So, can I just run?



  • ashleynturner50
    Hey Stacey,

    I ran cross country in college before I fell off the exercise wagon (temporarily), so aside from getting the right shoes, here are some tips I slowly learned to prevent injury & have fun running.

    -Stretch after you've warmed up your muscles with some jogging first. Then, always stretch after you've finished up so (including rotating your ankles; they can stiffen up pretty fiercely).

    -Try running on grass and trails instead of concrete where possible. It slows you down a bit, but your knees and feet will thank you for sparing them a beating.

    -Never underestimate how much water you'll need to stay hydrated in the summer months!

    -Intervals (like running or jogging faster for one minute and then slowing down for a minute then repeating the pattern) can be a fun and effective way to increase your endurance and burn more calories than you might if you kept jogging at a steady pace.

    -If you start running regularly, try not to run every day. Some people can get away with it, but most will be prone to stress injuries if they don't mix in some low impact exercise and rest days.

    Get a great upbeat playlist & get out there! Running is a great way to get fresh air while blasting away some stress and calories. You will sometimes be sore, but ultimately this will be a great way to mix up your fitness routine.

    Spring and Fall can be the best times to start out. Enjoy!
  • staceypunk
    staceypunk Posts: 921 Member
    Thank you all! This has been most helpful. Keep the tips coming :wink:

    It seems like everyone is saying the same types of things, which almost NEVER happens on MFP, lol! So that is reassuring!

    I don't have a phone with data, so no apps for me.
  • Lyerin
    Lyerin Posts: 818 Member
    If you have an iPod, I think there is a podcast for the C25K that has the times in it to run/walk, IIRC. If not, you can google the program and just set your own time reminders with a watch.

    Bottom line, go out and see what you can do. Walk when you need to, take it easy at first, and you should be just fine.
  • Icedcoffee29
    Icedcoffee29 Posts: 139
    Thank you all! This has been most helpful. Keep the tips coming :wink:

    It seems like everyone is saying the same types of things, which almost NEVER happens on MFP, lol! So that is reassuring!

    I don't have a phone with data, so no apps for me.

    Yeah you can definitely find some great Podcasts for your iPod! I ended up using one instead of the app. They are set to music and tell you when to walk/run.
  • 55in13
    55in13 Posts: 1,091 Member
    I would even say the sneakers aren't all that important. Many people will tell you getting fitted for shoes is a must. This is true if you have some kind of problem, but for most people, it's not necessary. And definitely not necessary for a casual runner (like me 3-4 miles 3-4 times a week) .. but back to sneakers. Couldn't find mine one time so I ran in Teva-type sandals. I run on trails, so when it's muddy I run in work boots. Dont let a quest for the "right" shoes stop you from starting.

    With all due respect, I would say your experience is atypical. For most people, shoes do make quite a difference. I used to run as part of a gym based fitness routine and had some minimalist shoes for running on the soft track. I got out of the habit and when I started back at it, I was running outside on streets and sidewalks. I got a lot of shin splints and switched to some softer shoes that were some general "knock arounds" from a discount store. I pretty quickly found they wouldn't hold their shape well and even snapped a few stitches when pressed into running duty. I went to a store that specializes in running gear and spent more than I would like, but it makes a lot of difference. I will spend less in the future by knowing what I need and getting them online, but I will stick with good running shoes.

    Anyway, most others I know who run feel that shoes make a lot of difference. I don't know anyone who thinks running in boots or Tevas is a good idea; the dissension is generally limited to whether or not any reasonable athletic type shoe is usually good enough, and I actually agree that the difference between types of athletic shoes can be small. But I absolutely recommend against running regularly in something other than an athletic shoe (or barefoot in the sand on a tropical island :) ).
  • alfmaster
    alfmaster Posts: 29
    Most important things that I tell beginners:

    1) Get fitted for running shoes (everyone except one person on this thread has said this). Go to a specialty running store and not a foot locker. The people at the running store will look at how you walk and guide you toward the appropriate shoe, most likely will have a treadmill for you to try them out and may even let you run in the parking lot. My running store even has a 30 day return policy! I started in tennis sneakers and that was a bad move as I had shin splints every time that I ran.

    2) Good training plan. For starting out, C25K is probably the best. I created my own C25K just because I am stubborn and wanted to just go out and run a 5K but that is not the way to go. You can find versions all over the web and they will give you times that you can track by via watch. Just make sure to measure out a course via the local roads (had a great measured route of 2.1 miles around my development.)

