Help with finding my goal weight

I wish I could just get to goal so I can get on with maintenance. I am over losing, weight, but I really want to be a healthy body fat percentage, and waist measurement. And of course to be a success with WW (which I am also doing) I have to be in the HWR (based solely on BMI)....

Feeling quite confused about the whole "right weight for me" thing. Does anyone have any ideas? Or has anyone been through the same dilemma and come up with a solution?


  • FP4HSharon
    FP4HSharon Posts: 664 Member
    Do you know your current body fat percentage, as well as what your body fat percentage goal is? That would help determine your goal weight.
  • leishamaree
    leishamaree Posts: 62 Member
    I can't remember my last gym assessment outcome, I guess I will wait until my next one on the 25th and see what my body fat percentage is.
  • Akimajuktuq
    Akimajuktuq Posts: 3,037 Member
    Choose a healthy lifestyle and eat real food. Eat enough to be satisfied, making sure to get enough fat (yes, I said FAT) and protein. Your body will decide where to settle.
  • leishamaree
    leishamaree Posts: 62 Member
    Any other info out there?
  • FP4HSharon
    FP4HSharon Posts: 664 Member
    I can't remember my last gym assessment outcome, I guess I will wait until my next one on the 25th and see what my body fat percentage is.

    If you post what your current body fat % is after your next assessment (or call & get your last weight & %), and post what % your goal is, then I can crunch some numbers for you & give you an estimated goal weight. If you aren't sure what your body fat % goal is, then go to this link & look at the photos of ladies at different percentages. However, I will say I think the percentages are a little too nice on this chart. So whatever photo goal you find, your % goal should be what the numbers are in the photo just before it. Hope that makes sense.
  • leishamaree
    leishamaree Posts: 62 Member
    Thanks for that, I like the look of 25% except my body wont look like that! I have the mummy pouch on my stomach! I will check with my trainer when I am there this week to see what my last reading was
  • wnbrice
    wnbrice Posts: 244 Member
    Unfortunately it is going to be really hard to set a final goal weight. It is all down to lean body mass, and fat distribution. For example for me to be healthy I would need to get down to 195. However I aim to have a significant amount of muscle, so that amount is not realistic for me without entering single digit body fat %.

    I would just set a goal, look in the mirror when you reach that goal, and then go from there.