Aaahh!! My daughter wants a thigh gap!!!

OMG! My 14 year old daughter was just talking to me about certain people who she's *sure* have a thigh gap, and as much as I tell her that it's not something to aspire to and that she is thin and doesn't need to worry about that and that it's at least partly genetic and not achievable for so many girls... I just don't think she was listening to me! She wants a thigh gap. :(

How do you get them to listen to you? Has anyone managed to convince a young teenager that the *fads* are ... just ... fads??


  • Josephina57
    Josephina57 Posts: 170 Member
    in short: no.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    Tell her to stick her butt out a bit in pictures. Instant thigh gap.

    Ooh. And if I can find it again, I'll give you the name of the book where a girl is horribly embarrassed and acts really weird to hide her thigh gap.
  • NormInv
    NormInv Posts: 3,303 Member
    What the heck is a thigh gap? I have been reading about this a lot. My thighs never met so I dont get it. And also doesnt it depend on the bone structure of your legs? So confusing!!!
  • SniffyDoodle
    SniffyDoodle Posts: 129
    Tell her to stick her butt out a bit in pictures. Instant thigh gap.

    Really??? Never thought of it that way... lol
  • danamariers
    danamariers Posts: 155 Member
    Girls in pics have a thigh gap because their photographers make them pose with their heels out/toes facing in (duck feet).

    This too makes an instant thigh gap, along with sticking your butt out
  • CLFrancois
    CLFrancois Posts: 472 Member
    I just enclosed mine with muscle the last 60 days. IMO, not attractive to have, so I fixed it.
  • inksyrup
    inksyrup Posts: 81 Member
    Show her this photo:
    And tell her that thigh gaps are determined by genetics, and it's not something to aspire to have.
  • nikilis
    nikilis Posts: 2,305 Member
    I have a thigh gap, its filled to the brim with my bawls. hahahahahahaa.

    my bad. I had to.
  • AnJulNZ
    AnJulNZ Posts: 186 Member
    Well, there could be worse fads she's into. And yep, even I can get a gap between my thunder thighs when I stand like a constipated duck.
  • SniffyDoodle
    SniffyDoodle Posts: 129
    What the heck is a thigh gap? I have been reading about this a lot. My thighs never met so I dont get it. And also doesnt it depend on the bone structure of your legs? So confusing!!!

    Lots of pics of "thigh gaps" so you understand...
  • wolveslovemee
    wolveslovemee Posts: 156 Member
    Try and encourage her to focus more on being fit and healthy. When I was 18 and extremely chubby I wanted that "look" too, but then I was completely blown away when I became older and saw what a fit and healthy woman looks like (Jillian Michaels body made me totally change my mind about body perception!). Im 28 now, and it stuck with me forever. Even through many weight up and downs, I still aspire to have a body like her or girls I see who do Crossfit, runners, etc. If she has someone she likes or admires (maybe her mommy! :) and sees positive reinforcement of that type of body, she will drift more towards looking fit.

    On the other hand, people typically just like different things. Shes 14 and hopefully it wont affect her negatively.
  • kishkoway
    kishkoway Posts: 19
    Thigh gap is hip width, and so many people pick on people with the thigh gap like saying how they are riding an invisible horse and I was even reading some young people think its an indication of being sexually active. Not sure anyone should want to aspire to look like that if its not a natural body shape.
  • MorgueBabe
    MorgueBabe Posts: 1,188 Member
    Yup instant thigh gap:

    Stand a little on tip toes.
    Turn knees in
    arch back a bit/stick butt out.
    BOOM thigh gap.
  • SniffyDoodle
    SniffyDoodle Posts: 129
    Show her this photo:
    And tell her that thigh gaps are determined by genetics, and it's not something to aspire to have.

    OMG, love that. lol
  • NormInv
    NormInv Posts: 3,303 Member
    What the heck is a thigh gap? I have been reading about this a lot. My thighs never met so I dont get it. And also doesnt it depend on the bone structure of your legs? So confusing!!!

    Lots of pics of "thigh gaps" so you understand...

    Hmmm...I see some before and after pics and seriously before thigh gap figure is more feminine and sexy.
  • prmilkshake
    prmilkshake Posts: 18
    why?? all those girls look sickly. I cant see a guy thinking thats cute so why do girls???? maybe its cuz i've always had curves but that doesn't seem cute to me.
  • Some_Watery_Tart
    Some_Watery_Tart Posts: 2,250 Member
    My 13 year old daughter is a stick and so has a gap. But when I asked her if all the girls were talking about "thigh gaps", she had no idea what it even was. In fact, she thought it sounded like an injury! Ha ha!

    I would tell your daughter that it's a fad obsession and not to worry about it. Next we'll all be dying to have the "right" earlobes.
  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    Well, there could be worse fads she's into. And yep, even I can get a gap between my thunder thighs when I stand like a constipated duck.

  • BaackOnIt
    BaackOnIt Posts: 26 Member
    What the heck is a thigh gap? I have been reading about this a lot. My thighs never met so I dont get it. And also doesnt it depend on the bone structure of your legs? So confusing!!!

    Lots of pics of "thigh gaps" so you understand...

    Tell your daughter I said that all of those girls look like they eat lettuce sandwiches with no bread for breakfast lunch and dinner. NOT CUTE. Fit is the new sexy!!!!!!!!
  • nikilis
    nikilis Posts: 2,305 Member
    What the heck is a thigh gap? I have been reading about this a lot. My thighs never met so I dont get it. And also doesnt it depend on the bone structure of your legs? So confusing!!!

    Lots of pics of "thigh gaps" so you understand...

    Tell your daughter I said that all of those girls look like they eat lettuce sandwiches with no bread for breakfast lunch and dinner. NOT CUTE. Fit is the new sexy!!!!!!!!

    only to find her eating lettuce sandwiches with no bread for breakfast lunch and dinner. lol.