To have a beer or not to have a beer???



  • eric_sg61
    eric_sg61 Posts: 2,925 Member


    Okay..thought about it. But why did you not type everything in uppercase?
    Drunk typing
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    If it fits in your calories, have one!
  • egrusy
    egrusy Posts: 196 Member
    If it fits in your calories, have one!

    Exactly! I often drink a beer (a good one, Fat Tire) after work, but I log it. Also, there are the occasional times I've had more than one on a weekend and DIDN'T log it! (heavens, for shame!) Hey, you may be trying to lose weight, but you are still living, right? Once in a while is a non-issue IMO.
  • MelsAuntie
    MelsAuntie Posts: 2,833 Member
    "It's all just piss-colored water". (Who remembers that movie?)
  • PeteWhoLikesToRunAlot
    PeteWhoLikesToRunAlot Posts: 596 Member
    Do it. Don't deprive yourself of anything, just keep everything in moderation. I often run an extra mile or two just to be able to enjoy a Sam Adams.
  • longtimeterp
    longtimeterp Posts: 614 Member
    When chronic heavy drinkers substitute alcohol for carbohydrates in their diets, they lose weight and weigh less than their nondrinking counterparts (21,22). Furthermore, when chronic heavy drinkers add alcohol to an otherwise normal diet, they do not gain weight (21).

    Love that study!!!!!
  • melaniecmajors
    melaniecmajors Posts: 39 Member
    LOL I'm having a beer right now and I'm primarily paleo so NO GRAINS! Beer is one thing that has been difficult to give up because my husband and I like to do what you're doing - sit out, relax and have a beer. My philosophy is that you should not deprive yourself which is why I'm having a beer....having said that, I will have 2 max and they are light beers. If I'm going to drink more (i don't believe in the no alcohol prohibition for dieting) I will have wine or vodka and real fruit juice, like a greyhound, which I like to think is actually good for you because of the vitamin c. I NEVER drink juice unless it's mixed with alcohol so choose your battles. Nix the cheese on your next sandwich or ditch the bread but don't feel guilty, have a beer and relax :)
  • melaniecmajors
    melaniecmajors Posts: 39 Member
    Forget light beer. Guinness.

    I'm confused by this. Unless perhaps you're giving an example of light beer? Yeah that must be it.

    Guiness is actually the BEST beer for you to drink if you are trying to watch your weight and you plan to have a drink....and it's not a light beer in color but it is light on sabotaging your diet. True!
  • iceman7840
    iceman7840 Posts: 110
    Just have a regular beer and enjoy it. I'm know all about sticking to a diet but you have to enjoy a treat every once in awhile also.
  • jzammetti
    jzammetti Posts: 1,956 Member
    Have however many beers as fit into your calories for the day -
  • red0801
    red0801 Posts: 283 Member
    SO, my diet has been going EXCELLENT!!! I have not had a beer in a couple of weeks, but the warm weather has me really wanting a patio drink!!! Soooooooooo, should I have a couple or curb that craving?!?! Will it kill my diet??? My plan says to LIMIT or AVOID alcohol and I have completely avoided it for two weeks! So, help me out here! Tell me what to do!

    Go run a 5k, then go have a beer.

    or dont.
  • TriShamelessly
    TriShamelessly Posts: 905 Member
    Always to beer! Down 51 pounds and I still drink it 2-3 days a week (usually, but not always, in moderation). As I believe it was Ben Franklin said "Beer is proof that God loves us" :drinker: So enjoy in moderation and try to plan ahead for the day or days that you're going to partake.
  • Do what you want, don't look for validation in other people.
  • goodtimezzzz
    goodtimezzzz Posts: 640 Member
    beer is great muscle building and fat melting nutrition..enjoy:)) just work it in your plannnnnnn
  • Power_Man77
    Power_Man77 Posts: 207
  • 970Mikaela1
    970Mikaela1 Posts: 2,013 Member

    you must be fun at parties

    Lol..the liver is evil and must be punished ! drink a beer....a real beer...your favorite beer and enjoy every drink. Then perhaps have another if you'd like.
  • shanaya37
    shanaya37 Posts: 49 Member
    I will be having some Molsons 67 in a little while so I am biased........but I say yes of course. I get a kick out of all the beer snobs telling others what is good beer and what is not. Just like food what you like is subjective.

    Beer reviewers in general are among the most pretentious, ridiculous reads you can find. Aside from a very small percentage of people in the world , there is no such thing as a "beer connoisseur, but there are sure plenty of people who consider themselves such. In reality, the following is all the average beer drinker needs to know: (myself not included, as I consider myself quite the connoisseur.. :)

    Excellent pouring beer, managed to pour it from the bottle into my mouth without it foaming out onto my shirt like a 6 year old with a super soaker. This beer is smooth, not causing my mouth to pucker more than a cat's *kitten* in a 10 degree room. Beer's alcoholic content is just about right, not forcing me to take 20 trips to the pisser. The beer is still passable even after being forgotten on the table for a half hour and allowed to go warm and flat, though less refreshing, it didn't make the beer smell like an incontinent ferret with the runs.

    The beer is priced in such a way that I don't feel like I'm showing up to the party carrying the $9.99 suitcase of Old Milwaukee, yet they're not so expensive that I feel the need to hover over the case all evening with a switchblade and sawed off, threating the lives and cranial sexual sanctitude of anyone who decides to steal one from me.

    Creamy heads, chocolate rivulets, and musty aromas are not things a man should ever think about when throwing back beers. Unless, of course, that man takes is of a different sexual orientation than myself.

    Not that there's anything wrong with that.

    Well said! :-D
  • MelsAuntie
    MelsAuntie Posts: 2,833 Member
    Do it. Don't deprive yourself of anything, just keep everything in moderation. I often run an extra mile or two just to be able to enjoy a Sam Adams.

    Forget Sam Adams. Try a Samuel Jackson. "That's some good m
    g beer!"
  • keem88
    keem88 Posts: 1,689 Member
    have a beer! sounds like you have been doing well, and if it fits in your macros and won't cause you to want to start drinking a lot or anything, then go for it. if you think you may start having drinks a lot again then maybe stay away from it. either way, enjoy the warm weather!
  • NSMustanggirl
    NSMustanggirl Posts: 70 Member
    I love to sit outside around 5PM and have a glass or two of wine. I am so glad it is summer. I just include this in my daily calories and enjoy!!!!

    I just switched from white to red! Now, GO HAVE YOUR BEER!