To have a beer or not to have a beer???



  • I put myself on a 6 month total alcohol fast. I try to affect high altitude training through breathing exercises, theoretically to stack up red blood cells. I do not know how alcohol would effect that. Alcohol can also add calories. which could eventually affect your run times and pft schedule. and your figure. does anyone know how alcohol affects your red blood cell count?
  • hooee71
    hooee71 Posts: 8 Member
    Pick a night to have 1-3 beers. Record them in MFP like anything else. Every friday night I have exactly 3 scotches with my friends. I measure it out carefully to make sure it is 4.5 ounces total. I watch my calories closer at lunch and dinner to ensure they won't blow my diet. Still, alcohol does temporarily stop your metabolism, but in moderation, there's no problem with it.
  • ptak1sm
    ptak1sm Posts: 172
    throughout my weight loss, i didnt avoid alcohol. i had an entire cheat day and still lost the weight, and i'm in the best shape of my life! if you're gonna have a beer, make it worthwhile. a good, high quality beer. savor it. enjoy it. and i do encourage having that beer! or 2 or 3, but drink responsibly and give your keys to a friend if you need to
  • thelovelyLIZ
    thelovelyLIZ Posts: 1,227 Member
    Honestly, I have a beer or a glass of wine pretty much every day and it's had little to no effect on my waist line. Granted I'm at my goal weight (I guess), but still, my fitness goals haven't been hindered. I'm not saying you need to drink every day like me, but a few beers now and then certainly isn't going to hurt you. Just make sure you get real beer... that crappy lite beer isn't going to satisfy your craving. They gave my MGB 64 after my first half marathon, and even after a 13 mile run it still was terrible, ha.
  • cgrout78
    cgrout78 Posts: 1,628 Member
    If you want one, have one. I also enjoy sitting out on the patio on a nice day and having a beer or two. Best part of summer and as long as you're not doing it on a daily basis, you shouldn't have any problems.
  • justal313
    justal313 Posts: 1,375 Member
    I have beer, fairly regularly, especially after races. Good beer, real beer, the only light beer I will ever touch is Sam Adams Light and that's because it's not sex in a row boat.

    Because I've lost nearly 100 pounds I cannot drink like I used to and that's just fine but I will have a beer to complement my food unless it goes better with wine. I've gotten my life and my health in order and I will have an adult beverage a few times a week even if I have to run an extra mile or two to stay within my goals.

    That all being said, last june I went out and ran 10 miles just before going on a pub crawl for the extra drinking calories and that was the night I discovered how little of an alcohol tolerance I had after weight loss. All those extra calories wound up splattered all over the street. Now the most beers I've had in a day was three and that was after a race and at a Celtic festival.

    Enjoy your beer, just don't enjoy a whole keg.
  • longtimeterp
    longtimeterp Posts: 614 Member

    Because I've lost nearly 100 pounds I cannot drink like I used to

    Lol, i can still drink just like i used too before the loss, i just get waaaaayyyyyyyy more drunk now
  • theycallyoumister
    theycallyoumister Posts: 222 Member
    Enjoy a top quality pint with good friends and excellent conversation on a warm summer afternoon or regrets! That's life! :smile:
  • lilpoindexter
    lilpoindexter Posts: 1,122 Member
    Don't drink that *kitten*. Two will turn into 6, and you will have a calorie nuclear bomb on your hand. It's not that aren't missing anything. Alcohol is the worst thing you could possibly do.
  • yaseyuku
    yaseyuku Posts: 871 Member
    As someone who gained most of her extra weight drinking, I first tried to cut out alcohol entirely.

    Then my social life practically died.

    Now I try to have a glass or two of wine or a low calorie drink occasionally and it hasn't stalled my weight loss. Just don't drink a lot every day and make sure it fits into your calories.

    You aren't going to give up alcohol forever, right? Make what you're doing now a lifestyle that you can keep long term.
  • Hodgie12345
    Hodgie12345 Posts: 51 Member
    Not one single beer, ever. Zero alcohol all the tme. You dont need it. End of. Hodgie x
  • Lori0534
    Lori0534 Posts: 208 Member
    I did enjoy a few Michelob cactus lime Friday night! I know I know some of you don't believe that's real beer! Haha it satisfied my craving and I won't be wanting any anytime real soon!
  • definitely just have the beer....any beer.....that watered down keystone light......or that hoppy double ipa from the local brewery
  • Boogage
    Boogage Posts: 739 Member
    Have a few beers and enjoy yourself. Just don't drink like that everyday as I hear alcohol slows down fat burning by up to 70% and this effect lasts for an extended period of time. I've lost weight much quicker and more from my middle too since I gave up drinking a bottle of wine every night.
  • missybct
    missybct Posts: 321 Member
    If you like beer and would drink it happily - HAVE IT! This is a lifestyle switch, not a restriction. Sure, don't go bonkers and drink ALL THE BEER (well, you could do but I wouldn't like your hangover!) and DO make sure you log it - even if it's to show you where to cut down for next time, or how to space it out better. I am a firm believer that if you restrict something to the point of craving it, you will end up binging on it.

    Personally, I've not touched alcohol in two months, I think I drank enough in the previous 10 years to last me a lifetime ;) But I'm not teetotal - I just genuinely don't crave it :)
  • WhaddoWino
    WhaddoWino Posts: 146 Member
    have a beer! And not a gross light beer, or a Coors or Bud or Miller.

    Have a real honest delicious cold beer.

    YES, this! All things in moderation. Be fit, be disciplined, but don't deny yourself the simple pleasures (when they can fit into your calorie count).

  • michellemybelll
    michellemybelll Posts: 2,228 Member
  • Yeah reward yourself, but everything in moderation. If you dont have one and the craving continues you will end up having a big blow out and take on too many calories. So in m opinion have a few beers, just dont go crazy.
  • Rashmi_mishra
    Rashmi_mishra Posts: 42 Member
    Completely Agree! Go ahead and have that beer and keep it under your weekly calorie goal!
  • marygee1951
    marygee1951 Posts: 148 Member
    Didn't we just have this same conversation about PIZZA? :sad: