Many don't know this!



  • jillsjourney
    jillsjourney Posts: 167 Member
  • Sounds like a great exercise because tuning in the music and doing short bursts is something you can do many times a day. recent research has shown that dividing up the work outs throughout the day is more effective than one shot!

  • maryhannold
    maryhannold Posts: 37 Member
    Used to rebound fr 45 min. A day. Have not done it for years! Broke out my rebounder again ad am really enjoying it! The Self website has a rebounding calorie burn calculator. For my weight the burn is approximately 30 cal. For 5 min.

    If new to rebounding, be sure to start slow. Only bounce with feet not leaving the mat for a few days. This will still engage your core! Work up to higher and higher bounces...don't do too much too fast so that you give up!

    Above all...HAVE FUN!

    It s recommended that you do fr 15-20 min. Both morning and evening. This is VERY doable if you watch TV at the same time. Lots of info and ideas on YouTube.
  • Apogree
    Apogree Posts: 12 Member
    This makes me want to go out and buy one! Little changes here and there to easily build up a nice workout throughout the day instead of once per day! Thanks for the inspiration. :D
  • paintlisapurple
    paintlisapurple Posts: 982 Member
    I'd love an actual full sized trampoline. They've always looked as if they are tons of fun! :bigsmile:
  • sharris215
    sharris215 Posts: 21 Member
    I'm so glad you posted this--it looks like so much fun! I have to go to Walmart tomorrow anyway so I'll see i they have one there.

    @paintlisapurp--totally agree. I'd love to have a giant one on my back porch.
  • HappyElizabeth
    HappyElizabeth Posts: 231 Member
    I LOVE my mini-trampoline!! I got it on a whim when I hurt my knee from high impact stuff and needed something that would give me cardio without the impact. I absolutely love it, and it has really helped me get fit very fast. I would love to run every day, but my joints just can't handle it, the trampoline has gotten me into shape for running without the impact of a daily run.
    It's also supposed to be good for your lymphatic system, but that could just be bro-science :-)
  • jennifershoo
    jennifershoo Posts: 3,198 Member
    97 cals in 5 minutes???!!! It's almost 1200 cals an hour. Um, no. I don't think you so dude!
  • Azdak
    Azdak Posts: 8,281 Member
    It's interesting that every article I have ever seen written on rebounding references the same 33 year old NASA study, ferrets out the same 1 or 2 phrases and repeats as established truth. When I first saw the ads from that "rebounding institute" I was puzzled, because I remember looking at this subject 20+ years ago and finding that the research at the time painted a different picture. The research showed that working on a mini tramp represented a fairly low level of exercise and required more vigorous limb movements to bring the work intensity above that of a mild stroll.

    I don't have the same resources to medical libraries at home, so I could only find an abstract from one of the studies I read back in 1995. This study looked at using arm swing and hand weights to increase the intensity of walking on a mini trampoline. But it also mentions some of the earlier studies in the introduction:
    Researchers who studied the effects of rebound exercise on fitness have concluded that the intensity of rebound exercise elicited only minimal improvements in fitness.

    This study used a standard protocol of 120 steps per minute, with a step height of 15 cm above the rim of the rebounder. Needless to say, the results showed notable increases in intensity when adding vigorous arm swings holding hand weights.

    I think the "magic" effects of rebounding, as espoused by those organizations and companies selling the rebounders--are wildly overstated. as are the claims of calorie expenditure.

    Which, of course, does NOT mean that rebounders are a scam or that they are ineffective. They are just not magic.

    I do have to add that I have seen some newer infomercials for rebounders that have demonstrated some very creative choreography combining the rebounders with jumps and floor movements that look like they could make for interesting and even effective workouts.

    Like anything else, HOW you do the exercise is much more important and plays a much greater role in achieving results that WHAT exercise you do.
  • BIRT1956
    BIRT1956 Posts: 31 Member
  • coffee4me57
    coffee4me57 Posts: 195
  • Great information on the website. Thank you for sharing!
    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,474 Member
    yep, true,
  • Be very careful of Cheap mini Trampolines they can do more damage to your back that you think because of the cheap springs. I went ultra safe and got a very expensive one from the Cellerciser website but after watching the intro video i am convinced i did the right thing as i want this to last a lifetime.

    It is a great fun way to exercise especially in the winter.
  • Dory_42
    Dory_42 Posts: 3,578 Member
    I pick up my full size trampoline tomorrow. Super excited to add it to my workout routine. Based on the various links and calculations, I'd say it doesn't look like it burns huge amounts but I'm happy if it burns something while I have fun. My joints get enough impact from fencing so adding a low impact workout that will help with building fitness and toning muscles is ideal for me.
  • Make sure you check it out cause not everyone will burn the same amount of calories. I put my stats in and didn't come up with 80 or 90 some calories in 5 min. but 20 some. Just check out all the info for you yourself. Hate you thinking you can do a small amount and burn lots when it may not be true for you.
  • readthat
    readthat Posts: 136
    Be very careful of Cheap mini Trampolines they can do more damage to your back that you think because of the cheap springs. I went ultra safe and got a very expensive one from the Cellerciser website but after watching the intro video i am convinced i did the right thing as i want this to last a lifetime.

    It is a great fun way to exercise especially in the winter.

    Why would these be bad for your back , being low impact? My back is an issue for me right now and I am looking for low impact things. I happen to have a mini tramp and was wondering about using it.
  • fwbs71
    fwbs71 Posts: 3 Member
    I use the mini trampoline and watch You Tube exercise videos, and honestly I feel like I'm about to drop dead after 20-30 minutes of following the "simple" trampoline exercises.

    Completely ridiculous, insanely sweating, killer workout!

    This is coming from someone who HATES to exercise! Trampoline workouts are by far the MOST intense!
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    I use the mini trampoline and watch You Tube exercise videos, and honestly I feel like I'm about to drop dead after 20-30 minutes of following the "simple" trampoline exercises.

    Completely ridiculous, insanely sweating, killer workout!

    This is coming from someone who HATES to exercise! Trampoline workouts are by far the MOST intense!

    try squatting your body weight plus- then get back to me on them being the "most" intense.
  • MB2MN
    MB2MN Posts: 334 Member
    I use the mini trampoline and watch You Tube exercise videos, and honestly I feel like I'm about to drop dead after 20-30 minutes of following the "simple" trampoline exercises.

    Completely ridiculous, insanely sweating, killer workout!

    This is coming from someone who HATES to exercise! Trampoline workouts are by far the MOST intense!

    try squatting your body weight plus- then get back to me on them being the "most" intense.

    THIS. I finally almost hit my BW squat today (5 more lbs!!!) and I'm sweating my face off after 5 reps. I'm sorry, I just don't see how jumping on a trampoline burns that many calories. If something sounds too good to be true, it usually is. I mean it's definitely going to burn some cals, but as much as running or something else high intensity? Doubt it.
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