What was the funniest thing you kid ever said to you?

onwarddownward Posts: 1,683 Member
My daughter was three and I had just finished years of breastfeeding my other babies who were, bang, bang, band, right in a row. Anyway, I was changing and she was in the room and asked me, "Mommy, when I get big, will I have LONG boobies?" :embarassed:


  • oX_Vanessa_Xo
    oX_Vanessa_Xo Posts: 478
    Me: awww honey, you should do that for me!
    Daddy: nah that's cheesy
    Me: But girls like cheesy!

    My 6 yr old son..." I like cheesies!"
  • OnionMomma
    OnionMomma Posts: 938 Member
    Things he has said out of the blue:

    Mommy, girls pee out of a crack in their butt.

    Conversation: (he was laying on my belly watching TV together and he was about 4)

    Mommy, I was in your belly once.

    Yes, you were, that's why you have a belly button, we were attached to each other on the inside.

    Oh, yeah.

    (ME being curious to what he would say) But honey, how in the world did you get OUT of my belly!

    OH Mommy, I crawled up your throat and out your mouth!

    Oh the logic of children.
  • mmddwechanged
    mmddwechanged Posts: 1,687 Member
    13 year old said, " oh mom! You're so cute in your high waisted pants!"
  • JustAboutDelicious_wechanged
    My daughter has said so many things it is hard to narrow down, but one of them is:

    Me: "You are soooooo expensive" (Joking about how much I spend on her all the time)
    Her: "You BOUGHT me?????" (in a totally serious and amazed voice while staring at me wide-eyed)

    Love kids.
  • nitole111
    nitole111 Posts: 45 Member
    My little brother and I were in a Sheetz bathroom (he was around 3-4 and I was about 13) and he went potty. There was a lady in the stall next to him and after he was done he yelled "Sissy, you've got to come in here! My poop is two different colors!!". And the lady next to him laughed her butt off, and I did too.
  • LeahT84
    LeahT84 Posts: 202 Member
    My 7 year old said a couple weeks ago:

    How can cats eat catfish? Isn't that like eating their own kind?

    Also, recently I was trying to say something and my words got mixed together, and he said "Mom, you just got autocorrected!"
  • BeachIron
    BeachIron Posts: 6,490 Member
    "Coat rymes with goat and that's something tigers like to eat." Said out of the blue by my then 4 year old daughter.
  • bisland
    bisland Posts: 245 Member
    I think my son was either 4 or 5. He asked me to put some deer in his hair (to tame a rather unruley cowlic)
  • PNOD
    PNOD Posts: 35
    3 year old son.

    Wearing a Spiderman mask and jammies

    Me "Hi Spiderman"

    SOn, with a mad tone "DAD!!! I'm not Spiderman. I'm Peter Parker"
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    It is hard to narrow it down, so I'll just go with recent. I overheard my 6 year old daughter say to my 8 year old daughter, "I'm happy that I'm a primate!" (They were climbing at the time)
  • worldsbestauntie
    worldsbestauntie Posts: 280 Member
    My nephew the other Sunday (he's 3)

    I walked up to him at church:
    Me: Hi, Handsome
    Nephew: (taking his thumb out of his mouth) I'm (insert name here)
    Me: I can't call you Handsome?
    Nephew: (shaking head) I'm (insert name here)
  • ThoseLittleCats
  • rompers16
    rompers16 Posts: 5,404 Member
    My 11 year old saying "You have 'tuditis" Me "What?" Her "It means you have an attitude problem." Lol
  • kcoftx
    kcoftx Posts: 765 Member
    I can't believe I'm sharing a poop story online but here goes...

