Started taking Green coffee bean extract,no appetite at all?

This is so weird. i usually am such a bad binge eater, i crave food like crazy. in the past few days i started taking this Green coffee bean extract that they sell in stores. its suppose to help with weight loss. well, ever since taking it, i have completely lost my drive to eat. its so odd. i don't barely crave any thing. i didn't eat like any thing all day today, and i didn't even care. my appetite was so suppressed. any one else try this before? what were your results? did you lose weight, and if so how much? i'm just curious. i have a feeling, this could be the start of something great.


  • peaceissues
    peaceissues Posts: 77 Member
    I've tried it before..i lost some weight but not alot..but that was because i'd forget to take them or i would only take one when the directions say take two a day. Rightnow im not taking any supplements, trying to do it the hard but very effective in the long run way.
  • jennifershoo
    jennifershoo Posts: 3,198 Member
    So not eating at all for a whole day is the "start of something great"? Sounds like a recipe for disaster IMO. You'll just end up binging more down the road because you'll be famished and lack energy.
  • Willowana
    Willowana Posts: 493 Member
    I hope you have thick skin, OP.... the forums don't take kindly to anyone mentioning raspberry ketones or green coffee bean extract. Or anything recommended by Dr. Oz, really...

    Duck and cover, my girl!
  • Nunziata29
    Nunziata29 Posts: 7
    I haven't heard anything about that.
  • SanteMulberry
    SanteMulberry Posts: 3,202 Member
    This is so weird. i usually am such a bad binge eater, i crave food like crazy. in the past few days i started taking this Green coffee bean extract that they sell in stores. its suppose to help with weight loss. well, ever since taking it, i have completely lost my drive to eat. its so odd. i don't barely crave any thing. i didn't eat like any thing all day today, and i didn't even care. my appetite was so suppressed. any one else try this before? what were your results? did you lose weight, and if so how much? i'm just curious. i have a feeling, this could be the start of something great.

    Apparently, it is chlorogenic acid that the extract contains. You get the same thing in regular or decaf coffee. It is a very interesting phyto-nutrient. Appears to have an anti-dementia element to it as well, must be something of an anti-inflammatory, would be my guess. They now know that inflammation is not only part of the Type II diabetes picture, but may actually be part of the obesity picture as well. Perhaps it addresses this directly as they know that regular coffee drinking lowers uric acid levels and high uric acid is very much present in most obese individuals. Some exciting research into phyto-nutrients going on these days:smile: .
  • SanteMulberry
    SanteMulberry Posts: 3,202 Member
    So not eating at all for a whole day is the "start of something great"? Sounds like a recipe for disaster IMO. You'll just end up binging more down the road because you'll be famished and lack energy.

    Yeah---I think this poster is right. Occasional fasting is not a bad idea (some research suggests that it might be beneficial) but you want to be careful that you don't mess up your nutritional status.
  • SanteMulberry
    SanteMulberry Posts: 3,202 Member
    I hope you have thick skin, OP.... the forums don't take kindly to anyone mentioning raspberry ketones or green coffee bean extract. Or anything recommended by Dr. Oz, really...

    Duck and cover, my girl!

    You are so right! :laugh: :laugh:
  • workoutgirl23
    workoutgirl23 Posts: 267
    lol thanks. i didn't realize it was a touchy subject. i've heard a lot of good things out there about green bean coffee extract. what's bad about it.
  • Willowana
    Willowana Posts: 493 Member
    I hope you have thick skin, OP.... the forums don't take kindly to anyone mentioning raspberry ketones or green coffee bean extract. Or anything recommended by Dr. Oz, really...

    Duck and cover, my girl!

    You are so right! :laugh: :laugh:

    I'll distract the angry mob with my adorable, squee-worthy Venezuelan Poodle Moth.

  • How can not eating be good for you? I can understand occasional fasting and calorie counting, but not eating much or nothing every day can only lead to disaster. Did you talk to your doctor before you started these supplements? If you take them too much and become dependent on their appetite suppression you will never train your body to eat properly therefore putting you in a downward spiral for a possible eating disorder, organ failure, or even possibly death. I'm just looking at it from my medical professional standpoint. Please don't take this as an attack. That's not how I want to come off. I truly care about all my friends, having met them or not. We are all in this weight loss battle together and need to help and give advice to each other when we can. Please seek some guidance from your doctor if this suppliment continues to affect you this way. Good luck to you and have a great night.
  • SanteMulberry
    SanteMulberry Posts: 3,202 Member
    lol thanks. i didn't realize it was a touchy subject. i've heard a lot of good things out there about green bean coffee extract. what's bad about it.

    There's nothing particularly bad about it as far as I can tell, but anything recommended by Dr. Oz seems to set off the howling mob. :laugh: We'll attempt to draw their fire while you make your get-away! They will probably show up in 4...3...2...1
  • SanteMulberry
    SanteMulberry Posts: 3,202 Member
    Hmmm, *crickets chirping* The howling mob must be slipping. :wink:
  • SanteMulberry
    SanteMulberry Posts: 3,202 Member
    I hope you have thick skin, OP.... the forums don't take kindly to anyone mentioning raspberry ketones or green coffee bean extract. Or anything recommended by Dr. Oz, really...

    Duck and cover, my girl!

    You are so right! :laugh: :laugh:

    I'll distract the angry mob with my adorable, squee-worthy Venezuelan Poodle Moth.


