i went over my calories :( what do i do???



  • bellaconfusa
    This happens to me a lot - sometimes I notice that I get myself into a snacking binge at work and have left myself very few calories to eat a proper dinner.

    So I'm supposed to eat around 1200 calories a day. If I log 1300-1400 I don't even concern myself with it. 1500 or more? I try to make up for it a little bit with exercise. Sometimes I'll go to the gym and try to burn 300 calories by pushing half an hour on the elliptical, or sometimes I'll go for a brisk walk.

    I don't think it's bad to go over calories, but just try not to make a habit of it unless you are going to exercise more.
  • CinnamonCupcake
    CinnamonCupcake Posts: 8 Member
    Don't sweat it.

    eating over your desire calorie count isn't a big deal if you do it once. just remember to stay on track and exercise.

    if you want to you can do more exercising to burn off extra calories. if you normally do a 15 minute jog then do a 20 - 25 minute jog.

    or if you never did sit-ups. do sit-ups for 2 minutes.

    this will help you and test you at the same time
  • jenstanley13
    jenstanley13 Posts: 194 Member
    Try to pick up the pieces of your life and move on. Forget about yesterday.

    You DO have a more serious issue. You are eating 1200 calories and you try to stay at least 200 under that goal??

    you are eating 1000 or less calories a day? So you just had a binge day. This is about the worst pattern you can be setting up for yourself. Please start eating at LEAST 1200 a day, not under. I'm going to guess your TDEE and BMR are actually over that so you should be eating even more than that a day.

    ^^^^this; I know for me the 1200 calorie thing was just causing me to be hungry all of the time and although I was losing some it was not what I would expect from eating that little. I decided I wanted to build strength as well as lose some fat so I started with the NROL4W and upped my calories to 1799 (TDEE -20%); the pounds are melting off (slowly but surely) as are the inches just after 4 weeks and I am not hungry all of the time which is probably the biggest bonus. I am not suggesting you do exactly what I did but just letting you know what worked for me and showing that lower calories is not always better. Good luck on your journey.
  • A_Fit_Mom
    A_Fit_Mom Posts: 602 Member
    Don't worry about it. It is one day. When it turns in everyday..that is when you gain weight. One day here and there will not matter.
  • queenbea77
    queenbea77 Posts: 404 Member
    You've been under the other day so this will all even out.
  • 72maureen
    72maureen Posts: 21 Member
    i didn't see no doctor, i just want to take about 10-15 lbs off and according to height and weight it gives me 1200 a day, i do eat typically 1200 but its my exercising that brings me under my calorie goal amount. thanks again everybody for your thoughts.