    Once my then toddler was in the stall with me and very loudly asked, "Mom, are you POO POOING?" At first I tried to ignore it but he said it again. Then I tried to just nod my head yes, but he still persisted. Again, I answered quietly, but each time he got louder as he repeated yet again, "MOOOOMMM, are you POO POOOING?" I gave up and using the same tone and loudness level as he was using, I finally relented and said, "Yes son, I'm POO POOING."
  • Gr8ChangesAhead
    Gr8ChangesAhead Posts: 836 Member
    At the shore with my kids and my oldest bought herself hermit crabs, my youngest was about 4 at the time Yells at the top of her lungs "When I get older I wanna be just like my sister and have a boyfriend and crabs" Me and my husband looked at each other and cracked up laughing.
  • kcoftx
    kcoftx Posts: 765 Member
    Also, recently I was trying to say something and my words got mixed together, and he said "Mom, you just got autocorrected!"

    Back years ago when the Internet was relatively in its infancy compared to today, I remember a sudden explosion of commercials that were proudly announcing their websites as a rather central part of their advertisement. They all had a similar tone to them where the WWW and DOT and COM were almost over enunciated. So one day my three year old wanted to visit something he saw on t.v. and he says, "Can you go to www dot com."
  • christy7322
    christy7322 Posts: 31
    My 5 (then 4) year old was eating cookies and offered me one...

    Me: *examining the cookie* Did you lick this?
    Her: No...
    Me: *munching the cookie*
    Her: ...but Chewy (my mom's dog) did
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    My 5 (then 4) year old was eating cookies and offered me one...

    Me: *examining the cookie* Did you lick this?
    Her: No...
    Me: *munching the cookie*
    Her: ...but Chewy (my mom's dog) did

  • CharlotteTheCoffeeLover
    CharlotteTheCoffeeLover Posts: 1,205 Member
    My 6yo Cree, then 5, told me she embarrassed because her imaginary friend was jumping on my head.... I laughed for days....
  • mister_universe
    mister_universe Posts: 6,664 Member
    I'll paste one that I wrote up a few years ago. "Redwood" is code for my third boy, "Maple" is code for my lovely wife.

    If there's one thing everybody agrees on about Redwood, it's that he's about as funny as a boy can be.

    If there's one thing nobody knows about Redwood, it's that he hates underwear. The boy goes commando everywhere, it seems. We ALWAYS have to ask whether he has undies on right before he goes out the door for school. And in the past, sometimes, he'd lie to us...so we'd have to check.

    Naturally, item #1 to come off when he gets home from school is the underoos. Off the bus, down the block, through the door, to the bedroom, strip down, put on shorts. The kid is a polar bear at heart, wears nothing but a pair of shorts around the house almost without regard to how cold or warm it is.

    So early this week, Maple hears singing coming from down the hall right after Redwood gets home from school. She walks quietly down there, peeks around his bedroom door frame, and sees Captain Commando dancing around his room in just his shorts singing, "I'm too sexy for my shirt, too sexy for my shirt, so sexy it huuuuuurrrtts!"

    He's mortified at having been caught, and Maple asks him where he learned that song and whether he knows what it means. Naturally from school, and no, he has no idea what sexy means.

    Long story short, attempt #1 to explain "sexy" to an eight year old fails. The task then falls to me on my return home from work. So, trying to play it low key, I settle down next to him in the living room as he's playing a computer game and get his attention focused on me.

    Me: "Hey Redwood...I heard Mom caught you singing a funny song today after school."
    Redwood: "Yup. I was just dancing."
    Me: "Yeah, Mom said it was pretty funny. She also said you might need to know what sexy means."
    Redwood: "Yeah, she tried to explain it. I still don't really understand."

    [insert two minutes of trying to explain the meaning of "sexy" in eight year old terms. We finally get to the point where he knows that it means something like "physically desirable" in eight year old language]

    Me: "So the guy in the song, when he's singing, he's saying he's too sexy, too attractive, too physically desirable to even be constrained by his clothes."

    Redwood (in a deadpan, he either totally gets it or totally doesn't, no in between...and I still don't know which): "Yeah, that's why I don't wear underwear."