May have hit a plateau?

I have been trying to lose weight for years, but most seriously since January. So, far I have lost about 20 pounds total, which is awesome. However, recently, I've noticed that the amount I've been losing each week is smaller and in a couple weeks, I've gained some back. I know I have had a few higher calorie weekends recently, but overall, with the amount of calories I ate, should have still given me a deficit, even if just moderate.

I try to workout 4-5 days a week at a minimum with a combination of strength training and cardio, although I do not log the strength training. My ultimate goal would be 130 pounds, but I would settle at 140 if I could get there. I'm currently at around 169-170 pounds.

If you guys have any suggestions on how to keep this weigh-loss going, or what I've been doing wrong, it would be much appreciated!


  • changeyourlimits

    When i hit a plateau i always think of the quote "what got you here, won't get you there". Look at your current program and meal plan. What changes can you make to it. Our bodies are great adapters. If we don't change what we are doing our body will learn that and adapt quickly. I also hit a plateau at 20 lbs and had to change my diet and workouts, eventually I hit my goal of 60.

    Suggestions - change amount of calories you eat. Change amounts of proteins, carbs, or fats you ate.
    Also your work out. Do you have enough muscle building. You can also try a few days a week of HIIT - High Intensity Interval Training.

    Feel free to update with more information and I can give more detailed suggestions
  • agalassie
    agalassie Posts: 48 Member
    Thank you!

    I currently do about 30 min of strength training on the days that I do. I break it up as arms, lower/abs, chest/shoulders/back, and then lower/abs again with some rest days in there. My boyfriend helped format what exercises I do based on the equipment available to me. On rest days, I may or may not do cardio, based on my time available. Most days I do strength training, I do a minimum of 30 minutes of cardio with a 5 minute cool down. I try not to eat back all of my exercise calories, but I occasionally do.

    I'm 5 foot 1 inch tall, so pretty short. I haven't noticed much change in measurements, just on the scale. I've been trying to eat a lot better, which I think I have, but still have lots of room for improvement. I am trying to get more protein because I'm concerned that the amount MFP is telling me to get is wrong, but I am having a hard time increasing that because I don't get meat every day. I'm not vegetarian, but I'm not a huge meat fan, besides chicken and turkey.

    I've tried calculating my BMR and TDEE and all of that to figure out my deficit, but it always seems to come out pretty low, so I've just been using MFP, since it is roughly that. I'm a little concerned that I'm putting myself in starvation mode, but I do get at least 1300 net calories a day. It's been suggested that I see my doctor about this, but I am a graduate student and am required to go to the student health center for my insurance to work (which is actually quite good), but they don't have those abilities there.
  • changeyourlimits
    I have few suggestions and I took a quick look at your food log.

    Strength conditioning is great.
  • changeyourlimits
    sorry hit enter

    First tip - keep a log to measure progress - then when it gets easier add more reps or weight. Without the log it is hard to remember what we did before or how we felt that day

    Make sure you are resting. Recovery of the muscles is as important as working them out. You are also burning calories when the muscles are recovering. If they don't recovery then how can they help you. Muscles burn the fat you want them healthy.

    Cardio- I only do cardio when i'm training for a race or something. So i tend to do the stair stepper or walk on an incline on the treadmill - these burn fat - cardio helps with the heart.

    Try moving your carbs to earlier in the day. Eat whole grains they are better for you and have fiber. Fiber helps transport fat and keep you full longer. Try to not eat any carbs other than green veggies after 4pm. Carbs are burned first and right away. If you don't use them your body was store them somewhere, normally fat cells

    Protein.. i try and eat 1 gram of protein for each lb of lean mass. You can get proteins from a lot of places. I am plant based so I don't eat meat or diary. I tend to eat lots of beans, peas, tofu, nuts, gluten, and take protein powders like pea protein, hemp, and brown rice.
  • agalassie
    agalassie Posts: 48 Member
    Thank you so much!

    I had been considering getting some protein powder, but my boyfriend had advised against it, mostly because he used it to bulk up.
  • changeyourlimits
    protein powder do give the body direct protein. Increasing muscle however comes from protein as well as heavy weightlifting. You need both along with the right diet. Muscle burns fat and muscle needs protein. If you take regulate your protein to the amount of lean muscle mass you have you won't gain muscle you will tone muscle. My suggestion would be to increase from the 60 you are taking to 80. That will impact you.