Need Support!!!

Well I am trying very hard to stay on track but I still end up having a midnight snack and ruining my day. It's like after 10pm all will power is gone. Anyways I am looking for people to help keep me on track and motivate me, I will of course do the same in return.


  • I've been known to have a late night snack or two, so I have been allowing small dessert after dinner and I have been taking raspberry ketones to help curb appetite and cravings. It suppresses appetite and it says to take a pill after dinner to help with late night snacking. I just bought mine on amazon, hope this helps=0)
  • Mrs_Metz
    Mrs_Metz Posts: 5 Member
    I may have to try this. I get home from work around 10-11pm and by then I am so dead tired I just give in to whatever I want. I feel aweful afterwards and wish I could take it back after the fact lol.
  • allshebe
    allshebe Posts: 423 Member
    If you know your will power is going to be down and that you will need a snack then, why not prepare in advance and have something healthy, but tasty waiting for you in the cupboard or fridge (and plan for the calories in advance). Good stuff can be a big "bag" of air popped popcorn, a cup of yogurt or even a small container of ice cream, as long as you've factored it into your eating plan for the day. Experiment with what sort of snack most satisfies you without leading to a binge (and if you do binge while you're sorting this out, don't beat yourself up over it).
  • TArnold2012
    TArnold2012 Posts: 929 Member
    Looking at your diary it looks like you need to up your water. Many people find they confuse the two feelings of thirst and hunger. I myself find drinking btw 12 - 16 cups a day works best. Mfp suggest 8 but many of the new studies show better information based on individual weight. Also if you cut the carbs and up the protein it helps hunger. Mfp has carbs set high and protein really low so you many want to change them to reflect those changes also. And as always add some fresh veggies that will give you a lot more to eat without increasing calories. More clean eating and alot less proccessed and fast food will help.

    Good luck
  • Night time eating was one of my biggest downfalls. I started set up a more healthy choice before I would go to bed and I started walking a little further during my walks to burn off more calories. I have found that their are day when I want nachos. So I bought Triscuits and low fat shredded cheese. I would set up about 9 crackers and 1/4 cup of cheese and green olives and microwave them until the cheese melts and that would be my snack. When I wanted sweet I eat yogurt or tcby make frozen yogurt pops that are wonderful and only 80 calories.
  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    Think about skipping breakfast and saving your calories for later in the day. Research shows that you will not harm your metabolism by skipping it so why not eat the same amout per day but just keep it for when you prefer to eat? That is what I'm doing now and I'm not counting calories and not gaining.
  • Mrs_Metz
    Mrs_Metz Posts: 5 Member
    I dont normally eat breakfast, if I do it's just a cup of coffee.
  • luckydays27
    luckydays27 Posts: 552 Member
    You can do it. Try healthier snack if you just cant stop yourself. I keep 90 cal brownies in the pantry and when I need chocolate, its just enough to make me happy.

    You can beat this. Late night snacking can be a b!tch. Try to do your best and get home and in your PJ's before you eat something. Drink a big glass of water before you have the snack. Go lay down and stay away from where the food is located. If you cant fight it any longer, get something healthy.

    Or workout during the day so you can have the extra calories in your tally and enjoy a decent snack before bed.
  • lambchoplewis
    lambchoplewis Posts: 797
    I too slip into the late night binge. I do great all day and around 8PM, I just want to eat everything in site. I am bored NOT hungry. I have tried to take baths and get into bed just to hopefully fall asleep early. I wish I could have one glass of wine, enjoy my friends and NOT binge. I am really working on this. I have been maintaining for 9 months but it is hard.
  • Binkie1955
    Binkie1955 Posts: 329 Member
    Keep the late night snacks low carbohydrate so as not to aggravate insulin levels. strawberries with cottage cheese and truvia or nuts or something like that. you won't have a problem. good luck. stick with it
  • salladeve
    salladeve Posts: 1,053 Member
    I also get snacky in the evenings. Lately I've just been trying to ignore it and tell myself that it is just a bad habit I need to break, and if I actually have hunger pains then thats a good thing right???? I figure if I can just ignore it a go to bed, I've have won that battle for that day. If I have to give in, I usually have a yogurt with granola topping. The protein and the crunch help satisfy the need to snack.

    good luck
  • jandjcassidy
    jandjcassidy Posts: 143
    I used to sit and eat chips and dip at night until I started using Shakeology. Have you ever considered trying that out??
  • NirvaniTeasley
    NirvaniTeasley Posts: 138 Member
    Nikki, I completely feel ya girl! I think most people get the munchies in the evening/night time. I always allow myself to have a snack at night. I keep 100 calories popcorn bags handy just for this! Also I drink a cup of tea every night as is a ritual for me. It takes a lot of anxiety off knowing I can have a little something before bed. Be gentle with yourself and indulge, just make it healthy or at least low calorie. I added you as a friend, because I am looking for good motivating friends here. We can help each other!

  • MachaDesu
    MachaDesu Posts: 12
    I noticed that you said you don't eat breakfast. If I skip breakfast, I end up eating a lot more after dinner. Just a thought.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    I always save extra calories for dinner, so I can have a snack later if I want.
  • raulbacap
    raulbacap Posts: 8 Member
    Looking at your diary it looks like you need to up your water. Many people find they confuse the two feelings of thirst and hunger. I myself find drinking btw 12 - 16 cups a day works best. Mfp suggest 8 but many of the new studies show better information based on individual weight. Also if you cut the carbs and up the protein it helps hunger. Mfp has carbs set high and protein really low so you many want to change them to reflect those changes also. And as always add some fresh veggies that will give you a lot more to eat without increasing calories. More clean eating and alot less proccessed and fast food will help.

    Good luck

    I agree on the water consumption comment! Try having a water bottle by the bed, if you star to feel uneasy take a couple of drinks. You will be amazed on how that helps. I know I am amazed.
  • trentwiggly
    trentwiggly Posts: 74 Member
    I always save extra calories for dinner, so I can have a snack later if I want.

    Ayup! This is what I do. Or from lunch or from breakfast...either way, save some calories for that night time snack. Then don't go nuts and use more than the allotted "banked" calories.

    Also, diet cocoa is nice @ 20 calories per toasty cup, and you have to drink it slowly....just saying! :D
  • trentwiggly
    trentwiggly Posts: 74 Member
    Oh and. You are not even close to your protein goal. Maybe some more high protein foods during the day to make you feel full longer.
  • lambchoplewis
    lambchoplewis Posts: 797
    I like feeling a little hungry at night as I am proud I actually did not give in to the binge demon!!! I praise myself for the willpower and success of not binging. It feels so good to be proud of myself.
  • angless21
    angless21 Posts: 54 Member
    I been trying very hard to lose weigh. so far I have only lost 1 1/2 pounds. Dont seam like my are getting losse on me. I only lost 1/2 inch of my waist. :sad: