C'mon ladies - post you r 30 day shred results!

Ice_azure Posts: 35 Member
Need some motivation!

I have started 30 days shred, its almost a week today. I'm also walking on treadmill , aimed for 1.5km everyday. (inclined) - Which tells me I burn around 160 calories.

I have noticed a little change, (feels smaller/tighter) but sometimes, I feel by looking that I'm puffy?

I haven't taken any measurements...though. There's no real change on the scale.(Its moving its way a little up or down)

Any body noticing any difference on thier appearance?

So what am I having?:

I have egg whites scrambled with a teaspoon of oilve oil,
(wholemwal toast once a day)
chicken breasts grilled or boiled,
green salads(cucumbers/ tomatoes/lettuce/red onions),
lentils boiled with some of the spices-
oatmeal every other day,
(not a fan of fruits or veggies eeeek!)
I also don't like baked fish ulness its fried :(
1 Sweet Poatoe(boiled or bakes with lemon juice and salt)
-skimmed milk tea without sugar twice a day
I tend to have half a glass of Pure orange juice(by Tropicana)
Also half glass of semi smimmed milk after workout.

Will that be okay? i Believe I'm not consuming much of the calories! -- it should 2000 calories.
But I don't starve my self...So will I be going on starvation mode If I don;t feel hungry?
Although I do crave of sugar or something sweet at times.

Sorry for the long message and thnaks for any help you could provide

Wish you all the best.
Forgot to add:
I'm 155lbs - female 5'1 height -I have a pear shaped body- mostly is my belly, hips and thighs! I don't feel much of a change on the hips and inner thighs as yet....


  • freya628
    freya628 Posts: 5 Member
    Hi there. I have also been doing 30 day shred, I'm on Day 9 and I started level 2 last weekend. I did level 1 for about 4 days b/c I had done the shred for about 2 weeks a month ago and then switched up my plan and so I got bored with level 1 quickly once I came back committed to actually doing the full 30 days.

    So I am not an expert by any means but I *think* you are eating too many carbs,dairy which are not good for trying to lose belly fat and not enough lean protein, veggies, and fruit. I would maybe just watch the carbs/dairy/sugar after 4pm and see how that goes. Looks like you eat pretty healthy though. The OJ is loaded with sugar though, maybe have an orange instead? I was a size 12 6 weeks after having my second child (last fall) and am now a size 6/8. I was actually a size 10 about 2-3 months ago, Then when I started the shred I bought a new pair of 8's. And now they are already loose...and skinny jeans look silly loose so I'm buying 6's 2moro. YAY!

    Here is what I do:
    AM: Ezekiel cinnamon raisin (which is low GI) bread with smuckers all natural chunky peanut butter (no sugar) and I *usually* add one egg, 1/3 cup whites, and some raw peppers. 2 cups of coffee with sweetnlow, sugar free hazelnut, and organic half and half.
    After workout: Potein Shake (made with 1 c. unsweetened almond milk, BSN lean dessert vanilla, rum extract, cinnamon, ice *tastes just like an egg nog shake) and a turkey rollup (2 slices deli turkey with half slice swiss and some peppers in the middle). OR just a big salad with grilled chicken , tiny bit parmesan cheese, cucumber, tomato, and lite caesar dressing.
    mid day snack: apple with pea nut butter or half a banana with pb or a salad.
    Dinner: Lean protein (fish, chicken, beef, turkey meat) and 2 cups veggies. NO carbs or dairy.

    Like I said this is what I do and its working great for me. In a nutshell, I really watch the bad fat (trans, and saturated), bad carbs (white bread, flour, gluten, etc), and unneccessary dairy. And especially sugar!!! Sugar, dairy, and carbs will absolutley make you feel puffy. I noticed as soon as I cut them out of dinner and after, my stomach felt much leaner when I woke up in the am.. just omitting those things after 4pm might do the trick. I also try to eat enough protein, veggies, one piece of fruit early in the day for my sweettooth, and to get enough fiber.

    I am getting amazing results and will post my pics in 2weeks..maybe sooner...I have already lost about 8 inches which is about 5 lbs. for me.. So the fat layer is coming off for sure. My problem areas are my arms and stomach. So I would go by difference in inches or especially how clothes fit and your size versus weight.

    Oh and I am training for my first mud run 5k in June so I alternate steady state cardio (walking at 6 incline at 3.5+mph) for 25 min. after 30day shread with interval cardio (walk, run at 6mph for a minute, walk at 3.5 for a minute, run at 5, walk, run, walk, etc for 25-30 minutes) I add in this cardio 4 or 5 times a week on top of 30ds. I use 5-8lb weights for the 30DS.

