

  • leahslooloo
    leahslooloo Posts: 57
    When I worked out my TDEE, I input my exercise as sedentary. That way on days when I don't exercise I eat the basic calories that the calculator suggests but on days when I do exercise I can input my exercise on to MFP and eat some of those calories back. I personally find that an easier way to do it than to guess what your activity level is and it's unlikely that you will be eating too many calories if you calculate on the assumption that you do no exercise.

    If you calculate your TDEE with exercise included, remember that you musn't eat any of your exercise calories back as they are already included.

    what is sedentary sorry if that's a really dumb question :-/
    for the past four weeks I have had my diary set to about 1500-1600 calories and when ive been excersising ive bean eating some calories back so that I net at 1400-1600 is this the same/similar method?
  • leahslooloo
    leahslooloo Posts: 57
    Sedentary: 1933
    Lightly Active: 2216
    Moderately Active: 2498
    Highly Active: 2780
    Extremely Active: 3062

    I'd say go by lightly or moderately active.

    do these numbers have a % deducted or is this what it gave without a deduction
  • BerryH
    BerryH Posts: 4,698 Member
    Average out all your calculated TDEEs. Eat that number of calories for two weeks. See how much your weight goes up or down. Adjust accordingly.

    It's the only way to be 90% accurate or thereabouts, and even when you have that number nailed it will vary depending on your activity levels week on week.
  • jadeyq1
    jadeyq1 Posts: 178 Member
    When I worked out my TDEE, I input my exercise as sedentary. That way on days when I don't exercise I eat the basic calories that the calculator suggests but on days when I do exercise I can input my exercise on to MFP and eat some of those calories back. I personally find that an easier way to do it than to guess what your activity level is and it's unlikely that you will be eating too many calories if you calculate on the assumption that you do no exercise.

    If you calculate your TDEE with exercise included, remember that you musn't eat any of your exercise calories back as they are already included.

    what is sedentary sorry if that's a really dumb question :-/
    for the past four weeks I have had my diary set to about 1500-1600 calories and when ive been excersising ive bean eating some calories back so that I net at 1400-1600 is this the same/similar method?

    Sedentary means pretty much doing nothing, so no exercise involved at all :smile:

    It sounds like you're doing it exactly right already. With the numbers given up there (I'm assuming that's without 20% deducted), your TDEE at sedentary would be 1546 so on days where you do no exercise you could eat that amount and still be eating less than you're burning. When you do do exercise, eat some of those cals back so that you're netting 1546, which you're already doing! So you're doing the right thing as far as I can see! I've been using this method for around a month and I haven't seen the scale move yet but I am losing inches! Measure all your vital parts, I guarantee those numbers have gone down even if the scale hasn't :)
  • rfsatar
    rfsatar Posts: 599 Member
    A couple of things may help...

    Pick ONE site for your calculator and stick with it.
    If you CAN find a site that helps you work out an estimate for your Body Fat % (I am going to assume you don't get it professionally done/use calipers) again find one site and STICK to it.
    It can drive you insane when you see a squillion different values.
    So I use Scooby's Accurate Calorie Calculator, and the Fat2Fit Radio Military Body Fat % calculator. My previous favourite site got itself blacklisted from Google and then by the time it had come back, I had gotten used to Scooby and F2F so I stayed with them.

    If you are starting out and you think you might fall between two stools (So for example Light versus Moderate) then work out BOTH TDEE ranges (I use 15-20%) and you have a RANGE of calories to eat between that should still be less than your overall TDEE.
    If you ever get something like a FitBit, it will give you your burn for the day, and I find that enormously useful to compare against my MFP diary based on my exercise for that day.

    Then it really comes down to guesswork as everyone is different.

    This is a marathon, not a sprint so don't expect it to be an immediate miraculous loss - for me the liberating factor was understanding a LOT more how bored grazing and little/no activity was the combination that did for me.

    And above all - put the effort into understanding this... it IS hard and it took me a good couple of months of reading, re-reading and experimenting with it all ... you will feel more satisfied when you "get" it and see the results... and also results may not mean the scales shifting, but inches coming off your waist/hips and your bodyfat % coming down.

    If you feel you need to adjust up or down, then do it in smaller increments - say between 50-100 calories and above all GIVE IT TIME!
    Don't just try it for a week and then get all annoyed that nothing is shifting.
    I do all my rework when I do my monthly measuring of neck, hips and waist for my bodyfat. I don't measure it at all in between and I only take a scales measurement once a week...

    Patience is the name of the game.
  • jadeyq1
    jadeyq1 Posts: 178 Member
    Oh and yes, from the research I've done it is suggested that you recalculate TDEE for every 5lbs or so that you lose :happy:
  • bobf279
    bobf279 Posts: 342 Member
    how often do you guys update your tdee because obviously it changes with the weight you loose?

    After my weekly weigh in, it doesn't change too much so monthly would probably work just as well
  • Jerrypeoples
    Jerrypeoples Posts: 1,541 Member
    i am not even joking when i say math confuses the hell out of me so any help would be appreciated

    ok, so averaging out my HRM over sleep i burn approx. 97 cals per hour. (487 cals over 5 hours of sleeping). Multiply that by 24 and that is just a smidge over 2300.

    Considering I work out 6 days a week at (45 minutes strength 3 days, 1 hour of cardio per day) i should be eating 3100 cals per day. (my average workout i burn approx 800 cals in that two our period)

    so if i eat back 80% of my TDEE that would be 2480 per day i should eat. over a weeks period that would be dropping 4340 cals or 1.25 lbs per week

    75% = 2325
    70% = 2170
    65% = 1860

    if i am doing my calculations correctly, normally i should eat approx 21700 per week

    @ 75% that would be about 1.5lbs per week
    @ 70% that would be about 1.86lbs per week
    @ 65% that would be about 2.48lbs per week