Cysts and Illnesses

For a long while, I've been battling with asthma issues, migraines, reflux, and cystic ovaries. I had PTSD, and I gained a ton of weight from paxil (i'm on celexa now).

How do you manage the absurd weight gain from these things? Prior to paxil, I was around 100-111 and did not change from that 10 pound range....ever.

What do I need to do to kick my metabolism back in line?


  • Farrahrm
    Farrahrm Posts: 33 Member
    I was on various Antidepressant/ anti anxiety meds for the last few years off and on. I gained weight, and it didn't help enough to curb the anxiety induced over-indulging in alcohol. So I gained about thirty pounds from that. I decided to change to Welbutrin because I heard it has less of that weight gain side effect. That was in December. I've lost 60 + lbs since at least for me, changing meds helped. Your PCOS will probably make you more insulin resistant. I'm a Med Lab Scientist, not a Physician, but if it were me, I would exercise and eat lower carbs (not extreme or anything) and as you lose weight and your fitness increases, your insulin sensitivity will improve and help with preventing weight gain. In the mean-time, weight-loss may be slower for you, but with perseverance, you should slowly but surely see results.
  • catrinadaniels
    I was on various Antidepressant/ anti anxiety meds for the last few years off and on. I gained weight, and it didn't help enough to curb the anxiety induced over-indulging in alcohol. So I gained about thirty pounds from that. I decided to change to Welbutrin because I heard it has less of that weight gain side effect. That was in December. I've lost 60 + lbs since at least for me, changing meds helped. Your PCOS will probably make you more insulin resistant. I'm a Med Lab Scientist, not a Physician, but if it were me, I would exercise and eat lower carbs (not extreme or anything) and as you lose weight and your fitness increases, your insulin sensitivity will improve and help with preventing weight gain. In the mean-time, weight-loss may be slower for you, but with perseverance, you should slowly but surely see results.

    I tend to have more issues with hypoglycemic episodes, so I don't think I'm resistant. My numbers are normal.
  • fitfreakymom
    fitfreakymom Posts: 1,400 Member
    you can have weight issues from having cysts on your overies?
  • estherlion
    estherlion Posts: 86 Member
    Are you sure you don't have PCOS? You should get your hormones checked.
  • Farrahrm
    Farrahrm Posts: 33 Member
    Reactive hypoglycemia can be an indication of insulin resistance. You need to do insulin and glucose testing with a glucose challenge test. This is usually done by endocrinologists.
  • catrinadaniels
    Reactive hypoglycemia can be an indication of insulin resistance. You need to do insulin and glucose testing with a glucose challenge test. This is usually done by endocrinologists.

    I test my levels. I'm never below 68 and never above 144. (I should clarify. Never below 68 fasting. Never above 144 2 hours after a meal. All indications are normal.

    I feel a lot of symptoms around 80-90, which they don't consider hypoglycemic.
  • catrinadaniels
    Are you sure you don't have PCOS? You should get your hormones checked.

    They haven't called it that. But they said "well, you did have a giant cyst removed". I'm not sure it is considered PCOS or not, but I do typically have some issues with multiple eggs. Not always though.

    When I had my FSH checked/thyroid, everything was normal.
  • catrinadaniels
    you can have weight issues from having cysts on your overies?

    I didn't. Most of my issues come from the Paxil use, but the cyst weighed an awful lot and had to have that removed.
  • crazy4fids
    crazy4fids Posts: 173
    For a long while, I've been battling with asthma issues, migraines, reflux, and cystic ovaries. I had PTSD, and I gained a ton of weight from paxil (i'm on celexa now).

    How do you manage the absurd weight gain from these things? Prior to paxil, I was around 100-111 and did not change from that 10 pound range....ever.

    What do I need to do to kick my metabolism back in line?

    While meds can help, sometimes they can add to the problems and make them worse over an extended period of time. I went from Paxil to Wellbutrin to Effexor. Paxil make me incapable of having an orgasm, Wellbutrin gave me anxiety and the Effexor seems to work well. Now I am trying to get off of it, after I have been on it for several years. My reflux is better now that I am decreasing my antidepressant dosage. I did see a MAJOR change in my AR when I did a 21 day cleansing died. With the help of my chiropractor, I eliminated all dairy, beef, pork, wheat, sugar, and a few others for 21 day. About three days into that cleanse, I had NO acid reflux which continued through the rest of the cleanse. I did not stick out the whole 21 days....I am such a picky eater that I was starving. But at least I know where to start if I ever want to get off my GERD meds.

    Now I am approaching the depression with an intensive exercise program as I am weaning off the antidepressants this summer.
    My asthma is under control with the help of an Advair inhaler.

    Do you have any other symptoms of PCOS? My daughter was recently diagnosed with it. The cysts on her ovaries were the last thing they found. She has acne, extra facial hair, weight gain, erratic periods, and can't seem to loose any weight. Her doc finally sent her in for an ultrasound. Now she is taking Metformin and goes back for an ultrasound in six months.
  • catrinadaniels
    For a long while, I've been battling with asthma issues, migraines, reflux, and cystic ovaries. I had PTSD, and I gained a ton of weight from paxil (i'm on celexa now).

    How do you manage the absurd weight gain from these things? Prior to paxil, I was around 100-111 and did not change from that 10 pound range....ever.

    What do I need to do to kick my metabolism back in line?

    While meds can help, sometimes they can add to the problems and make them worse over an extended period of time. I went from Paxil to Wellbutrin to Effexor. Paxil make me incapable of having an orgasm, Wellbutrin gave me anxiety and the Effexor seems to work well. Now I am trying to get off of it, after I have been on it for several years. My reflux is better now that I am decreasing my antidepressant dosage. I did see a MAJOR change in my AR when I did a 21 day cleansing died. With the help of my chiropractor, I eliminated all dairy, beef, pork, wheat, sugar, and a few others for 21 day. About three days into that cleanse, I had NO acid reflux which continued through the rest of the cleanse. I did not stick out the whole 21 days....I am such a picky eater that I was starving. But at least I know where to start if I ever want to get off my GERD meds.

    Now I am approaching the depression with an intensive exercise program as I am weaning off the antidepressants this summer.
    My asthma is under control with the help of an Advair inhaler.

    Do you have any other symptoms of PCOS? My daughter was recently diagnosed with it. The cysts on her ovaries were the last thing they found. She has acne, extra facial hair, weight gain, erratic periods, and can't seem to loose any weight. Her doc finally sent her in for an ultrasound. Now she is taking Metformin and goes back for an ultrasound in six months.

    I have like, one hair on my face, so that isn't a crazy concern. Erratic periods, but they have gotten more regular over the years. Before paxil, I had no issue gaining or losing at all.
  • lcfairbairn74
    lcfairbairn74 Posts: 412 Member
    I have really bad thyroid issues and have been in a wheelchair with a shattered ankle since last August. Other metabolic issues too.

    Calorie counting using the values mfp calculated has worked for me, as my ticker can testify! I try to eat just under the calorie target but have had days where I go over's a marathon, not a sprint!
  • catrinadaniels
    I lost about 3 pounds the first week, but kind of stuck now. I did go over a little here and there though, but not by much, so I'm hoping to get closer to my limits :) I'm still struggling to lower the sugar and up the carbs; I have them reversed, it looks like.
  • HeidiSmith419
    HeidiSmith419 Posts: 71 Member
    Years (ok 10-15) before I was diagnosed as type2 in my mid 30's I was also experiencing hypoglycemia. I also have PCOS. I DO think there is a connection there. I also think insulin resistance is present LONG before tests are able to pick it up. PCOS is hereditary too so if you have people in your family that are diabetic I would follow a lower end carb diet. There are specific diets for PCOS too. Any registered dietician can give you the info. You can find it online im sure. The good thing is altering your eating habits now in order to lose weight could save your life later. It's a win win.
  • catrinadaniels
    Years (ok 10-15) before I was diagnosed as type2 in my mid 30's I was also experiencing hypoglycemia. I also have PCOS. I DO think there is a connection there. I also think insulin resistance is present LONG before tests are able to pick it up. PCOS is hereditary too so if you have people in your family that are diabetic I would follow a lower end carb diet. There are specific diets for PCOS too. Any registered dietician can give you the info. You can find it online im sure. The good thing is altering your eating habits now in order to lose weight could save your life later. It's a win win.

    I very much doubt I have it. I don't have the hormones for PCOS, "hypoglycemia" is reacting when I'm in the 80s/90s, not the 40s/50s like tests require. None of this happened until I was on Paxil.

