000+ pounds? Are you able to? I sure as he11 will not knock ANYONE that can press 1000 pounds. Your dad is amazing.
  • Seekerman
    Seekerman Posts: 58 Member
    I meant to say though my dead lift is heavier pound for pound lower body and dead lifts she has more strength. But pound for pound upper body she is not even half as strong
  • InnerConflict
    InnerConflict Posts: 1,592 Member
  • Seekerman
    Seekerman Posts: 58 Member
    The thing about leg press is the weight means nothing unless you know how far down the lift is. Like squats, I see people doing heavy quarter and half deep squats. Even I go parallel but the weight don't look impressive. Still 1000 pounds is amazing. My GF does deep legs presses with 540 lbs for 10 reps which I find impressive. I can't do it. Her squats are *kitten* to grass too with more weight then I can do to parallel lol.