    Did you say 2000 calories or was that a typo? I think I am about 1400 (sometimes 1200, sometimes 1600) before exercise and I don't eat back my exercise cals (which is about 400 or more)...maybe 40-50 but thats all. Maybe use the calculator on here to figure out how many cals you should be eating, or you can just go ahead and lower it to 1600...or 1400. Play with it but rememebr it take the body a little while to nitice the changes you make so you have to give it time.
  • Ice_azure
    Ice_azure Posts: 35 Member
    Sorry- an error!
  • Ice_azure
    Ice_azure Posts: 35 Member
    Firstly, I thank you for your input and time.

    Gosh, I was so wrong.:noway:

    I thought I supoosed to have 2000 calories and that was bugging me on how to have this much!

    According to this site:


    It shows - My BMR is 1470
    My TDEE is 2027
    And my required daily calorie goal intake is 1621

    I wanted to lose fat and gain muslce - So it gave me a sample meal plan --- 6 meals meals a day ---each with 270 calories.
    each meal should have 23 grams of protien (94 calories)
    30 grams of carbohydrates (121 calories)
    6 grams of fat (54 calories)

    So in short- 30% protien
    50% carbohydrates
    20% fat

    I'm SO CONFUSED!!!!

    I just don't know what I should be eating.

    I don't have turkey, so is turkey better than chicken in term of nutrients?

    I'm UK based so I doubt I have ever heard the name of the bread you mentioned :sad:
    And the peanut butter too. But I do ocassionally have 1 teaspoon of PB ( whole earth organic sugar free crunchy) --Although it does have palm oil...:grumble:

    What are the good sources of carbohydrates? Can't I have a wholemeal toast?? Or an egg as a source of protien too? Or a skimmed milk for tea? :sad:

    Do the above numbers / ration of protiens/carbohydrates/fat look reasonable??

    Someone Please please help me!!:embarassed:

    I'm stuck.
  • WhatAnAss
    WhatAnAss Posts: 1,598 Member
    I would say the same thing you need to up the protein and lower the carbs for sure.
  • Ice_azure
    Ice_azure Posts: 35 Member
    So can't I have an egg white scrammbled with some spices?

    Actually I'm fond of spicy food.
  • Silvervixen79
    Silvervixen79 Posts: 116 Member
    2000 cals is too much for weight loss.. most diets recomment 1200 to 1400 for women.
  • Silvervixen79
    Silvervixen79 Posts: 116 Member
    2000 cals is too much for weight loss.. most diets recommend 1200 to 1400 for women.
  • Ice_azure
    Ice_azure Posts: 35 Member
    Hi there. I have also been doing 30 day shred, I'm on Day 9 and I started level 2 last weekend. I did level 1 for about 4 days b/c I had done the shred for about 2 weeks a month ago and then switched up my plan and so I got bored with level 1 quickly once I came back committed to actually doing the full 30 days.

    Wow...Great to hear! Keep it up!! :smile:
  • ThatSoundsHard
    ThatSoundsHard Posts: 475 Member
    I didn't actually manage to finish 30 DS last time, I ended up getting way too sick for a while. Then I got bored and moved on. I got, I think 3 days in to level 3, If you want to go look at my pictures on my profile there is one labeled "before 30 DS" and my current picture was taken just after I started level 3.

    I didn't lose any weight at all.

    I did however lose about an inch from my waist, 2 from my hip and at least one inch from each thigh.
  • Ice_azure
    Ice_azure Posts: 35 Member
    2000 cals is too much for weight loss.. most diets recommend 1200 to 1400 for women.

    Hmmm... So how can I have 1200 calories just from protien!? :blushing:
  • Ice_azure
    Ice_azure Posts: 35 Member
    I didn't actually manage to finish 30 DS last time, I ended up getting way too sick for a while. Then I got bored and moved on. I got, I think 3 days in to level 3, If you want to go look at my pictures on my profile there is one labeled "before 30 DS" and my current picture was taken just after I started level 3.

    I didn't lose any weight at all.

    I did however lose about an inch from my waist, 2 from my hip and at least one inch from each thigh.
    Very inspiring! What meal plan did you follow, if any?
  • Ice_azure
    Ice_azure Posts: 35 Member
    I would say the same thing you need to up the protein and lower the carbs for sure.

    Any ideas on what I can have for protien? I'm sick of having meat n'all but is there anything else I could have?:bigsmile:
  • ThatSoundsHard
    ThatSoundsHard Posts: 475 Member
    2000 cals is too much for weight loss.. most diets recommend 1200 to 1400 for women.

    I eat around 2000 calories, often more and I'm doing just fine.

    My BMR is like 1600-1700, My TDEE is about 2400 on inactive/rest days. Eating around 2000 I'm still in at least a 400 calorie a day deficit. I couldn't survive off of that little. Your body needs fuel. Food is our friend.
  • Ice_azure
    Ice_azure Posts: 35 Member
    2000 cals is too much for weight loss.. most diets recommend 1200 to 1400 for women.

    I eat around 2000 calories, often more and I'm doing just fine.

    My BMR is like 1600-1700, My TDEE is about 2400 on inactive/rest days. Eating around 2000 I'm still in at least a 400 calorie a day deficit. I couldn't survive off of that little. Your body needs fuel. Food is our friend.

    So can you share what type of meal plan you followed, any glimpse?
  • Selunca
    Selunca Posts: 208 Member
    Meh, I eat whatever the hell I want, 1500-1900 calories a day and still lose a 1/2lb a week (I'm very near goal, so 1/2lb is great.), while doing Jillian.

    I don't actually do her in 30 day stretches anymore, I did 30ds twice, and ri30 once all the way through. Now I just choose which one I want to do that day and do it three days a week.

    Its a great program :)
  • stepgonz
    stepgonz Posts: 48 Member
    Personally to be 30DS is not for weight loss, just to tone up a little. The entire program for me was just to easy. Im now doing the Jilian Michales Body Revolution. Its a 90 day program and I am week 4. Right now its way too easy but slowly getting a little more challenging.
  • ThatSoundsHard
    ThatSoundsHard Posts: 475 Member
    I didn't actually manage to finish 30 DS last time, I ended up getting way too sick for a while. Then I got bored and moved on. I got, I think 3 days in to level 3, If you want to go look at my pictures on my profile there is one labeled "before 30 DS" and my current picture was taken just after I started level 3.

    I didn't lose any weight at all.

    I did however lose about an inch from my waist, 2 from my hip and at least one inch from each thigh.
    Very inspiring! What meal plan did you follow, if any?

    I don't follow any specific type of meal plan. I eat pretty boring food. Salads consisting of whatever produce is in the fridge every lunch and dinner with fish, steak, pork or chicken.

    I do stick by the "eat more to weigh less" type of mind frame/eating. Higher protein and lower on the carb end (mostly because I'm not the biggest fan of your typical carby foods). I believe I set my nutrition goals to 40% protein 30% fat 30% carbs. If you want to look and my diary I'll be happy to make it public for you if you'd like.
  • Ashwee87
    Ashwee87 Posts: 695 Member
    2000 cals is too much for weight loss.. most diets recommend 1200 to 1400 for women.

    LOL - I am losing almost 2 lbs a week eating 1800 NET calories. I am 5'2" as well. So again, LOL.
  • ThatSoundsHard
    ThatSoundsHard Posts: 475 Member
    2000 cals is too much for weight loss.. most diets recommend 1200 to 1400 for women.

    LOL - I am losing almost 2 lbs a week eating 1800 NET calories. I am 5'2" as well. So again, LOL.

    I guess this is why they say diets don't work eh?
  • WhatAnAss
    WhatAnAss Posts: 1,598 Member
    I would say the same thing you need to up the protein and lower the carbs for sure.

    Any ideas on what I can have for protien? I'm sick of having meat n'all but is there anything else I could have?:bigsmile:

    Egg, large - 6 grams protein
    Milk, 1 cup - 8 grams
    Cottage cheese, ½ cup - 15 grams
    Yogurt, 1 cup – usually 8-12 grams, check label
    Soft cheeses (Mozzarella, Brie, Camembert) – 6 grams per oz
    Medium cheeses (Cheddar, Swiss) – 7 or 8 grams per oz
    Hard cheeses (Parmesan) – 10 grams per oz
    Peanut butter, 2 Tablespoons - 8 grams protein
    Almonds, ¼ cup – 8 grams
    Peanuts, ¼ cup – 9 grams
    Cashews, ¼ cup – 5 grams
    Pecans, ¼ cup – 2.5 grams
    Sunflower seeds, ¼ cup – 6 grams
    Pumpkin seeds, ¼ cup – 8 grams
    Flax seeds – ¼ cup – 8 grams
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