Feeling ............:(

At home I have no support in my weight loss journey.So that why i joined MFP but even here i feel that i have no support. And sometimes i just feel like giving up.I need people who will be good support for me.It seems that everyone has a support team but me,Just feeling........


  • vidasana87
    vidasana87 Posts: 75
    How can I help sweetie :)
  • Dunkirk
    Dunkirk Posts: 465 Member
    feeling.........needy. To have good friends you have to be one. You have 6 friends on your profile page who look nice. Go and do something nice for someone, doesn't have to be MFP, you'll feel better :-D
  • messpark36
    messpark36 Posts: 33
    I know what you mean. It is hard doing this alone. To be honest, I use MFP just for counting calories and exercise. I have lurked on some message boards and some people on here can be down right rude when someone posts something. Not all boards just some. Find what works best for you, family members, gym, etc....add me on here and we can encourage each other from time. To time :)
  • tuckerrj
    tuckerrj Posts: 1,453 Member
    So put up a profile picture, fill out your profile, post some goals, open up your diary & folks will know if they have anything in common with you. You gotta give a little, to get a LOT!
  • castelluzzo99
    castelluzzo99 Posts: 313 Member
    So put up a profile picture, fill out your profile, post some goals, open up your diary & folks will know if they have anything in common with you. You gotta give a little, to get a LOT!


    Or at least some of it.
  • saleh1988
    saleh1988 Posts: 44 Member
    OMG , U we are here for u ,, move don't stop , be postive ,, if u need help ,, i am here
  • supplemama
    supplemama Posts: 1,956 Member
    So put up a profile picture, fill out your profile, post some goals, open up your diary & folks will know if they have anything in common with you. You gotta give a little, to get a LOT!

    Yep! Whining never helps anything. Being proactive does. You want support, GIVE support. Add more friends, interact more, all of that. You can do it!
  • So put up a profile picture, fill out your profile, post some goals, open up your diary & folks will know if they have anything in common with you. You gotta give a little, to get a LOT!

    Yep! Lots of support available on here if you want it! I'm not even active on the message boards and times I have posted about needing/wanting support... Many people responded and continually support me, and give me that extra boost I need on any given day :) feel free to add me... And definitely share more about yourself! :)
  • rezn8
    rezn8 Posts: 263 Member
    It is totally a mental game we play with ourselves. Support groups go a long way in helping you stay on track. If you need any help or motivation you can join a challenge/accountability group I have on facebook, just let me know if you have any interest. You can also find me at www.destinationfit4life.com
  • marygee1951
    marygee1951 Posts: 148 Member
    It takes a bit of time.....but definitely you need to reach out. At this point I only have one "friend" here....I've been hesitant to ask for friends because I was afraid to commit. I wanted to be sure I was going to stick around. In the meantime, I've read tons of threads and I've done a lot of posting too -- putting myself out there. The friend I have reached out to me because of something I posted. I want to make more friends--keeping it at a manageable number.

    So continue to reach out. Don't complaint of not having support -- unless you're giving a lot of support. I still feel like a newbie here. But I'm sticking around because I see so so many impressive weight losses--it seems there are a lot of successful people here-and it's a very positive board!

  • ForeverChanged2
    ForeverChanged2 Posts: 40 Member
    I understand what allot of people are saying i need to put some goals up so people can see the person i want to be thanks for the wonderful comments.And it not that am needy like some people are saying that's not it at all. I post alot of comment on my friends pages and they are great but sometimes i need that extra shove and posting a picture on mfp will that help me or will hurt me. But thanks for the great comments.Much love!!!!!