having a crappy time :/


I am 43 years old..

I have no thyroid...

I am on zoloft - have been for the last 6 months....and gained 20 lbs from it....

While training with my mare approx 4 - 5 days a week, I am literally sweating like bullets and my shirt and my breeches would be wet and my underwear would be soaking wet.....

YET I cannot even lose a pound..........

I don't know why that is......

I have been improving my dietary intake and so on lately....


HELP!!! Please!!!!


  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    I believe that there is a group on here for people with thyroid issues. If you do a search you should be able to find it. :smile:
  • crystalflame
    crystalflame Posts: 1,049 Member
    Well, first of all, sweat directly doesn't translate into burning calories. It's a result of the temperature and humidity in the environment you're working in. You can be sitting outside doing nothing on a hot day and have sweat pouring off of you. I would suggest looking up "horseback riding" in the MFP exercise database, assume MFP is overestimating your calories burned (it seems to do that for most exercises) and cut the calories it says you burned in half. Then eat your daily calorie allotment plus those exercise calories.

    Also, make sure MFP's calorie suggestion is appropriate for you by calculating your BMR and TDEE. You should be eating somewhere between those numbers (probably close to BMR for you because of your thyroid issue): http://scoobysworkshop.com/calorie-calculator/

    Are you weighing and measuring everything you eat? You have to log accurately; most people who don't weigh and measure are logging fewer calories than they're actually eating. This includes packaged food with a label; the serving sizes aren't always accurate. A granola bar that says it's a 100g serving may actually be 110g.

    If you want more advice, I'd suggest opening up your diary.
  • hollyanneu2
    hollyanneu2 Posts: 13
    I posted about the calories burned by 'horseback riding' last week and it doesn't seem accurate since it is more generalized than actual equine sport that one is in....Dressage is low keyed compare to Eventing...Eventing is like triathle....Make sense?

    No one responded to that post...so.....

    And I do understand what you mean by sweating and so on and I am actually sweating when I train my very difficult mare - training her is like being on a high level of trendmill - hilly and so on....lotta cardio workout there....I live in Arizona and I do not sweat in 85 degrees doing nothing....I sweat when I do cardio workouts....
  • hollyanneu2
    hollyanneu2 Posts: 13
  • jchurch9
    jchurch9 Posts: 20 Member
    I would definitely check in with your doctor about it. I'm not sure how much not having your thyroid effects your weight loss but I can tell you right now that training should be helping you drop lbs like crazy! I know when I used to train daily my weight always stayed where it needed to be regardless of what I ate! Graduating from college and not riding as much are 2 things i contribute to my weight gain. i would liken training for XC to running at a slow pace but running just the same. Some people have no clue how much physical work and muscle control actually goes into riding ( and I don't mean just sitting on a horse)
  • marygee1951
    marygee1951 Posts: 148 Member
    Could you open your food diary so we can take a look at it? Might be helpful. :flowerforyou:
  • hollyanneu2
    hollyanneu2 Posts: 13
    I would definitely check in with your doctor about it. I'm not sure how much not having your thyroid effects your weight loss but I can tell you right now that training should be helping you drop lbs like crazy! I know when I used to train daily my weight always stayed where it needed to be regardless of what I ate! Graduating from college and not riding as much are 2 things i contribute to my weight gain. i would liken training for XC to running at a slow pace but running just the same. Some people have no clue how much physical work and muscle control actually goes into riding ( and I don't mean just sitting on a horse)

    EXACTLY!!!!!! I had 3 babies so I didn't ride for quite some time and then car accident....so I have been back riding for a year and lately I am getting the workouts with my crazy mare! I used to eat so much when I was riding back then but nowadays....nope :/

    I scheduled an appt with my doctor next week so hopefully she can shed some light....I honestly think it's Zoloft....