I have always been a large build, so the scale has always been my enemy. When i was at my smallest, i wore a size ten, 155 lbs, and my rib bones would kind of stick out and you could see my hips bones and shoulder blades, collar bone for days, nothing jiggled except my chest and butt. (suprisingly i thought i was like morbidly obese because all my friends were size 3 or below)so i'm not one of those fat people who use the excuse of being big boned as the reason why 'm so large, i really AM big boned haha. Anyways, I will ALWAYS lose way more inches than i do in weght, so I decided i wouldn't way myself regularly because i would get discouraged at the slow progress. Well I had been feeling really fat lately(t.o.m.) and today i felt like my face looked way more slm and my stomach and look slimmer. So i thought "omg i probably lost about 15 pounds or so to be feeling this slender" so i got on the scale and sure enough...i only lost 4 pounds....i of course got PISSED!!! I for SUREthought i had lost more. I should have NEVER gotten on that blasted scale cause now i'm wondering if it was all n my mind that i noticed these changes or if i just wanted to lose weight so bad that i just imagined it or something. But, I am trying not to be negative nancy and just think to myself that its 4 pounds i will never see again. I just feel down because I have been doing SO GOOD on my diet. Like literally I think i am more will powered now then i have EVER been in my life. grrrr....so thats my rant, sorry for the vent. Maybe next time i can post something up in the success stories area haha.


  • iambrandice
    iambrandice Posts: 157 Member
    I feel ya there! I have the same problem, and it's sad that I will probably never fit into that small size, but that's alright because if I feel good and I think I look good, then the work paid off!
  • TheMaidOfAstolat
    TheMaidOfAstolat Posts: 3,222 Member
    Ignore the scale, ignore the BMI and go buy a measuring tape. It's the one of the most accurete measurments you can have. I no longer weigh myself because the weight doesn't matter-the scale nor BMI take into account-frame, bone mass, muscle mass, or water weight.
  • Julesaf
    Julesaf Posts: 36
    What you look like is more important than the scale, right?!?
    Way to go on the 4 pounds though! That's still awesome.
  • mchelle125
    mchelle125 Posts: 10 Member
    I agree..buy a measuring tape! If you're working out with weights, you might be replacing fat with muscle which will make you smaller but may not make you lighter. :) Be consistent with diet and exercise and the results will follow. Enjoy your skinny day and leave it at that! :)
  • Kasuko
    Kasuko Posts: 42
    Look at it this way, if you had the choice lose all your excess fat but your muscles became super heavy so you weighed 500lbs (but looked slim) or to replace all your fat with lighter fat (no change in body shape) so when you step on a scale you are greeted with a super low number.

    Which would you rather? That's all the scale gives you is a number. Don't let that number be the base of your success or failure. What matters is being healthy and LOOKING good. No scale will tell you how good you look so there are no brain tricks (if we discount the idea that any idea of "good looks" is in itself a brain trick) just trust yourself.
  • dumb_blondes_rock
    dumb_blondes_rock Posts: 1,568 Member
    Look at it this way, if you had the choice lose all your excess fat but your muscles became super heavy so you weighed 500lbs (but looked slim) or to replace all your fat with lighter fat (no change in body shape) so when you step on a scale you are greeted with a super low number.

    Which would you rather? That's all the scale gives you is a number. Don't let that number be the base of your success or failure. What matters is being healthy and LOOKING good. No scale will tell you how good you look so there are no brain tricks (if we discount the idea that any idea of "good looks" is in itself a brain trick) just trust yourself.

    You are so right. Right now i weigh 261(can't believe i am admittng to that, but when tell everyone that they are shocked, saying though thought i weighed way less(and not just to be nice, because my frends are brutally honest haha) but when i look at other people who weigh that much they look waaaaaaaaay bigger than i do. It was such a bad decision to do it, and i know i shouldnt have. Curiosity definantly killed this cat haha, but thank you everyone to the nice words and advice. Definantly buying a measuring tape today!
  • islandnutshel
    islandnutshel Posts: 1,143 Member
    I SO KNOW WHERE YOU ARE COMING FROM. My doctor was worried I was annorexic when I was 140, (5foot 4) I argued My BMI and weight was right in the middle of normal, even a little on the high side. He said the charts don't appy to me. I had no boobs, pokey hip bones and ribs showing. So don't rely on the charts, they don't include all body types. I liked size 12. My body looked good in those cloths. Find what's right for you and don't compare.
  • Kasuko
    Kasuko Posts: 42
    I agree, its all about where you put it. I weigh 245, and a couple days ago I had one of my friends try to guess my weight. She guessed 180 and she guess like 18 more times to get to my weight.

    I know where it all is though, I have HUGE thighs. My legs are really big and mostly fat, but being a guy I get to wear baggy pants and no one sees any of it.

    If I lost all the weight that are on my legs even though the scale is happier I still look the same so what was the point. Now If I kept my big legs and lost the chub on my belly man I would be ecstatic. It's all in the way you look and how you feel that matters. Not what some device points to.

    Oh and don't be ashamed of your number especially here, we are all in the same boat as you. Also judging by your profile picture you can officially add me to the shocked category. You look amazing.
  • dumb_blondes_rock
    dumb_blondes_rock Posts: 1,568 Member
    I agree, its all about where you put it. I weigh 245, and a couple days ago I had one of my friends try to guess my weight. She guessed 180 and she guess like 18 more times to get to my weight.

    I know where it all is though, I have HUGE thighs. My legs are really big and mostly fat, but being a guy I get to wear baggy pants and no one sees any of it.

    If I lost all the weight that are on my legs even though the scale is happier I still look the same so what was the point. Now If I kept my big legs and lost the chub on my belly man I would be ecstatic. It's all in the way you look and how you feel that matters. Not what some device points to.

    Oh and don't be ashamed of your number especially here, we are all in the same boat as you. Also judging by your profile picture you can officially add me to the shocked category. You look amazing.
    Well, it's still embarrassing to admit it haha. And i, like you, carry all the weight in my legs, well actually i just have an "hourglass" shape(right now i feel like a cylinder haha) but definantly will never have chicken legs. and thank you for the compliment, always nice to hear something positive from the opposite sex:)
  • Kasuko
    Kasuko Posts: 42
    Well, it's still embarrassing to admit it haha. And i, like you, carry all the weight in my legs, well actually i just have an "hourglass" shape(right now i feel like a cylinder haha) but definantly will never have chicken legs. and thank you for the compliment, always nice to hear something positive from the opposite sex:)

    It's always scary to give them though as you never know how they will be taken. (sexual harassment lawsuits come to mind)