Starting insanity!



  • jlanderson_12
    jlanderson_12 Posts: 40 Member
    I finished my second fitness test last night. Made it through the first 15 days!!! I really improved also. I hope I can approve still on the next fit test. I am so proud of myself though!!! I just hope the scale starts dropping.
  • hayles_s
    hayles_s Posts: 32 Member
    I am on week two (second round) of month 2 but only doing it 3 times a week as I also do body pump, spinning, running and HIIT training so don't want to overwork my muscles. I do however, feel I can keep up with the pace even sometimes my hear rate reaches a max of 174..defo makes your fitness levels shoot through the roof and the results are amazing providing you stick to the plan of clean eating :)
  • Eviesmum
    Eviesmum Posts: 270 Member
    Just done day 9 (Pure Cardio), I hate this one sooooooooooooooooooo much. However it was easier than last time.

    I've not taken photos yet, anyone noticing how they are changing yet?
  • samanthagreen3
    samanthagreen3 Posts: 44 Member
    Oh dear, I had a great day 16 today, really pushed myself and felt stronger! But tonight my knees are killing me, one in particular...anyone else had problems with knees? If its hurting still tomorrow ill do recovery because I don't want to hurt myself and not be able to carry on :(
  • kotersmom
    kotersmom Posts: 96 Member
    Day proud of myself for making it past two weeks...the furthest I have made it!! Pure Cardio and Cardio Abs tonight...yes I will split em up a little. One right after work and one before bed. Think it would kill me to do them together lol! Also on my second week of C25K.

    Glad to see you guys hanging in there!!
  • wocko6092
    wocko6092 Posts: 69 Member
    well day 22 now finished. I cant believe month one has almost finished.
  • TheDreadPirateWestley
    Day 5 about to start here. I'm 46 and reasonably fit and it is kicking my *kitten*. I admire the guy though...and all you lot who are pushing through. I am sat here about to start it and my legs are sore already... this will be hell.

    No pain no gain.
  • TheDreadPirateWestley
    Day 5 done.

    Oh and my hrm keeps beeping at me at 99% hr, so at that point I calm it down a bit. I assume this is correct. .. days the person too lazy to Google. ... ;)
  • mychaelahall
    mychaelahall Posts: 9 Member
    im starting tomorrow!!! excited & scared!
  • Eviesmum
    Eviesmum Posts: 270 Member
    Done day 15 - Fitness Test No 2

    Switch Kicks - +1
    Power Jacks - +3
    Power Knees - +19
    Power Jumps - +6
    Globe Jumps - +2
    Suicide Jumps - +2
    Push Up Jacks - +8
    Low Plank Oblique - +17

    Really happy X
  • Stooooo
    Stooooo Posts: 1,191 Member
    Done day 15 - Fitness Test No 2

    Switch Kicks - +1
    Power Jacks - +3
    Power Knees - +19
    Power Jumps - +6
    Globe Jumps - +2
    Suicide Jumps - +2
    Push Up Jacks - +8
    Low Plank Oblique - +17

    Really happy X

    Nice work!!!
  • wocko6092
    wocko6092 Posts: 69 Member
    Done day 15 - Fitness Test No 2

    Switch Kicks - +1
    Power Jacks - +3
    Power Knees - +19
    Power Jumps - +6
    Globe Jumps - +2
    Suicide Jumps - +2
    Push Up Jacks - +8
    Low Plank Oblique - +17

    Really happy X
    wow i wish i did that well on my day 15 fit test
  • Eviesmum
    Eviesmum Posts: 270 Member
    Thanks, I was totally unfit at the start though :wink:

    I'm just about to do day 17. :drinker:
  • wocko6092
    wocko6092 Posts: 69 Member
    well day 27 starts today. After today i would have completed month one
  • wocko6092
    wocko6092 Posts: 69 Member
    well day 27 is now complete. I have a well deserved recovery week now before month 2 starts
  • Stooooo
    Stooooo Posts: 1,191 Member
    well day 27 is now complete. I have a well deserved recovery week now before month 2 starts

    HA! Recovery week....
  • ShallaLovee1
    ShallaLovee1 Posts: 356 Member
    well day 27 is now complete. I have a well deserved recovery week now before month 2 starts

    HA! Recovery week....

    LMFAO! Right..
  • starmickey03
    starmickey03 Posts: 89 Member
    Im on week 7 right now and I start week 8 on Monday. Im so proud of myself. Ive never actually completed a fitness program before, so to finish a program as intense as Insanity is crazy to me! Im going to start it all over and begin round 2 when Im done.

    Ive barely lost weight on the program. I was actually gaining weight in the first month, but started to lose a little weight during the Max phase (month 2). I'll probably only have lost 4 lbs when I finish the program in two weeks. But Ive lost inches and Im looking more toned than I ever have in my life!!! :happy:

    Anyone feel free to add me!!
  • Cozivfjpouch

    I completed day 10 today :))

    Been using myfitnesspal since November and lost 10 pounds...

    I'm NOT noticing anything yet and I have gained weight :////

  • giusa
    giusa Posts: 577 Member
    On Week 3 Day 2.
    I've noticed the width of my hips shrinking, and my belly appears bigger or the same but protruding out???
    So overall, my measurements are the same.
    Have any other ladies experienced this?
    Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated.