May 120 miles Walk/Run Challenge

Hi everyone,

I’m currently doing a challenge for myself to try and walk/run 120miles for the month. When I first started MFP I hosted this for a couple of months and it really helped me with motivation and focus and I really need to get back on my fitness game again.

I know it’s a couple of days into the month already but I can’t seem to find a challenge on the forums like this to join so I thought it’s not too late start one up and have something to try and aim for.

All this challenge involves is just trying to achieve a mileage by foot of at least 120 miles in May. This can be done in conjunction with any other forms of exercise you may undertake or just as your main exercise. Ideally the aim should be to walk/run 30miles per week which equates to approximately 10,000 steps 6 out of 7 days, or mix it up whichever way you like. If 120 miles seems too much to aim for, just do what you can.

Each week members of the group will post how far they’ve travelled and lbs lost (optional).

Week 1 – xx miles and xxx lbs (Tuesday 7th May)
Week 2 - xx miles and xxx lbs (Tuesday 14th May)
Week 3 - xx miles and xxx lbs (Tuesday 21st May)
Week 4 - xx miles and xxx lbs (Tuesday 28th May)

Total Walked – xxx miles (Friday 31st May)
Total lost – xxx lbs (Friday 31st May)

Hope you will join me in this, good luck!


  • pehermann
    pehermann Posts: 72
    Hi yas :)

    I'm in. I need some motivation and this worked before.

    Guess I'm a week late in starting so maybe I'll just go a week into June and consider tomorrow my starting day.

    Start – 0 miles and 0 lbs (Tuesday 7th May)
    Week 1 - xx miles and xxx lbs (Tuesday 14th May)
    Week 2 - xx miles and xxx lbs (Tuesday 21st May)
    Week 3 - xx miles and xxx lbs (Tuesday 28th May)
    Week 4 - xx miles and xxx lbs (Tuesday 4th June)

    Total Walked – xxx miles (Tuesday 4th June)
    Total lost – xxx lbs (Tuesday 4th June)
  • twilight_princess
    twilight_princess Posts: 270 Member
    Silly me, the weekly update should be on Wednesday. New template is below.

    I've been really motivated so far this week and have already clocked up 39 miles and looking forward to the rest of the month.

    Week 1 – xx miles and xxx lbs (Wednesday 8th May)
    Week 2 - xx miles and xxx lbs (Wednesday 15th May)
    Week 3 - xx miles and xxx lbs (Wednesday 22nd May)
    Week 4 - xx miles and xxx lbs (Wednesday 29th May)

    Total Walked – xxx miles (Friday 31st May)
    Total lost – xxx lbs (Friday 31st May)
  • twilight_princess
    twilight_princess Posts: 270 Member
    Hi yas :)

    I'm in. I need some motivation and this worked before.

    Guess I'm a week late in starting so maybe I'll just go a week into June and consider tomorrow my starting day.

    Start – 0 miles and 0 lbs (Tuesday 7th May)
    Week 1 - xx miles and xxx lbs (Tuesday 14th May)
    Week 2 - xx miles and xxx lbs (Tuesday 21st May)
    Week 3 - xx miles and xxx lbs (Tuesday 28th May)
    Week 4 - xx miles and xxx lbs (Tuesday 4th June)

    Total Walked – xxx miles (Tuesday 4th June)
    Total lost – xxx lbs (Tuesday 4th June)

    Nice to have you again on this challenge. Its likely I'll be doing this again next month so you can log for June in the new thread but still good luck for this month.
  • twilight_princess
    twilight_princess Posts: 270 Member
    I've been really motivated this week to get back on the exercise wagon. The weather here recently helps too as you want to be outdoors for a change. I happy with my weight loss too but I could do more to get my diet back on track too.

    Starting Weight: 175.5lbs (Wednesday 1st May)
    Week 1 – 39.2miles and 173.2lbs (Wednesday 8th May)
    Week 2 - xx miles and xxx lbs (Wednesday 15th May)
    Week 3 - xx miles and xxx lbs (Wednesday 22nd May)
    Week 4 - xx miles and xxx lbs (Wednesday 29th May)

    Total Walked – xxx miles (Friday 31st May)
    Total lost – xxx lbs (Friday 31st May)
  • pehermann
    pehermann Posts: 72
    it's started to rain so I'm off track already...why can't spring stay around for more than a couple days at a time!?
  • twilight_princess
    twilight_princess Posts: 270 Member
    it's started to rain so I'm off track already...why can't spring stay around for more than a couple days at a time!?

    Its been hot and cold here too, but then that's typical English weather. I'm really determine to do well this month so I just get out there or go to the gym.

  • twilight_princess
    twilight_princess Posts: 270 Member
  • twilight_princess
    twilight_princess Posts: 270 Member
    Still really motivated to do well this month; 33.6miles and 2.5lbs lost this week.

    Starting Weight: 175.5lbs (Wednesday 1st May)
    Week 1 – 39.2miles and 173.2lbs (Wednesday 8th May)
    Week 2 - 33.6 miles and 170.7lbs (Wednesday 15th May)
    Week 3 - xx miles and xxx lbs (Wednesday 22nd May)
    Week 4 - xx miles and xxx lbs (Wednesday 29th May)

    Total Walked – 72.8 miles (Friday 31st May)
    Total lost – 4.8 lbs (Friday 31st May)

  • pehermann
    pehermann Posts: 72
    Wow you are doing GREAT!

    Off to a slow start here...

    Start – 0 miles and 0 lbs (Tuesday 7th May)
    Week 1 - 8 miles and -0.9 lbs (Tuesday 14th May)
    Week 2 - xx miles and xxx lbs (Tuesday 21st May)
    Week 3 - xx miles and xxx lbs (Tuesday 28th May)
    Week 4 - xx miles and xxx lbs (Tuesday 4th June)

    Total Walked – xxx miles (Tuesday 4th June)
    Total lost – xxx lbs (Tuesday 4th June)
  • twilight_princess
    twilight_princess Posts: 270 Member
    Still really determined this month. I almost did a half marathon run on Saturday out of the blue but my sports bra stopped me in the end. Will try again soon. No weight loss this week.

    Starting Weight: 175.5lbs (Wednesday 1st May)
    Week 1 – 39.2 miles and 173.2lbs (Wednesday 8th May)
    Week 2 - 33.6 miles and 170.7lbs (Wednesday 15th May)
    Week 3 - 30.5 miles and 170.7lbs (Wednesday 22nd May)
    Week 4 - xx miles and xxx lbs (Wednesday 29th May)

    Total Walked – 103.3 miles (Friday 31st May)
    Total lost – 4.8 lbs (Friday 31st May)

  • pehermann
    pehermann Posts: 72
    Sorry, been sick and it's been raining, so not much progress here. I'm ready just to start the June one!

    I got to walk yesterday and the day before so I'm up to a total for the month of:

    Total Walked – 16 miles (Friday 31st May)
    Total lost – 0.8 lbs (Friday 31st May)

    Pitiful. Lets start with June already LOL :)