Turbo Fire...Class starts 5/26/2010

Hello everyone! I know that if you've been to my last post I was planning on doing SI6 before Turbo Fire...well, my package came yesterday and Im WAY to excited to wait 6 FULL WEEKS to get into in.

So I've decided to start the INFERNO on monday...what an awesome way to start things out?! The before and afters of those first 5 days are amazing!!

I want this thread to be ueful. So post whatever you want! Goals, hopes, complaints, praises...and make sure to check in everyday with small results you are seeing!

Anywhooo... ;) Pre-turbo fire workout scedule is: Fat Blaster(R), Cardio Party(F), 20 min Workout/Abs(S), STRETCH(S).

Goals: Inferno goals- Lose 5lbs, STICK to the plan everyday!
Turbo Fire (Full 20 Week Class Scedule) - Aug. 2 to Dec.18 - Lose 30lbs of fat, size 5 jeans.

Im thinking I want to do a hybrid of P90X/TurboFire around december...Or I might do the SI6 Series until New Years...Who knows <3

<3 Kylie

p.s. SORRY to everyone who started posting in the SLim in 6 post I created...I will continue to keep contact and checking up on you!! ;)


  • WhyWait
    WhyWait Posts: 58
    I'm doing a chalean extreme/turbo Fire rotation and am in LOVE w/ the HIIT workouts!

    Let's keep each other accountable!

  • KyliexBird
    KyliexBird Posts: 42
    No problem Heather! I love you screenname! Lol. You tranformation is amazing!! What did you start at height and weight wise?
  • KyliexBird
    KyliexBird Posts: 42
    Okay... tomorrow is the big day!! :D I'm so effing excited!! I've got all my shopping done and have my food ready for the week...so I have NO excuses!

    So I was wondering...do I HAVE to wear crosstrainers? Because I much prefer being barefoot...I was barefoot for Turbo Jam, so IDK.

    AHH! <3 Who else is doing the FULL 21 week schedule? (Including INFERNO aka Hell Week)

    Lemme know!
  • glfprncs2
    glfprncs2 Posts: 625 Member
    I'm finishing up week 3 of the Turbo Fire/ChaLean Extreme hybrid which is 20 weeks. I'm LOVING it. Did Fire 45 class today...BOOM! I got your boyfriend, I got your man! LOL
  • KyliexBird
    KyliexBird Posts: 42
    Day one of five INFERNO!!

    Sw: 165
    Chest: 36.4
    Waist: 30.4
    Thighs: 23.5
    Size 10/11

    I completed about 92% of the EZ55 today...oh man!! I was dripping 10 minutes into this!! :D
    I LOVE it!
    I'm so freaking excited for these next 21 weeks! And I'm totally going to do the Extreme and Turbo hybrid after...!
  • afeinberg
    afeinberg Posts: 93 Member
    so i just fnished chalean extreme and turbo fire came in the mail today
    OMG it looks hard but i am up for it

    question - where is the schedule for the CLE/TF hybrid?/

    what's your thought about doing a full turbo fire first vs starting with the hybrid

    i am so scared to lose the muscle gains made by CLE
  • sumer_13
    sumer_13 Posts: 81 Member
    Page 57 in Turbo FIre Turn up the Burn book...

    Tf is awesome.....the first week i lost 9inches and 5lbs!! It works...
  • glfprncs2
    glfprncs2 Posts: 625 Member

    what's your thought about doing a full turbo fire first vs starting with the hybrid

    i am so scared to lose the muscle gains made by CLE

    You just answered your own question. If you want to keep those muscle gains, you need to continue with the CLX/TF hybrid so you're still lifting 2-3 days/week. The first two week were, in my opinion, a little easy, but I found that my body appreciated the recovery time. I'm now in week 3 and I'm burning calories like crazy, and losing 1.5 lbs./week.

    I made the mistake 6 months ago of doing Insanity after 3 rounds of P90X. I lost so much lean muscle mass and strength, and my metabolism wasn't nearly as raging as it is now. I will, for ever and ever, lift weights 2-3 days/week. Period.
  • KyliexBird
    KyliexBird Posts: 42
    so i just fnished chalean extreme and turbo fire came in the mail today
    OMG it looks hard but i am up for it

    question - where is the schedule for the CLE/TF hybrid?/

    what's your thought about doing a full turbo fire first vs starting with the hybrid

    i am so scared to lose the muscle gains made by CLE

    in my opinion it really depends on you. Just Turbo Fire will def. LEAN you out...lean muscle and such...the hybrid will allow you to maintain muscle mass and lean out...but if you still have some weight you want to lose just do the Turbofire then the hybrid. :)
  • KyliexBird
    KyliexBird Posts: 42
    Day Two INFERNO!

    20 HIIT and 10 min stetch done...45 tonight.

    LOVES it! ... Its a little difficult to get it down right away, but I;m not worried about it...Im having fun, sweating , and burning like CRAZY!
  • afeinberg
    afeinberg Posts: 93 Member
    so i'm going to the hybrid but spend the next two weeks just learning the turbo fire workouts a little better

    i did fire 30 today and previewed HIIT 15 WOW
    intense but awesome
  • KyliexBird
    KyliexBird Posts: 42
    Oh yeah...the HIIT classes are brutal!
  • kaylou
    kaylou Posts: 375 Member
    Mind if I jump in? I am on day 5 of Turbo Fire (today is Fire 55 EZ) I love, love, love it! it 4pm and I can't wait to get it off at 5 to go home and work out!

    I did not start with the inferno, just right into day one of Fire 30 and Stretch 10, I am not doing hybrid with CE or anything else. Do you think I will still see the results. I am sticking to the 1200 calories a day and plan on not missing a workout (even on vaction in 3 weeks)
  • KyliexBird
    KyliexBird Posts: 42
    Mind if I jump in? I am on day 5 of Turbo Fire (today is Fire 55 EZ) I love, love, love it! it 4pm and I can't wait to get it off at 5 to go home and work out!

    I did not start with the inferno, just right into day one of Fire 30 and Stretch 10, I am not doing hybrid with CE or anything else. Do you think I will still see the results. I am sticking to the 1200 calories a day and plan on not missing a workout (even on vaction in 3 weeks)

    Ofcourse you can jump in! And if you put the work in, you WILL get the results! :D
  • afeinberg
    afeinberg Posts: 93 Member
    HIIT 15 and abs 10 today
    so intensse but greatness
  • KyliexBird
    KyliexBird Posts: 42
    HIIT 15 and abs 10 today
    so intensse but greatness

    Good jobbb! :)

    EZ45 stretch 10!! YES!
  • glfprncs2
    glfprncs2 Posts: 625 Member
    Fire 30 and Abs 10 today...MY ABS ARE ON FIRE!
  • afeinberg
    afeinberg Posts: 93 Member
    OMG just finsihed turbo fire ez 55
    NOTHING EZ about this
    i am DRENCHED
    it was my first time so i wasn't as intense as i will be in the future - the counter is too small so i can't see it well - kept wondering
    WHEN is this going to be over - it was great but really HARD
  • KyliexBird
    KyliexBird Posts: 42
    IFERNO results are in!!

    Down 2lbs (not that bad, it was that week of the month lol.) Total loss of 9 inches!


  • shimacrema
    shimacrema Posts: 87
    OMG you guys have me so excited! Can't wait for mine to arrive....its on its way!