Confessions of the "I'm Not Giving up Dessert Non- Diet"



  • aimforhealthy
    aimforhealthy Posts: 449 Member
    I've just discovered Skinny Cow ice cream - sandwiches, fudge bars, you name it, and they're 100-150 calories. I have one every day, and chocolate protein shakes, and mocha-flavored coffee with sweet fruits and muffins and stuff in the morning, and I'm losing 1-2 lbs a week.

    In my view, your body works on the supply and demand law of economics. When you create a scarcity of something - sweets you want - it makes it more in-demand for you and you just want it more.

    I do try to eat healthy and clean about 75-80% of the time. But the other times? This is a lifestyle change I've made, and I refuse to deprive myself of anything I really want to eat. I just will have one serving instead of 5 like I used to.
  • nuemmedigg
    nuemmedigg Posts: 220 Member
    I made some changes, but I'm not giving up desserts. Stopped eating cheese danishes, because I couldn't just eat one, and I also try to stick with dark chocolate, because the high sugar in milk chocolates had me in it's grip. I work the calories into my allowance and work out more.
  • xoTalim
    xoTalim Posts: 212 Member
    I do that. :) I love sweets way too much to give them up completely. Whether it's a chocolate granola bar or a piece of cake or something. I mean, I will still watch the calories on them, and I try to go for the lower calorie stuff, but I don't restrict myself completely.
  • SarahBean89
    SarahBean89 Posts: 16
    Not just you. I love food and I refuse to give up anything I enjoy. I'm learning better portion control - MFP helps me to see what I'm really eating - but I would much rather exercise more so that I can eat the things I love (in moderation) than give any of it up completely. I do like to try to find better, healthier versions of ice cream or chocolate or salty snacks. But give them up completely? Never, ever gonna happen.

    Exactly. I think portion control is the key. I could never give up stuff completely (I'm still devastated that I can't have anything with coconut since developing an allergy a few years back), but I am focussing on portioning it out. I may not gorge and have 3 or 4 Oreos with a glass of chocolate milk anymore, but I will still have 1 or 2 if the craving is really bad :smile:
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