    For instance, last night I felt shakey and messed up, and my BS was 101. Nothing wrong there at all.
  • MrsMohawk
    MrsMohawk Posts: 74 Member
    couple years ago I had to go to the ER for horrible sharp pains in my lower part of my stomach area. turns out it was a cyst on my ovary. They gave me pain pills and couple months later it went away. i had 2 ultra sounds ( it was getting smaller) i never did go back for the 3rd ultra sound. they are expensive. then was diagnosed as a diabetic. BG is in control now after losing tons of weight but still am diabetic. Sometimes I think I have one because of all of a sudden it's uncomfortable and when walking for long walks my lower left side of my back starts to hurt. I read that could happen when you have a cyst on the ovary. and weight gain for a couple days like when I tried some shorts on that fit one week and tried them on the next and they didn't fit.. Is that a part of having cysts lower stomach bloats? strange.
  • catrinadaniels
    couple years ago I had to go to the ER for horrible sharp pains in my lower part of my stomach area. turns out it was a cyst on my ovary. They gave me pain pills and couple months later it went away. i had 2 ultra sounds ( it was getting smaller) i never did go back for the 3rd ultra sound. they are expensive. then was diagnosed as a diabetic. BG is in control now after losing tons of weight but still am diabetic. Sometimes I think I have one because of all of a sudden it's uncomfortable and when walking for long walks my lower left side of my back starts to hurt. I read that could happen when you have a cyst on the ovary. and weight gain for a couple days like when I tried some shorts on that fit one week and tried them on the next and they didn't fit.. Is that a part of having cysts lower stomach bloats? strange.

    I looked pregnant with mine. Surgically removed, though.
  • MrsMohawk
    MrsMohawk Posts: 74 Member
    couple years ago I had to go to the ER for horrible sharp pains in my lower part of my stomach area. turns out it was a cyst on my ovary. They gave me pain pills and couple months later it went away. i had 2 ultra sounds ( it was getting smaller) i never did go back for the 3rd ultra sound. they are expensive. then was diagnosed as a diabetic. BG is in control now after losing tons of weight but still am diabetic. Sometimes I think I have one because of all of a sudden it's uncomfortable and when walking for long walks my lower left side of my back starts to hurt. I read that could happen when you have a cyst on the ovary. and weight gain for a couple days like when I tried some shorts on that fit one week and tried them on the next and they didn't fit.. Is that a part of having cysts lower stomach bloats? strange.

    I looked pregnant with mine. Surgically removed, though.

    The more i read about pos or whatever it's called makes me wonder . but metformin is suppose to help both so its a win win i guess. I had 2 periods in one month last month . never had that before in my life . I'm just glad my ovary wasn't twisted. that scares me I am afraid of surgery..
  • Rarity2013
    Rarity2013 Posts: 196 Member
    Are you sure you don't have PCOS? You should get your hormones checked.

    They haven't called it that. But they said "well, you did have a giant cyst removed". I'm not sure it is considered PCOS or not, but I do typically have some issues with multiple eggs. Not always though.

    When I had my FSH checked/thyroid, everything was normal.

    I just wanted to pitch in that having ovarian cysts is not the same as PCOS. The vast majority of women will have ovarian cysts at some point- it is primarily diagnosed by the androgen disorder rather than the appearance of cysts. It could be that the cyst you needed to have removed was just that on it's own so don't worry unnecessarily about it.
  • catrinadaniels
    Are you sure you don't have PCOS? You should get your hormones checked.

    They haven't called it that. But they said "well, you did have a giant cyst removed". I'm not sure it is considered PCOS or not, but I do typically have some issues with multiple eggs. Not always though.

    When I had my FSH checked/thyroid, everything was normal.

    I just wanted to pitch in that having ovarian cysts is not the same as PCOS. The vast majority of women will have ovarian cysts at some point- it is primarily diagnosed by the androgen disorder rather than the appearance of cysts. It could be that the cyst you needed to have removed was just that on it's own so don't worry unnecessarily about it.

    Yeah, I figure I have normal hormones according to the test, so it may have just been a one-off kind of thing. My diabetic ranges are normal. I don't have celiac disease (was tested).

    I do have migraines, so I'm wondering if a lot of my issues are chronic migraines (abdominal) with anxiety during the onset.
  • catrinadaniels
    PS: so far, it seems like everyone is kind of thinking my weight gain is associated with the cysts and possible insulin tolerance issues. That's not the case. I had the cyst removed and went back to a normal life until I developed PTSD from a traumatic incident. I started having major anxiety episodes, so they put me on Paxil. My weight gain is directly proportional to how much paxil I took. When I doubled it, I gained 30 pounds in three weeks. I also have some problems because they gave me a steroid shot that more or less backfired. So I had a bad cushing's-like reaction. I do have to be careful with steroids, but they still don't make my BS over 170, which is acceptable on the treatment.