
Is there a monitor for this web site? Is there a right way to follow this program or is this even a program? I have read some post that say that if you aren't going to do it a certain way, that maybe this site isn't for you. I'm confused. Thought this was just a way for anyone to chart there food and exercise. Period.


  • sherrillbj
    Is there a monitor for this web site? Is there a right way to follow this program or is this even a program? I have read some post that say that if you aren't going to do it a certain way, that maybe this site isn't for you. I'm confused. Thought this was just a way for anyone to chart there food and exercise. Period.
  • Eve23
    Eve23 Posts: 2,352 Member
    Sherrill, this sight is for anyone who is looking for support and a way to track what they are doing. From all the posts I have seen since I have been here there are alot of different methods people are going about losing the weight and getting healthier.
    If there are posts that come across that way it is a shame because everyone has an opportunity to fine the best method for them to lose. We cannot all fit into the same mold here. We all have different needs and busy lives that are as different as we are.
    Don't let anyone make you feel as if you are not welcome, if a post comes across that way take it with a grain of salt and know not everyone feels the same, it is only an opinion. I have seen many posts that I felt did not take into consideration another person very well, but I have also seen many posts that had a great deal of good information.

    I hope that helps keep your chin up and you will do great.:bigsmile:
  • deanea
    deanea Posts: 1,437

    I think that was my post that got you confused. I am sorry for that, I have many opinions and computers are a very dangerous way to communicate your thoughts sometimes because you can't see peoples faces or get feedback right away. I am sorry if I made you feel "wrong" in any way. We are all here for the same reason to get healthy and feel good, I sense you do dont feel good with all of the conflicting info. I will be careful how I post my opinions in future as I never want anyone to feel there is a right and only way, it is the way that works best for you. I hope you stay with us and have great success and you will find success with this site the way you want not how I want. Once again, sorry if I sounded harsh....welcome, lets start fresh!
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,015 Member
    :wink: Hi, Deanea!
  • bigdane321
    bigdane321 Posts: 233 Member
    sherrillbj if there is a right way let us know. Everyone is different and their eating styles will be different. If someone on this site offers advise that's all it is advise take or leave it. So keep using the site the way you are. Good luck were here for you.
  • whathappened
    :smile: I joined for the calorie calculator and i'm glad there is a support group to boot ! I'm trying to eat about 1200 calories and not feel deprived or ravenous. I'd like to think that my stomach will shrink , what do you think ? I have the Dr. Oz book and that makes me want to eat healthy . So glean all the information you want, use the charts and we're here for you to talk to when you want , we can do this .
    Now I have to figure out the calories for 6 grape tomatoes and some romaine lettuce. It's cold and snowy in NY, the kind of weather for a glass of wine and a hunk of cheese. Oh dear...
  • oldandbroke
    Is there a monitor for this web site? Is there a right way to follow this program or is this even a program? I have read some post that say that if you aren't going to do it a certain way, that maybe this site isn't for you. I'm confused. Thought this was just a way for anyone to chart there food and exercise. Period.

    There is not a program. This place is a way to track your calories and progress. It also lets you adjust your macronutrients to suit your lifestyle. Everyone here seems to be sharing tips on better nutrition and exercise. There are plenty of people here that will tell what they have done that worked and some things that didn't work. It really is about learning and sharing and doing what you think will work for you. I guess the post you read meant that there are no "quick and easy way" methods or secret methods to losing weight being proposed here. The "right way" is exercise more and eat right, that is what people are sharing here. Good luck - charting your calories can be very enlightening.