Completely at a loss



  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    This is what my mom always told me, "Consider the source."

    You've said yourself that she's the lowest of the low. Why do you care if the lowest of the low says mean things about you? Would you really be happier if she LIKED you?
  • IIISpartacusIII
    IIISpartacusIII Posts: 252 Member
    Weight loss is a long road. By the time you're bikini ready that boyfriend of yours may not even be in the picture and that 80 lb ***** might not be in the picture; thus your motivation will be gone. Do it for you. Do it for the future you, whoever happens to be there with you will enjoy the new you with you.
  • elleloch
    elleloch Posts: 739 Member
    She's trying to make you feel like *kitten* because you have the man, and she is an 80 lb loser drug addict with no life. Don't let her get to you. She sucks completely.
  • sherrirb
    sherrirb Posts: 1,714 Member
    If I were in your shoes I know I would be sooooooo tempted to post a picture of you nestled tight in your BF's arms with a big grin on your face with a caption "He's with ME now".

    But that would be stooping to her level but I do hope the idea at least puts a smile on your face :happy: :flowerforyou:
  • cmeade20
    cmeade20 Posts: 1,238 Member
    Sounds like she's pissed because her ex traded up. Before long you'll be just as thin, only fit and not a gross junkie to boot. Keep at it.
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,951 Member
    For my health and sanity I would remove myself from such a situation, especially if I were so deep in it I put my own children into counseling because of something a junky said.
  • SashaMegan
    SashaMegan Posts: 110 Member

    At the same rate, if really the only thing she has over you is that she's skinny, well then, you're still FAR better off!!! I'd rather be heavier and overall a better person, than skinny and a total witch with a capital B.

    This :flowerforyou:
  • jadams1650
    jadams1650 Posts: 139 Member
    I think I might begin to wonder about the guy who thought she would make a good mother to his child. This doesn't sound like a good situation on any level. Might be a good time to step back and reevaluate.
  • bwalker0823
    bwalker0823 Posts: 107 Member
    First off thank you everyone for your posts-they mean so much! Some made me laugh out loud-some made me think-and some brought tears to my eyes!

    But after reading all of them I feel I have to clarify a few things. We don't know for sure if she is on drugs-just highly suspect it-I don't know her exact weight but I know she is so skinny you can see her bones and she has no figure. I know that she has dyed her hair dark-going tanning-and getting her nails done (Like I have for years!) and I do consider the source and I know I am an awesome person and I have all that I want and things are getting better. I guess I was just ranting yesterday because things have gotten overwhelming.

    I am doing this weight loss for me-I consider her the drive for me to do it because people have always made comments about my appearance and I want to change for me so I am confident and believe what everyone tells me about myself. :) FOR ME! :)

    He was very young when they got together and they got pregnant very fast (everyone makes mistakes and I am not going to judge him-he is a wonderful man and has no control over how she acts) so that is not an option for me to just walk away and I really can't because we have involved the law and court system now he is going for full custody because of the horrible living conditions his son is subjected too!

    I just needed to get that all off of my chest yesterday and get the motivation to get back into getting into shape-I just need reassurance and support-and thank you all so much for all that you have done it worked!

    HUGE (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((HUGS))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
  • bwalker0823
    bwalker0823 Posts: 107 Member
    For my health and sanity I would remove myself from such a situation, especially if I were so deep in it I put my own children into counseling because of something a junky said.

    I did this for the sake of my son-not because I had too! The accusation where false and we knew this but I had to look out for my son and make sure he was safe (it was just precautionary) but I appreciate your concern and I totally agree if my health or my children where in danger it would be a no brainer but it's just his ex causing problems because she can and she is miserable and he needs to get his son away for this mentally ill woman. She is really sick and he had no idea she was this way because when they met she was a sweetheart of course and then turned into this monster
  • tsdaughe
    tsdaughe Posts: 88
    There is a saying. Something like no matter how good she looks a guy somewhere is sick of her ****.. I have a friend dating an amazing guy and hopefully they will be married soon. His soon to be ex wife is crazy!! and it has taken almost 4 years to get divorced. Throw in his orders out of country and her contact stalling.. and it has been rough. But she is very thin and she expressed to her guy how it made her upset how small she was and he showed her the pic with this hot chick in a bikini with the saying I mentioned above.

    So thin that your bones are showing is not healthy. I would venture to guess even with you weighing more you are healthier then her. And even so, you can lose weight and get healthier and from the sounds of it her personality will always suck. Its much harder to change your personality. Don't let it sweat you. I would probably be upset if that happened to. And i would tell your friends that from now on if she posts anything towards you that you don't want to know. Its immature. Who cares. This is why I have my fiance's ex wife, my ex husband, etc blocked. I won't talk to people who fill the need to tell me what is on their pages or anything they are saying about me.. I don't want to know.

    Good luck!
  • bwalker0823
    bwalker0823 Posts: 107 Member
    There is a saying. Something like no matter how good she looks a guy somewhere is sick of her ****..

    I just learned of this recently and it's so true and it will be a constant battle because even if he does get full custody she will always be a part of our lives...but I am willing to stand by him because he is an amazing man and I have waited 27 years for him and this is just a bump in the road. She is a lunatic and always will be. That is why she is alone and living at home with no job, no money, no license, no car, and no ambition or a life. I have everything but I know the key to life-happiness :)