Depression, Anxiety Disorder, and other psychological issues

ladyofivy Posts: 648
edited September 21 in Motivation and Support
Hi all,

I was just wondering.... I can't be the only person here who has these psychological disorders (for lack of a better word). I think it makes it an even bigger battle for those of us on this journey. It's hard as it is to work on losing weight, and then to have to deal with the depression or anxiety or OCD or any number of other psychological disorders out there, it's like you're starting the race from half a mile behind everyone else.

If anyone is interested, I'd love to start a support group for the people who struggle with these issues. There are days when I don't feel like working out at all, so I have to p-u-s-h myself every inch of the way. In fact, today I'm having a really depressed and anxious day.

I'll help support you if you help support me, too. :flowerforyou:

PS, if you're reading this, and you feel "funny" about posting or "admitting" that you have this issue, I just want you to know that I feel really uncomfortable about it, too. It's not something that I'm really open about, so this is a big step for me.


  • sexylonglegs
    sexylonglegs Posts: 278
    Hi. I suffer from depression and anxiety too. It's very difficult to talk about when others don't understand what you are going through. Thanks for posting this! ♥
  • Amber030583
    Amber030583 Posts: 490 Member
    Hello, I am right with you guys also. I suffer from anxiety. I am currently taking Citalopram and xanax. I am always here if anyone wants to chat. :)
  • I suffer from Bipolar Disorder and Depression. I know this is going to be a tough journey not only fighting the mental issues, but also the side effects of some of my medications. I just joined MFP yesterday, but have been working on this for about 6 weeks so far. I have lost 10 lbs towards my goal. Good Luck to ya'll! I look forward to chatting with you.
  • tgh1914
    tgh1914 Posts: 1,036 Member
    Hey, I appreciate you posting this as well. I don't suffer from it, but my wife has depression & anxiety and I know she has a very hard time reaching out at all when she's going through it. She just doesn't have any will to. Kudos for reaching out. :flowerforyou:

    I'm wondering for anyone here, how much does exercise help you with depression & anxiety? My wife has never been one to get into exercise at all until recently. We started P90X about 6 weeks ago and she seems to be doing a lot better. She will actually get ready for our workouts before I'm even ready now. I've been so impressed with how she's taken to this.
  • IrishChik
    IrishChik Posts: 465 Member
    Major reoccurring depression
    generalized anxiety disorder
    post traumatic stress disorder
    panic attacks

    and the list goes on and on. It is something I have been battling for many, many years. It got so bad I was literally bed-ridden for 6 months some years ago. Life is hard and it is a struggle, and like you I have to push myself to exercise. Heck, I often have to push myself just to get out of bed. I was in remission and doing very well. In the last year I have had a major relapse. I am working towards a better me, on all levels. It is hard when people around you do not see you coughing or sneezing so they don't think you are really sick. You are not in a hospital so you must not really have an illness. Makes getting healthy that much harder when you feel very much alone. Thank you for starting this post.

  • ladyofivy
    ladyofivy Posts: 648
    Hi everyone. I'm so glad that you each had the courage to say something. It's really comforting not to feel so alone in this. People who don't deal with these issues so often just think it's a matter of just "getting over it". And, as you guys know, it's totally not like that. We'd "get over it" if we could. Who would *want* to live this way?

    I was on Zoloft for a while, but I just don't like taking medication. I know, stupid reason to quit, but I really dislike it.

    I hope that each of us is able to support one another on this journey. Thanks for stepping forward, each of you.
  • FunkBunny
    FunkBunny Posts: 417 Member
    You are definitely not alone! I have general anxiety disorder and am currently on Cilatopram with Ativan for the here and there panic and nervousness. I never had depression diagnosed, but now on the medication therapy I can see a big difference in my mental stand point and think depression is also an issue of mine as well. This all runs in my family and isn't a huge shock to me, really. Although it was still hard to get help.
    The thing with anxiety is that it does hold you back an dit's impossible to explain to anyone who doesn't have it how it feels. For a long time anxiety kept me from doing any cardio because I had a panic driven thought that if my heart beat that fast, I would pass out. This was after I used to work out daily. This thought just hit me, stuck and held me back physically for over a year. It takes a lot of work, therapy and sometimes medication to move forward and get to a balanced place mentally.
  • FunkBunny
    FunkBunny Posts: 417 Member
    sorry, multiple post on accident.
  • FunkBunny
    FunkBunny Posts: 417 Member
  • LongMom
    LongMom Posts: 408 Member
    I am so happy to see this post! I don't suffer from any psychological issues myself but my mother did (bi polar dissorder and then skitzophrenia) and so I'm well versed in the struggles you're all facing.

