IIFYM Protein and Water Question



  • DawnEH612
    DawnEH612 Posts: 574 Member
    The protein is per lean body mass (muscle) and can be .8-1.0 grams per pound of lean body mass. I tend to aim for a % of my daily caloric intake of about 25% protein. Based on 1700 calories a day, 425 calories/day would be from protein and that would be 106 grams of protein a day (there are 4 calories per gram of protein... 425/4 = 106) That way your protein consumption will be based on how much food you actually eat that day, which can vary if you workout or dont workout that day. I also want to note, if you are not lifting heavy duty then there is no need to eat that amount of protein and you can reduce your protein consumption to about 20%.

    As far as water goes.... There is a old standard of 64 ounces/days, but this is a guide not an exact science. The reality is, it should be about proper hydration not water consumption. You can get properly hydrated from any liquid that is not alcoholic ????or laden with caffeine☕ and/or sodium . (Caffeine and sodium are both diuretics and will ultimately dehydrate you). Things like juice, almond milk, and even watermelon ???? will addd to the hydration requirements. Another rough gage is to drink half your body weight in hydrating fluids. So, if you weight 150 pounds aim for 75 ounces of hydrating liquids throughout the day. I try to drink 2 cups as soon as i get up in the morning before anything else. It helps to rehydrate you after losing a lot of fluid through body repair and evaporation via respiration during the night.
  • dianamatienzo
    dianamatienzo Posts: 127
    The protein is per lean body mass (muscle) and can be .8-1.0 grams per pound of lean body mass. I tend to aim for a % of my daily caloric intake of about 25% protein. Based on 1700 calories a day, 425 calories/day would be from protein and that would be 106 grams of protein a day (there are 4 calories per gram of protein... 425/4 = 106) That way your protein consumption will be based on how much food you actually eat that day, which can vary if you workout or dont workout that day. I also want to note, if you are not lifting heavy duty then there is no need to eat that amount of protein and you can reduce your protein consumption to about 20%.

    As far as water goes.... There is a old standard of 64 ounces/days, but this is a guide not an exact science. The reality is, it should be about proper hydration not water consumption. You can get properly hydrated from any liquid that is not alcoholic ????or laden with caffeine☕ and/or sodium . (Caffeine and sodium are both diuretics and will ultimately dehydrate you). Things like juice, almond milk, and even watermelon ???? will addd to the hydration requirements. Another rough gage is to drink half your body weight in hydrating fluids. So, if you weight 150 pounds aim for 75 ounces of hydrating liquids throughout the day. I try to drink 2 cups as soon as i get up in the morning before anything else. It helps to rehydrate you after losing a lot of fluid through body repair and evaporation via respiration during the night.

    ^ Well said! Couldn't have said it better myself :)
  • alsaxon
    alsaxon Posts: 124 Member
    Take a look at my diary. Every morning I have scrambled eggs - 4 whites, 2 whole. Chicken breast for lunch and whatever for dinner.

    RE: using lean body mass in the calculation - I think the 1g per lbs rule is for your weight in muscle, bone and organs. You probably don't need 1g of protein per lbs of fat on your body.

    You diary gave me great ideas!!

    I'll try the lean body mass idea to see if that works for me. That will put me at 97g. That'll be much easier for me too reach!
  • alsaxon
    alsaxon Posts: 124 Member
    The "usual" or very commonly advised amount is 0.8g per 1lb body weight or as "emurano" says below 1g per 1lb of lean body mass.

    Just a question though - if you don't log your food how do you know you are under or over?

    As for the water - who says you have to drink a gallon of water a day? That could be too much, too little or just right but aiming at a random number is pointless. There are a huge number of myths around water on here! Hydration is important but it doesn't have to come exclusively from water.

    I was just going by when I usually log my food, I notice I continually hit that number. Been bad about it lately though. Also, alot of times I don't log in FP, I just remember or write it down. It's faster! lol

    The IIFYM is the site that recommended a gallon a day.

    8. To dial in IIFYM with more accuracy, follow these steps:

    -Eat at least 1 gram of protein per pound of body weight
    -Eat .45 grams of fat per pound of body weight
    -Any remaining calories you have left in your daily total will come from carbs
    -Take in 20% – 25% of your body weight in fiber every day
    -Drink 1 gallon of water per day in addition to any other liquid you consume
  • alsaxon
    alsaxon Posts: 124 Member
    Could pick up a few protein bars (check sugar and carb content) Tinned tuna is easy, salmon, chicken, greek yoghurt, blueberries. Bigger portions could do it of course, chicken is great for protein. Steak/Red meats.. spinach?

