First Week

I'm super excited about MFP, it's been one week today and I lost 5 pounds. I have never been able to track my food, progress and workouts this easily... I'm hoping to reach my goal of about 50 pounds with the help of this site.


  • MaureenH39
    MaureenH39 Posts: 315 Member
    Congrats!!! I have been at this for 3.5 weeks but on this site for 2 weeks. My first and second week I only lost 1 lb each week...last week I lost 3 :happy: Hoping for more loss by the end of this week. 5 lbs in one week is great...what did you do?
  • laurenmalone
    AWESOME!!! Congrats...this is my first week on here as well & I am loving it...not brave enough to weigh yet...I am going to do it at the gym on Monday morn...hope I do not blow it this weekend :)

    Congrats & happy mfp
  • WhiskeyBravo
    Thanks y'all! I just stayed within the limits. It was probably just such a difference from my normal food intake. Like instead of ordering the #7 off the value meal, I just got on classis chicken sandwich ( 440 calories) and ate half of it and gave the rest to my daughther :) If I would add up all the calories I would have eaten w/out the help of this site....maaaan it would have been enuff for all the users on here... and when I'm still hungry I just go to the gym to burn about 400-450 calories so I can eat again :)
  • WhiskeyBravo
    Hey one pound a week is excellent, trust me...there's been times when I would diet for a whole month and wieighed EXACTLY the same, did you hear me? a whole dang month...uhhh! good luck my friend :)
  • scrappymel
    scrappymel Posts: 107 Member
    welcome! this is the best site! i just found it this week as well. good luck to you!
  • WhiskeyBravo
    yep, I totally dig it; I've been telling EVERYONE about it..good luck sister!
  • MaureenH39
    MaureenH39 Posts: 315 Member
    Well keep up the good work! Also...thanks that makes me feel a bit better :happy: