Weigh In Schedules?

I've decided to try to weigh in every 2 weeks, use to try to weigh myself every chance I could but I found that discouraged me easily the first time I tried weightloss.

What's everyone's check in schedules? How hard are you finding it to wait to weigh/measure yourself?


  • mstrickland9
    mstrickland9 Posts: 102
    I try desperately to weight myself only once a week, but without fail it ends up being more like twice weekly. I can't help myself, lol!
  • tryclyn
    tryclyn Posts: 2,414 Member
    I weigh every day for data collection, but only Monday counts for check-in.
  • mocarski002
    mocarski002 Posts: 13 Member
    I weigh myself typically once on the weekends. Right after my workout, first thing in the morning. My fiance and I recently bought our own home so I don't have a scale at our house but I had been using his parents that they have at their house. I try to stick to that schedule now but this week I didn't weight myself until Tuesday evening since we had dinner at his parents. I was anxious at first to weigh myself more often but once a week is good enough. Eventually you get into the routine.
  • m4ttcheek
    m4ttcheek Posts: 229 Member
    Once a week, first thing in the morning(after morning pee).

    Any other time of day will give consistently inconsistent results.
  • JasmineRose14
    JasmineRose14 Posts: 34 Member
    I am on the scale every day (I know, horrible) and I used to 'weigh-in' once a week- until a friend encouraged me to officially weigh-in only once a month, and that has been FABULOUS!
  • pluckabee
    pluckabee Posts: 346 Member
    Erry Day.

    More data poins = more accurate graph plotting!!

    EDIT: I think if you're not going to weigh yourself every day and plot a trend line then you shouldn't be weighing more than every two weeks to account for fluctuations that can make you look like you haven't lost in ages
  • iquiltoo
    iquiltoo Posts: 246 Member
    I weigh every time I go to the gym, just to keep an eye on myself, but I only count the one on Monday for my official. I found it helped me especially when the Monday one was up :noway: because by Wednesday I have been down by more than what I appeared to have gained :happy: , which could be accounted for by any number of things.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Every morning when i get up. If I only weighed every 2 weeks, I'd be crushed if I didn't move. By weighing every day, i can see a pattern, and compare to the previous months... realize that yes the scale isn't moving and maybe I gain a little, but it's been the case every month so far at the same time, and it doesn't mean it won't move down soon.
  • vorgas
    vorgas Posts: 741 Member
    Hardest thing for me to do was ditch the scale. Greatest thing I ever did was ditch the scale. Once a month now, if.

    1: Weight can fluctuate by 3 pounds a day or more.
    2: Safe weight loss max is 2 pounds a week
    3: Daily weight fluctuation of 3 pounds can easily mask a weight loss, and even show a weight gain of 1 pound
    4: Welcome to frustration land at BEST.
    5: Make poor choices to change diet/exercise based on faulty data.

    Weight isn't something I can control. It's a result of the things I do, the choices I make. It's also, generally speaking, the least important health data point.

    A month is a long enough period for actual body changes to overcome daily weight fluctuations. Once I realized that I wanted to change my life and not be on a diet, a month just stopped being a big deal. I'm much happier, and coincidentally seeing much better results.
  • gracielynn1011
    gracielynn1011 Posts: 726 Member
    Weigh in on Saturday mornings. I do measurements every other week usually for recording purposes. Sometimes I will sneak in an extra measuring, but don't record it.
  • Pearsquared
    Pearsquared Posts: 1,656 Member
    I weigh in everyday, right before my shower. I keep in mind the normal fluctuations, and weighing everyday helps keep me on track. Plus, I like plotting all the data points and showing people that yes, weight goes up and down, but it's the overall loss that's important. It looks pretty cool because you can see when I hold steady and when I fluctuate a lot.
  • kidtachyon
    kidtachyon Posts: 32 Member
    I weigh in every day. I know I my weight will bounce around and I'm not bothered by the bounce-ups because I know it will bounce back down.

    For example, last weekend I ate a lot of high-sodium foods and my weight increased by 3 pounds. I knew I didn't eat an extra 10,000 calories to justify such a weight increase and that my weight would come back down. Sure enough, by today those 3 pounds of water weight are gone and I've lost another pound on top of that.

    I help keep myself motivated by weighing every day.