    Thank you! I love tuna. I can eat it straight out the can. I use blueberries in my smoothies. I will add more.
  • Warchortle
    Warchortle Posts: 2,197 Member
    is not 1 lb per body weight.. it's 1 lb per LEAN body mass.. and you don't even need 1g... you need anywhere between .6-1g you can go over.. it's not a big deal.
  • alsaxon
    alsaxon Posts: 124 Member
    The protein is per lean body mass (muscle) and can be .8-1.0 grams per pound of lean body mass. I tend to aim for a % of my daily caloric intake of about 25% protein. Based on 1700 calories a day, 425 calories/day would be from protein and that would be 106 grams of protein a day (there are 4 calories per gram of protein... 425/4 = 106) That way your protein consumption will be based on how much food you actually eat that day, which can vary if you workout or dont workout that day. I also want to note, if you are not lifting heavy duty then there is no need to eat that amount of protein and you can reduce your protein consumption to about 20%.

    As far as water goes.... There is a old standard of 64 ounces/days, but this is a guide not an exact science. The reality is, it should be about proper hydration not water consumption. You can get properly hydrated from any liquid that is not alcoholic ????or laden with caffeine☕ and/or sodium . (Caffeine and sodium are both diuretics and will ultimately dehydrate you). Things like juice, almond milk, and even watermelon ???? will addd to the hydration requirements. Another rough gage is to drink half your body weight in hydrating fluids. So, if you weight 150 pounds aim for 75 ounces of hydrating liquids throughout the day. I try to drink 2 cups as soon as i get up in the morning before anything else. It helps to rehydrate you after losing a lot of fluid through body repair and evaporation via respiration during the night.

    Thx for all of this great information!
  • HollisGrant
    HollisGrant Posts: 2,022 Member
    The rule about 1 gram of protein per body weight is killing me. That means I need to get 128.5 grams of protein a day. I'm accustomed to hitting about 50 to 60 most days and that includes eating meat, beans, cheese and maybe eggs. Do I have to make my portion sizes bigger? I just don't know how to do this without going over my calorie count which is 1,734. I'd love ideas.

    Also, the site admin recommends a gallon of water per day. Creative ideas for that is welcomed as well. :)

    I bought a 32 oz sport bottle (sold at drug stores and grocery stores). I fill it with filtered water and lemon slices and know I have to drink two a day. I take it to work with me, too. It really helps because the side of the bottle is marked in cup increments. I also bought a larger gallon bottle and fill that with filtered water that I keep in the fridge. The lemon slices make drinking the water a lot easier for me.

    I really like the fact that water curbs my hunger.
  • cajuntank
    cajuntank Posts: 924 Member
    One cup of Chobani Greek plain yogurt has 18g of protein, one scoop of chocolate protein powder tends to have between 25g-30g of protein. Mix together and that's 40-48 grams of protein yummyness.
  • CoachReddy
    CoachReddy Posts: 3,949 Member
    The rule about 1 gram of protein per body weight is killing me. That means I need to get 128.5 grams of protein a day. I'm accustomed to hitting about 50 to 60 most days and that includes eating meat, beans, cheese and maybe eggs. Do I have to make my portion sizes bigger? I just don't know how to do this without going over my calorie count which is 1,734. I'd love ideas.

    Also, the site admin recommends a gallon of water per day. Creative ideas for that is welcomed as well. :)

    .7-1g first off, and it's per pound of lean body mass, which means you can probably shave a bit off there. an adult woman doesn't actually require more than 46g of protein according to the USDA/FDA, so 60-90g is probably ideal
  • Babeskeez
    Babeskeez Posts: 606 Member
    If it wasn't for my protein powder I would be hitting the same macros for protein as you. I just dont enjoy eating all that stuff everyday. So my answer is, protein shakes. :laugh: :wink:
  • LynneAmelia
    LynneAmelia Posts: 11
    thanks again! I will definitely check that.
  • Byrdiblack
    Byrdiblack Posts: 4 Member
    Using the IIFYM calculator, I (153lb female) get a TDEE of 1943.
    With textbook fat loss recommendations of eating 20% under my TDEE, I shoot for 1554 calories a day.

