push ups nightmare!!



  • bms34b
    bms34b Posts: 401 Member
    I agree with most of the stuff here that says to use height of hands to modify, not knees. If you have stairs, use them. It's an easy way to measure. Start four stairs up, do as many as possible, work up to twelve, then move down a stair. You'll be doing floor push-ups in no time!
  • Shan790
    Shan790 Posts: 280 Member
    Glad I'm not the only one that is terrible at push ups, I"ve gotten a little better through doing yoga, its building up my strength but I still have a ways to go.
  • kcritter77
    kcritter77 Posts: 162 Member
    STEP (ON TOES)-4

    I did mine on the bathroom counter at work for the longest time until I could build enough strength to do them on my knees. I had a wrist injury that kept me from being able to put weight directly down to my wrist. Doing them against the sink or counter took most of the pressure off and by the time my wrist was strong enough, I was strong enough!
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    While the knee pushups are okay, they target different muscles than standard/military pushups. I agree to start with the wall pushups, if needed. But also work on holding a plank (the pushup position). Engage your core - this is a great abs workout. Hold it as long as you can without letting your back sag or your bum pop up. When you can do that for 15+ seconds, start lowering and raising yourself slightly. It doesn't matter if you can only bend your arms a little bit, you're building the muscle. Always control going down, it works the muscle too. As you get stronger, you can increase your range of motion gradually, and eventually you will be doing full pushups.
  • murphy612
    murphy612 Posts: 734 Member
    I agree with all the posts about doing them at an incline, starting on the stairs is a great idea. Forget the wall, doing them on a wall will not engage your core muscles and pushups are primarily a core strength. Also do a lot of plank, it will help. Keep it up, it took me a long time to be able to do them on the floor but now I'm up to 35!! You can do it :)
  • well thanks guys i start on worktop in kitchen and can now do 20 i know its not much but im getting there thank you all :-)
  • When I first started working out I couldn't do 1. I kept trying for months while I was losing weight. I did them on my knees, I did them against the wall. I eventually could do 1 on the floor...then 2 and then one day I did 10 and now I can do 30 with excellent form. Before I could do 2 or 3 I was lifting weights several times a week and I started at 2.5 pounds, went up tp 5 pounds and now I'm at 10 pounds weights. It'll take a while but if you don't give up.....YOU CAN DO IT! It took me about 14 months to go from 0-30!
  • craigjmorton
    craigjmorton Posts: 24 Member
    If you have a smartphone (iphone/Android/WP) then why not download the 6 Week Fitness app or similar push up training apps?

    The 6 Week Fitness app (based on this site www.hundredpushups.com) starts you from level 0. I started and began with 5 sets of 1 rep each and if you can't finish, the app makes you redo that particular day over and over again until you can do it.

    The app in itself is very structure and takes you from doing 0 push ups to 100...maybe have a look at it?
  • oh i will definitely look into that app thank u