cheat night always seems to turn into awful weekend



  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    cheat night always seems to turn into awful weekend
    I keep myself going sometimes by telling myself to wait for my cheat meal, seems to backfire into a near binge weekend, I usually gain back half of what I've lost through the week by the end of it. I'd be down 50 or 60 by now if it wasn't for this. Does anyone else have problems with this? If so, how do you combat it?

    I would try to keep it away from the weekend then. Also, I might try being a little more lenient with what you allow yourself daily and then maybe you wouldn't need a cheat meal, if you could have whatever you're craving, a little of it that fits your cal goals, when and where you are craving it. That might work. The weekdays might be an easier time to allow yourself a cheat meal if you eat at all like me. Kind of a creature of habit during the week. So that way you're next meal is something pre planned and less likely to be derailed from the cheat meal prior.
  • pinkraynedropjacki
    pinkraynedropjacki Posts: 3,027 Member
    Don't cheat. Simple. You are only cheating yourself & you have managed to prove it. Simply eat what you want but not all in one go on one day. MODERATION.

    I never understand why people have 'cheat days' when all they are doing is cheating themselves.....not anyone else.
  • dakotababy
    dakotababy Posts: 2,406 Member
    Maybe change your cheat meal to a weekday if you find that easier to stay on track. I find a lot of individuals do well monday-friday but once the weekend comes around, things change.
  • JJordon
    JJordon Posts: 857 Member
    Perhaps a cheat MEAL not a day or night, might work better? OR for now, stop the cheating until you can get a handle on it.
  • Joehenny
    Joehenny Posts: 1,222 Member
    Yea until I stopped cheating.

    When I first started I ate strictly bro then had a cheat day. After awhile results stalled and I switched to a cheat meal. I always struggled because I could easily eat 5k cals in a meal. For example here are some of my past epic cheat meals:

    -1 whole large pepperoni pizza, 6 wings, 8 bread-sticks, a 2 liter of soda.
    -2 1/2 racks of ribs, 1/2 lb double bacon cheeseburger, fries
    -A whole Lasagna made by Stouffers
    -A whole package of wings you buy raw from the store for a whole family
    -4 chocolate chip pancakes, 8 wings, 4 eggs, 4 sausage, home potatoes, a slice of cake (Denny's)
    -Whole box of donuts
    -2 plates of grits, 6 eggs, 5 pancakes (home made) few cups of juice
    -A full plate of Chinese, A full plate of Mexican food, a full plate of pork chops and potatoes (this was at a buffet)
    -3 street dogs, fries, followed by ice cream
    -A whole 1lb burito followed by a Chick-Fil-A Large meal

    Some of my more memorable huge meals.

    I was always insanely skinny as a kid and had a huge appetite. I couldn't gain weight no matter how hard I tried because of my metab, and the fact that I played basketball almost everyday. When I started weight training it was really hard for me to put on weight so I dedicated myself to eating even more so I developed the ability to consume very large portions of food.

    When i dieted I struggled with eating clean for so long and cheating. I'd do good all weak and then crash on cheat day. I made them less often but still crashed. I started to realize that any day I told my mind "f it eat whatever" I'd crash. I stopped having dedicated cheat days since.

    I personally do better eating whatever I want in moderation on a daily basis. I really don't have cravings to go out and eat something insanely high in cals anymore. If I am out and really want a burger I'll get it,but will pay attention to the macros in it. I won't just eat whatever, I eat almost whatever I want but not as much pretty much. There are a few things I try not to eat very often though just because of the fact that they have poor macros.

    For me it was all about developing a better relationship with food. I no longer see food as an enemy, or something to be overly enjoyed. I still love food but I don't live to eat anymore. Even recently I just had a birthday and normally would pig out like crazy. All I did was go to Olive Garden this time and have on plate, and two bowls of soup. The urge to binge just really isn't there anymore.

    Personally I like dieting this way much better than being on a strict week and having a splurge day.

    Here's a good vid on the topic also:
  • latepaul
    latepaul Posts: 49 Member
    This used to be a big problem for me under my old diet. I'd have a cheat day on a Friday that turned into a weekend binge. Early on I could still lose weight but soon I'd find I'd be wasting all my good work during the week.

    It seems to help doing 5:2 because I can have little treats most days. Fridays can still be an issue because they bring in a free breakfast at work and it's things like muffins and pastries. It's less likely to spread into the whole weekend now though.

    Another thing I've done is virtually give up alcohol. That's a whole other topic but aside from the calories it decreases my self-control.
  • cheexy85
    cheexy85 Posts: 119
    I have been cheating (i.e going over my calories) for the past 3 or 4 days. I feel really heavy.
  • Eleanorjanethinner
    Eleanorjanethinner Posts: 563 Member
    Don't cheat! What's with this 'starve then binge' thing?

    Don't restrict everything you love during the week - as mentioned above, replace things with other similar things or smaller portions.

    Make sure you eat heaps of lean protein and drink lots of water. Learn what are filling, low calorie foods (I swear by porridge/oatmeal for breakfast) so you're not feeling hungry.

    Eat nice food within your calorie goals! Last night my husband and I had indian takeaway for dinner - half a portion of main, some veges, rice and no naan bread or greasy starters. Still a treat!
  • JDBLY11
    JDBLY11 Posts: 577 Member
    I keep myself going sometimes by telling myself to wait for my cheat meal, seems to backfire into a near binge weekend, I usually gain back half of what I've lost through the week by the end of it. I'd be down 50 or 60 by now if it wasn't for this. Does anyone else have problems with this? If so, how do you combat it?

    I have this problem so I try to keep at about the same calories every day. Letting myself overeat seems to lead to more of it so I try not to let myself ever eat whatever I want.
  • drobbins34
    drobbins34 Posts: 2
    Albert, I have the same problem! I've been yo-yoing for two years now and am still trying to find a solution! I'm trying to go back to being vegetarian because I know it's healthier. Maybe on cheat day it should be a snack instead of a meal? My weakness is ice cream, yours?
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    I keep myself going sometimes by telling myself to wait for my cheat meal, seems to backfire into a near binge weekend, I usually gain back half of what I've lost through the week by the end of it. I'd be down 50 or 60 by now if it wasn't for this. Does anyone else have problems with this? If so, how do you combat it?

    That's why I don't do cheat meals. I just have a little bit of what I want during the week when I have some calories left (which is most days, but I don't starve myself at 1200 calories either).