    3) Enjoy yourself! If you think of it as work, you will want to quit within a few weeks. Find what works for you. Listen to music. Challenge yourself each time out. Go a different route each time to enjoy the scenery. If you like to have someone with you, find a buddy.

    Those are the basics to getting started! Good luck!
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    I am at a nice level of fitness right now. I have been exercising regularly for almost 9 months and have completed 30 day shred, Body Revolution, and am 8 days away from finishing Insanity. There is a walking bridge that is about 1.5 miles each way and is flat near where I live. I have never ran before (as exercise). Do I just go and do it?

    From what I gather I would run for a minute or two, then stop and stretch, then continue running. Then stretch when I am done.

    I know to wear sneakers and a sports bra, lol.

    Do I just run pretty fast or do I quick jog to try and pace myself.

    Pretty clueless :)

    First off, congrats on your weight loss to date! You have done well and look great!

    I will let the runners answer the running question.

    But I would like to recommend that you start a weight lifting program. Lifting will help increase your lean body mass and metabolism a bit long term and really does wonders for reshaping your body in a pleasant way. Many women believe that they will get bulky because of it, but it simply isn't true. To get bulky, especially for women, it takes a lot of proper nutrition and hard work. Basically, it has to be deliberate.

    Hope that helps!
  • mmddwechanged
    mmddwechanged Posts: 1,687 Member
    I am at a nice level of fitness right now. I have been exercising regularly for almost 9 months and have completed 30 day shred, Body Revolution, and am 8 days away from finishing Insanity. There is a walking bridge that is about 1.5 miles each way and is flat near where I live. I have never ran before (as exercise). Do I just go and do it?

    From what I gather I would run for a minute or two, then stop and stretch, then continue running. Then stretch when I am done.

    I know to wear sneakers and a sports bra, lol.

    Do I just run pretty fast or do I quick jog to try and pace myself.

    Pretty clueless :)

    I don't think you are clueless, this sounds like a perfect plan. Only thing I would change is to say it is ok to run really slowly if you are more comfortable , speed isn't necessary right now.
  • kirkor
    kirkor Posts: 2,530 Member
    Cripes, it's 3 miles --- just run it! :O
  • Sycoholic
    Sycoholic Posts: 282 Member
    It really depends on what you want to get out of running. For your first run I would suggest taking it easy and "feel" yourself out. You may be in a better state of fitness than you think, or you could be worse off. I would make sure you stretch well before the run and then immediately after. I would suggest a cooldown walk afterwards. I always walk a couple tenths of a mile as a cooldown. Comfortable clothes and good, fitted running shoes are a suggestion. Do you have good running shoes or a $30 pair you got on sale somewhere? Good intentions for great runs can turn south real fast if you have cheap or poorly fitted shoes. I would suggest hitting up a running store so they can check your gait (they do this for free) and fit you for the right shoe. In my experience they're no more expensive than going to ****'s or any other shoe stores.

    Fast sprints will help you with cardio fitness and longer runs will help endurance. Wanna run faster? Do sprints. For a proper routine you'll want to switch it up throughout the week. Sprints one day, longer runs and shorter runs on other days. A good site like will have plenty of info to help get you started. I also use Runkeeper to log and track my runs with my phone. It will give you a map, time, distance, and a bunch of other info as well as save it. If you have a Windows phone Caledos runner uses Runkeeper as Runkeeper doesn't have their own Windows phone app. "Zombies, Run!" is also an excellent app. It does a whole zombie run experience that'll have you sprinting away from zombies and everything. Very fun and well worth the money!
  • eileenchristine
    eileenchristine Posts: 228 Member
    I had been doing Leslie Sansone walking videos for a couple months and went to the track near my house and did a mile without having to take a break. Who needs couch25k? And I am very overweight, still got 60 pounds to go and am OLD! (gasp!). I did run very old lady like and have since worked on my stride but it was pretty effortless. Mowing the yard with my push engineless mower is much more of a workout!

    You can do this. Just start real slow and see how far you can get. The first half mile didn't feel so great but after the half mile the rest was easy. Could have gone farther but my old hound was starting to feel it so quit. Walked another couple miles after that and he was limping on the way home. We both need to get out there more often. Will try on Saturday again, see if I can do 2 miles this time. I have been walking/jogging (inside) when my daughter attends night class so should be pretty doable.

    Just get out there, jog the first part and walk back. Since you can do JM (I can't do alot of her stuff....I jog in place while she's phoning it in) the event for you should be pretty effortless.