    Aww---it really is....cute? Are you an entomologist?
  • workoutgirl23
    workoutgirl23 Posts: 267
    awww. that little guy really is adorable.! i love it.
  • Willowana
    Willowana Posts: 493 Member
    An honest answer: OP, I haven't heard anything necessarily wrong with taking green coffee bean extract, except the usual side effects of caffeine. Such products are generally looked down upon because the research is very flimsy. Most of the case studies are backed by the very lucrative supplement industry, and the results are negligible at best.

    The new found fame is attributed to nothing more than a fad pushed by the supplement industry onto people earnestly trying to lose weight. The folks on the forums can come off as rude or mean when replying to sincere questions like yours, but the underlying message is....don't waste your money on something that isn't proven. You can lose all the weight you need to -and just as quickly- doing it the good old fashioned way.

    As a binge eater, I really do sympathize with you, because I know what it's like to just wish I wasn't hungry. Because the slightest hunger pang, and I'm ready to chew my own arm off. I even tried prescription diet pills for that reason. If it helps, the way I have combated this problem is to increase my protein. It keeps me fuller a lot longer and maintains my sanity.

    But if you want to try green coffee bean extract, go for it. Just be sure that you are meeting your calorie goals more often than not. It's one thing to create a calorie deficit, and it's quite another to starve yourself. The occasional low calorie day won't kill you. When I'm fasting, I might only have 500-1000 calories before and/or after my fast....but any other time, I'm at 1500. Just be sensible about it. :smile:
  • Willowana
    Willowana Posts: 493 Member
    Aww---it really is....cute? Are you an entomologist?

    No, I stumbled on this little guy while reading an article online and thought he was so stinkin' cute, I had to snag him. :laugh:
  • SanteMulberry
    SanteMulberry Posts: 3,202 Member
    An honest answer: OP, I haven't heard anything necessarily wrong with taking green coffee bean extract, except the usual side effects of caffeine. Such products are generally looked down upon because the research is very flimsy. Most of the case studies are backed by the very lucrative supplement industry, and the results are negligible at best.

    The new found fame is attributed to nothing more than a fad pushed by the supplement industry onto people earnestly trying to lose weight. The folks on the forums can come off as rude or mean when replying to sincere questions like yours, but the underlying message is....don't waste your money on something that isn't proven. You can lose all the weight you need to -and just as quickly- doing it the good old fashioned way.

    As a binge eater, I really do sympathize with you, because I know what it's like to just wish I wasn't hungry. Because the slightest hunger pang, and I'm ready to chew my own arm off. I even tried prescription diet pills for that reason. If it helps, the way I have combated this problem is to increase my protein. It keeps me fuller a lot longer and maintains my sanity.

    But if you want to try green coffee bean extract, go for it. Just be sure that you are meeting your calorie goals more often than not. It's one thing to create a calorie deficit, and it's quite another to starve yourself. The occasional low calorie day won't kill you. When I'm fasting, I might only have 500-1000 calories before and/or after my fast....but any other time, I'm at 1500. Just be sensible about it. :smile:

    I agree. I would actually be concerned if I had no appetite at all. There are serious diseases associated with loss of appetite. Liver and kidney issues come to mind. Not saying that is what is going on with you, but I would be cautious. :smile:
  • Surfdancer777
    Surfdancer777 Posts: 6 Member
    Hi There,

    I think anyone should be able to ask ANYTHING on this board about weight loss and nutrition, otherwise, what's the use?

    There's a lot of misinformation about Coffee Bean Extract -

    1), it doesn't cause same side effects
    as coffee. (It's green- hasn't been roasted- therefore, NO jitteriness).

    2) Dr. Oz doesn't SELL ANYTHING. He's objective about his advice. Do unethical supplement companies/ website illegally use
    his name?? YES!! He cracks down as much as possible- but impossible to catch all of them. he says that if there's ANY
    supplement with his pic on it, Do NOT buy it. He doesn't sell his name for ANY supplement. Love that about him!!!

    3) He doesn't recommend any BRAND- he only says- "look for one with at least 45% chlorogenic acid"

    3) He did a methodologically valid, controlled experiment with specifically chosen population invited to participate.
    Half given placebo, half given coffee bean extract. All were instructed not to eat any differently continue eating as before
    and exercising as before. 3xs' a day, 30 min before meals for 2 weeks. Typical weight loss amongst the GCBE group, was 1-2 pounds lost a week per person. 82 pounds lost with entire group who took GCBE, and 20 pounds lost with the entire placebo group. Watch the episode here

    4) I took it for a couple days and had same problem as you, took my appetite away COMPLETELY
    and I already have trouble getting in all my calories and love to exercise, so stopped taking the GCBE, but will
    take in the future for those days where lots of parties, buffets might be on the horizon!! :))

    5) If you take it, just make sure you get in some quality, nutrient dense foods and use logging
    as your guide for this. If you don't eat, your BMR (basal metabolic rate) will lower and you'll burn fewer calories. Your
    body will eventually begin metabolizing your lean muscle if you still don't eat enough- this will make you look flabbier, as you'll
    lose sexy muscle tone, so not eating completely, is a really bad habit. After a days/ weeks of not eating, your body will secrete
    more Leptin (hormone that tells you you're HUNGRY) it will secrete more and more til you binge. Furthermore, Grehlin, the hormone that tells you you're FULL, will be suppressed, so even though you binge, your body's "I'm stuffed" signals won't kick in because your body wants you to stock up on calories. If you eat regularly, leptin/grehlin levels usually normalize. Crash dieting doesn't work-only screws up your hormones and metabolism.

    6) Please keep asking questions!! Only foolish question is one you were afraid to ask. Hope
    people are never intimidated by online bullies to ask sincere questions.

    Peace, Love and Health,

  • princess71903
    princess71903 Posts: 56 Member
    They are too busy attacking me right now.