Suitable calorie intake without entering starvation mode?

Ok, i'm not really crazy overweight. I'm not actually overweight at all, really, i'm just a bit chubby around the waist, hips and thighs. (I'm 5'3 and 117 lbs)
I don't want to lose weight to the point of being unhealthy, I just want to rid myself of a little excess fat.

The problem here is, I'm not a particularly hungry person. The reason I've gotten myself a little chubby is because when food is there I'll eat it, whether I need to or not.

But when asking myself whether or not I'm hungry before eating something (as most people I've talked to have suggested about losing weight) I always end up consuming below 1000 calories and I'm SURE that's not healthy.

I don't want to be stuck in starvation mode and end up waiting months and months for change, so I'd like to know, where exactly does starvation mode begin? What is a suitably low amount of calories to consume without sticking myself in starvation mode? Cause I want to aim for the right amount of calories but I always feel like I'm overreating if I eat when I'm not hungry.

I'd be grateful for any help!


  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    Find a good calculator for TDEE and find out what yours is. This is the amount of food you should be eating everyday to stay exactly the same. Since you are not really overweight to begin with but want to lose fat, I would suggest eating 10-15% less than your calculated TDEE and no less than that. I would also suggest to do some exercise, preferably weight training to prevent muscle loss while on a deficit.

    Nobody can really give you a definite answer without knowing your personal TDEE calculation. Also keep in mind that the calculation is a starting point and you will need to adjust your calorie intake according to your results.
  • _Zardoz_
    _Zardoz_ Posts: 3,987 Member
    Just to add Starvation mode is a myth, well the idea that you hit a point and your body stops losing weight is. If your calorie are too low your bmr will lower so your weight loss will slow giving the perception of no weight loss. So don't get obsessed about this point as the previous poster said find a good TDEE calculator and go from there.
  • EmmaReed84
    EmmaReed84 Posts: 263 Member
    I am 5ft2 and can teeter between 120-124lbs (not too fussed about my actual weight)

    I currently eat 1660 calories a day and go to the gym 3x a week doing a mix of circuit training and weight training. I have not lost weight, but I have lost inches and gone down a dress size. My jeans are fairly loose-ish now and I can definitely see a difference from my hips down. I am currently working on the Mummy Tummy now LOL.
  • maggs155
    maggs155 Posts: 258
    Eating at least 1200 cals is ok. But like someone said ur metabolism slows down eating low. But if are just wanting to reduce like ur belly doing workouts will help that you said your not over weight so just start doing some type of general exercise that work the abs and stuff and lifting will shape u up good:) Thats just my thoughts. And eating nuts will help u get those extra calories that wont make u feel stuffed.
  • anniemarianas
    i worked out my TDEE and it's 1890, 10% - 15% less being between 1606 and 1701 calories

    thank you for all the help so far i'm really grateful c:
  • JakeBrownVB
    JakeBrownVB Posts: 399 Member
    I know its already been mentioned, but just to point it out again, starvation mode is a myth that people throw around without truly understanding what it really is.

    I am 6ft 180lb male and im looking to shed fast (which I have been, 27 pounds in 9 weeks) and I am on 1400-1700 calories a day.
  • confetti_blind
    confetti_blind Posts: 91 Member
    ugh 'starvation mode'... its like talking about woodland pixies and mountain imps but trying to justify their existence on principles of science.

    Are anorexics fat? Do they get to a point of restricting where their body just learns to live off dust and air?

    Did concentration camp victims struggle with 'losing' those last few pounds? Was that last tyre of fat around their middle difficult to shift because their metabolism had slowed to the point that a diet of dirty water and mud was enough to maintain their weight?

    I am so bored of people talking about starvation mode. Let's face it. The diet industry is worth billions. Companies like WeightWatchers and LighterLife and SlimmingWorld wouldn't make much money if they simply said 'don't buy our food products because all you need to do to get skinny is not eat'. Go figure.
  • StArBeLLa87
    StArBeLLa87 Posts: 1,582 Member
    Ok I'm not trying to be mean but your bmi is already at 20.7% and your goal weight according to your profile says 95lbs thats a bf% of 16%that's very concerning to me I would def suggest you eat at your tdee level and if you feel the need to exercise limit it to no more then 4 days a weak! Im genuinely concerned even though I don't know you! I wish you the best of luck in what ever direction you decide to go in!
  • anniemarianas
    ugh 'starvation mode'... its like talking about woodland pixies and mountain imps but trying to justify their existence on principles of science.

    Are anorexics fat? Do they get to a point of restricting where their body just learns to live off dust and air?

    Did concentration camp victims struggle with 'losing' those last few pounds? Was that last tyre of fat around their middle difficult to shift because their metabolism had slowed to the point that a diet of dirty water and mud was enough to maintain their weight?

    I am so bored of people talking about starvation mode. Let's face it. The diet industry is worth billions. Companies like WeightWatchers and LighterLife and SlimmingWorld wouldn't make much money if they simply said 'don't buy our food products because all you need to do to get skinny is not eat'. Go figure.

    Yeah I just guess I feel like there could be theres scrap of truth in it seeing as anorexic people don't become skinny within days it takes a long long while.

    Thank you for your feedback though this is interesting to me thank you
  • JakeBrownVB
    JakeBrownVB Posts: 399 Member
    Oh there is definitly a "scrap" of truth in this. The fact that it will slow your metabolism down, however it will slow by such a tiny margin that as long as you stay true to a healthy overall diet you wouldnt even notice. However it is hilarious when people say it will slow to "a screeching halt".. this is the most hilarious thing ive ever heard and is actually physically impossible.. you would die...