    Asking for help and finding people who are in a similar situation is so empowering you have no idea. Kudos to you all and I hope you guys get a good support network going on.

    My mother refused to ask for and even accept help when offered. She became more and more isolated until she finally took her own life. Loneliness is a huge battle you have to face and here, you can help keep it at bay.

    Keep up the great work you're all doing!
  • ladyofivy
    ladyofivy Posts: 648
    I just have to say that I'm crying right now. I was really feeling down and alone. I feel so much better hearing what you all have to say, and hearing you each say that you understand... that I'm not alone... that you know how it feels. Thank you all so much again.
  • Hey, I appreciate you posting this as well. I don't suffer from it, but my wife has depression & anxiety and I know she has a very hard time reaching out at all when she's going through it. She just doesn't have any will to. Kudos for reaching out. :flowerforyou:

    I'm wondering for anyone here, how much does exercise help you with depression & anxiety? My wife has never been one to get into exercise at all until recently. We started P90X about 6 weeks ago and she seems to be doing a lot better. She will actually get ready for our workouts before I'm even ready now. I've been so impressed with how she's taken to this.

    to tell u the truth it has helped me alot since i have suffered from depression and aniexty problems..even ocd..i am still struggling with the ocd part..but idk its like for that moment (exercising) in my life im "free" there is times when i loath gettin my *kitten* up and doin it..for many reasons really...some days its like ugh who cares or its cuz im swore..others is cuz i dont see the scale noticing a different mind set...and thats what keeps me going..its the competition that i have with in myself that gets me back on that treadmill..or do my circuit tell her congrats and keep it moving!!!
    ginger :flowerforyou:
  • I just have to say that I'm crying right now. I was really feeling down and alone. I feel so much better hearing what you all have to say, and hearing you each say that you understand... that I'm not alone... that you know how it feels. Thank you all so much again.

    trust me ur really not alone!!! and your gonna get this done!! and this will for sure help the depression...keep it up!! and dont cry ur gonna make me cry!! :tongue: :flowerforyou:
  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    major depression.

    We're trying meds now to see if I'm bipolar. The anti-depressant for major depression won't treat bipolar depression, so we are trying a new mix to see what works.

    My therapist is working diligently with me to pull me out of my negative cycle. I've started forcing myself to get a full night's sleep and exercise daily. I only started that on Tuesday. So far, it's been helpful.

    To the OP, I'd think if you stopped taking your meds because you didn't like them, it simply wasn't the right med for you. Once I saw the improvement from my pills, I loved taking them because they helped me so much. (Then another major depression was triggered, another negative cycle began, but I still take my meds because I can only imagine how much worse I'd be without them, even though I have days where I really can't imagine being any worse than I was.) Have you thought about looking into a different med?
  • EKarma
    EKarma Posts: 594 Member
    I'll admit that I do have my anxious moments when I feel like something horrible is going to go wrong and I want to lock myself in my bedroom, but I smoke weed.. It helps. God Bless Oregon and their medical marijuana laws!
  • You are definitely not alone out there. I have suffered from depression and anxiety/panic attacks as well.

    It IS hard when people in your life don't see that you are not *cough cough* sick, but yet there IS something going on with you mentally that makes you ill.

    I currently take Symbyax for my depression and it has helped me tremendously. There was a time in my life that I cried literally every day for no reason.
  • amy1612
    amy1612 Posts: 1,356 Member
    Depression. Im no longer on medication :)

    I also find that exercise and working out makes me feel really good. Ive been working out alot lately and have hardly had any "episodes".
    Well done on stepping up, its nothing to be ashamed of.
  • tgh1914
    tgh1914 Posts: 1,036 Member
  • luly727
    luly727 Posts: 202 Member
    Generalized Anxiety Disorder & Panic Attacks.

    Been dealing with this for 27+ years more or less. Still on Meds and doing better although I do have my days :( when I cant even go for my walk cuz I fear the "dizzy lightheaded gonna pass out in the road feeling"..or leaving a grocery cart loaded with food and getting the H*** outta the store as fast as possible to my 'safe' car!!! I know the feelings :(

    I am here if anyone needs to talk or form a group, that would be good.
  • I know for me the exercising helps alot. I can definitely tell when I miss a workout. I love my workout time. It is my "ME" time. Although, there are days I feel like I could care less about it or anything else. I force myself to anyway and typically feel better afterwards. It is so nice to know that I am not alone in this. It is so uplifting to have a group that really understands how I feel. I have family that don't understand that you can be sick without having visible symptoms. Glad I am not the only one that has to fight those battles. I hope that everyone is having an "UP" day!!!
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