I know BMI is kind of useless, but still...

I only have 1.5 lb to go until I am just inside the healthy range! So close I can TASTE it! I'm going to get it by the end of the week or die trying :laugh: Anybody else getting close to a goal of theirs?


  • jrsmith
    jrsmith Posts: 4
    congrats!!!!!!! i started one week ago and love to read someones goals are being made..... keep up the good work and thanks for letting us know it can happen!!!!
  • maccabeth
    maccabeth Posts: 111 Member
    Wow! I'm similar to you. I am 1.5lb away from being in the 170s! I'm really hoping I can get there this week. We can do it!! :)
  • elloradannon
    elloradannon Posts: 111
    I am about 5 lbs away from being in a healthy BMI! I feel the same as you.... it will be a great accomplishment! Keep going. You'll get there!