    Now the IIFYM macros put me at 1.00 gram of protein per body weight, NOT per lean body mass, like you guys are saying.
    Results are:

    80.6 153 68.9 31 - 38 1554

    Are my macros inflated because it's going by body weight for protein? Should I change something? Ya'll are freakin' me out!
  • LolBroScience
    LolBroScience Posts: 4,537 Member
    I try to eat 5 oz of protein each meal, usually chicken, tuna, salmon and lately too much beef. Dessert might be Greek yogurt based for more protein. I'll supplement with shakes or quest bars if I'm falling short.

    I'll already do Greek yogurts at one or two per day. I try to limit it though because I hate plain yogurt and flavored will put me over the limit. I used to add plain to my smoothies though. Maybe I'll get back to doing that again. That's 19 grams right there!

    Add Stevia or a zero cal sweetener.

    You can steal from my diary, if you want. Although my portion sizes would be obnoxious for you, hah. I primarily get protein from chicken, fish, Greek yogurt, eggs and egg whites.
  • JossFit
    JossFit Posts: 588 Member
    The rule about 1 gram of protein per body weight is killing me. That means I need to get 128.5 grams of protein a day. I'm accustomed to hitting about 50 to 60 most days and that includes eating meat, beans, cheese and maybe eggs. Do I have to make my portion sizes bigger? I just don't know how to do this without going over my calorie count which is 1,734. I'd love ideas.

    Also, the site admin recommends a gallon of water per day. Creative ideas for that is welcomed as well. :)

    I eat about the same amount of calories as you each day (1750 right now) and eat 180g of protein per day without having to use any powders or supplements. It's easy! Instead of one chicken breast, have two. Instead of one piece of fish, have two. :) Just double up on the protein you already have.

    What are your macros set at in your diary?
  • lavieboheme1229
    lavieboheme1229 Posts: 448 Member
    I encourage you to look at my diary. I have 94 grams of protein in there for the day, and only 15 of that came from my protein powder this morning. And I'm at 1,400 calories on the day thus far (it might change depending on the kind of hamburger roll I pick up for dinner). But you get my point. I try to have protein with every snack and meal. Protein is what keeps me full. So I rely heavily upon it to not feel like I'm hungry throughout the day.

    A lot of people are hesitant with protein powders. I was too honestly. But I brought my protein powder to my doctor, and we looked at it together. She was confident everything would be fine with the powder. And everything has. I lead a normal life, I eat minimally processed foods (in my opinion), not a lot of eating out or fast foods. Powder is OK.

    Regarding the gallon of water every day- That's a LOT. Some people can do it. I personally can't. Remember you get water from the fruits and veggies you eat also. I aim for 3-4 bottles of water every day, a cup of tea (I like mine black), on top of whatever shake or fruit I may eat. If I'm feeling bloated, I aim for more. If I'm thirsty, I drink more.

    Hope this helps.
  • alpine1994
    alpine1994 Posts: 1,915 Member
    I go with this:

    A position statement published by the ADA, DOC and ACSM recommends that endurance and strength-trained athletes have between 1.2 and 1.7 g/kg (0.5 - 0.8 grams per pound) of protein for the best performance and health.

    Of course there are a million different articles out there on how much protein you need. According to the above, I should eat between 74 and 116 grams of protein per day, so I generally shoot for 100g.

    According to that same website, foods with complete proteins (all of the essential amino acids) are beef, chicken, fish, eggs, milk and just about anything else derived from animal sources. You can get incomplete proteins from grains, legumes, nuts, seeds, and dark green veggies.

    I am not a big meat-eater, but I tried to eat at least 6oz of beef/chicken/pork per day. I also eat greek yogurt every day (around 14g protein), a Luna protein bar (12g protein), and then there's 1g-5g of protein in my other regular daily staples like oatmeal, light cheese sticks, and veggies. I definitely need to eat more legumes!
  • ahmadfahmy
    ahmadfahmy Posts: 214 Member
    The rule about 1 gram of protein per body weight is killing me. That means I need to get 128.5 grams of protein a day. I'm accustomed to hitting about 50 to 60 most days and that includes eating meat, beans, cheese and maybe eggs. Do I have to make my portion sizes bigger? I just don't know how to do this without going over my calorie count which is 1,734. I'd love ideas.

    Also, the site admin recommends a gallon of water per day. Creative ideas for that is welcomed as well. :)

    2 scoops of whey is ~50g protein...