Is Fitness Walking. 6 Miles A Day, A Great Idea?



  • UpEarly
    UpEarly Posts: 2,555 Member
    If it gets too easy, add some weights (ankle and/or hand). Can also diversify your walk by every half mile (or at some other increment) do push ups, squats, ab crunches, etc.

    YIKES! Ankle weights for walking are really dangerous. You're just asking for a knee ligament injury if you use ankle weights for walking. Carry a backpack or get a weighted vest.
  • I just started my fitness pal. Low carb and low fat diet along with 4 to 6 miles a day walking. I'm starting to see my abs again :)
  • sucg
    sucg Posts: 36
    I've been doing the Leslie Sansone 5 mile fat burn 3 times a week to start me off.

    Beetroot face was the result at the end of each session to begin with but now i'm really enjoying it and feel great afterwards.

    Would like to try and do the 30 day shred but dont know how to work out calories burnt. Su x
  • ingeh
    ingeh Posts: 513 Member
    I do the Leslie Sansone 5 mile walk 2-3 days a week plus ripped in 30 and the walk has worked wonders for my saddlebags and love handles! Walking is a great exercise! Im plannnig on upping my 5 mile walk to 3-4 days a week as I love it!
  • Hoosier96
    Hoosier96 Posts: 118 Member
    Walking is my exercise of choice. Where I live has lots of hills and it keeps my heart rate high enough...add the fresh air, checking out houses in some of the fancier neighborhoods, listening to pandora and logging it with map my walk (which tells me my pace, distance and splits) and it is perfect for me. Once I get in better shape I will pick up the pace now and then, but I think for joint health power walking is awesome.
  • Annerk1
    Annerk1 Posts: 372 Member
    I power walk five miles every morning. My pace has been about 13:30 since the heat and humidity has kicked up--I was doing around 12 minute miles before that--that's over hilly terrain with a gain of about 1300 feet at the end of a typical walk.

    Definitely don't wear ankle weights, although carrying 2 lb. weights in your hands can help tone arm and chest muscles. I start with a full water bottle in one hand and iPhone in the other and switch back and forth a couple of times.

    I'd suggest going to someplace like Fleet Feet and getting professionally fitted for a quality pair of sneakers. I work off about 600 calories in about an hour--there is no "stroll" in my pace. While the scale only shows me losing 12 pounds, the reality is that I've lost two dress sizes in six weeks--and I attribute most of that to the walking.
  • I can only walk due to medical issues (versus running). Between the walking and yoga, I've dropped 8.5 pounds in 6 weeks. Granted, I don't get in that many miles (typically 2.5-3 a day) but I am losing inches and pounds. I walk on my lunch break, that's helped a lot to add in extra walks. Otherwise I do yoga 3-4 times a week at my local yoga studio.

    Walking is better than nothing!