Supportive group seeking a few new members

I am a member of a group of women who are are working together to support each other through this process of losing weight and getting healthy. Recently, we have lost some members and we are looking for a few more supportive and encouraging friends to join our group. The group guidelines are as follows: weekly weigh ins, a weekly challenge that includes earning points for completeIng certain goals, and checking in frequently on our group forum.

If you are interested in joining us or would like more information, please send me a message!


  • dab52776
    dab52776 Posts: 536 Member
    Bump :)
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,023 Member
    I have lost 112lbs now working on maintaining and toning I would love more info about your group
  • wolfgirl78
    wolfgirl78 Posts: 56 Member
    I would like to know more too!
  • dab52776
    dab52776 Posts: 536 Member
    Info PMed to both of you!

    We still have room for a couple more if anyone else is interested!
  • eikito
    eikito Posts: 114 Member
    I'd like to know more too :smile:
  • wahmom2three
    wahmom2three Posts: 7 Member
    Me too! I am just starting out and I think a group would b very helpful. : )
  • Bowent12
    Bowent12 Posts: 2
    I've been on a little over a month and a half. Trying to shed just a few pounds but tone and tighten. Would love to support and be supported.
  • LeeshLove
    LeeshLove Posts: 197
    totally interested!! love a good challenge.. and I like the idea of weigh and check ins.. where do I sign up?
  • sharon_moyer
    sharon_moyer Posts: 177
    sent you a message to find out more about the group and maybe join
  • NeekoM03
    NeekoM03 Posts: 27
    I'm interested too if you have room for one more!
  • dab52776
    dab52776 Posts: 536 Member
    Our group is private, so I can send you all information.... But it probably won't be until tomorrow. I will include everyone who has responded to this post or PMed me to this point...... But, for now we have reached the number if members that we like to limit it to.