Old habits...

Yesterday I had a bad day at work and was feeling sorry for myself so I made some very bad choices. :sad:

#1 I normally eat my lunch alone so I am not tempted to eat the crap they are serving in the cafe....I went to the cafe for a coffee and walked out with a taco salad bigger than my head. Ate it all.

#2 Feeling angry at myself and still upset from work I decided to go straight to they gym after work....however my foot was hurting. (I'm 9 months post surgery on my foot from an injury at work)...had to stop before I could feel those exercise endorphins that always seem to make everything better.

#3 I allowed my unsupportive hubby talk me into going out to dinner.

#4 I decided to top off the whole bad day with ice cream....already blew it, why not?:explode:

Yesterday I consumed double my calorie goal. Why am I sharing you ask??? MOTIVATION for me and other people. I'm owning up to my bad choices and moving on.

I see too many people on here have a bad day and want to give up. I'm not giving up...I'm putting on my running shoes and headed to the gym as soon as I post this!!! See people if I can do it...you can too!!!:wink:


  • luckyjuls
    luckyjuls Posts: 505 Member
    Awesome post. I used to be one of those people who was so down on themselves when I "failed" a day. But everything is progress, and usually, that day of cheating works out and leads to more weight loss, not only because it shocks your body, but because you gain back that steely determination. As long as you are aware of what your bad choices were, and ready to keep going the next day, it's always going to lead to success.

    Keep going, lady! You got this!
  • cari4jc1
    cari4jc1 Posts: 233
    Good for you!! It's tough sometimes to get back up and keep going when we "fall", but it makes us stronger. Having a bad day isn't what makes us failures. We would be failures if we didn't keep trying. I'm proud of you for succeeding and being an inspiration to us all!! :)
  • thistimewillbedifferent
    thistimewillbedifferent Posts: 217 Member
    Way to go for not letting a bad day turn into a bad week!
  • daniellemm1
    daniellemm1 Posts: 465 Member
    You are going to screw up. I'm going to screw up. We all are. What we do after we screw up is going to make the difference between getting/staying healthy or going back to our old ways. You will be successful in your goals because you did not continue on with the not so great choices but chose instead to get back at it!!! GREAT JOB!!
  • slimforparis
    slimforparis Posts: 51 Member
    MIllesun - this is why I admire you so much. You just keep going. And you log in day after day with good choices and hours of exercise.

    I've read nutritionists talk about applying the 80% / 20% rule to what you eat - so you are miles ahead already because you're so fierce about everything the rest of the time.

    I hope you've had a great time at the gym :smile:
  • bunnymum150
    bunnymum150 Posts: 311
    Carry on my MFP friend!
    One day does not define us.
    take care of that foot so that you do not re-injure or have any set backs.
    I love your attitude - did it, happened, move on.
    Continue on your journey to optimal health:smile::heart: