Hello it took some courage but Im here :)

Hi my name is Steph and I am a mother of 2
I joined MFP as I really need the help and support from the members on here. I lack motivation in a big way, and temptation at times is too great. I need to find the inner thing that keeps me going.
I get so overwhelmed with food that I don't know what to do or where to start. I hear so many differing views about do you give up carbs, have them only up to a certain time etc etc and so many other weightloss tips that it is truely confsuing for me.
So here I am! Ready to give it a go and do my best to keep it up. I hope you can help me through it

Would love to know how YOU started!!!
I am the person who needs step by step basics
What do you eat each day? Do you stick to the same bfast/lunch/dinner etc
Do you have protein and veges/salad most days
What are your tips you can share with me to get me off to a flying start?
How do you manage exercise if you are not overley interested in it?

Enough questions for now I llook forward to getting you know you and chatting with you and sharing our stories.
I will support you too as much as I can.
Thank-you for reading nice to meet you :)


  • Crumleygirl
    Crumleygirl Posts: 86 Member
    So I may not be the best help but I'll tell you what I do. Feel Free to add me. Over a year later I have had great success but completely backtracked.

    Would love to know how YOU started!!!
    I was tired of being over weight and completely lacking activity (besides shopping). They just built a brand new top of the line LA Fitness up the hill from my house. So I started with exercise. That wasn't working so I started calories and exercise. Just use the equipment you feel comfortable with. Slowly cut out junk you know you don't need.

    What do you eat each day? Do you stick to the same bfast/lunch/dinner etc
    I am extremely picky so I do eat a lot of the same foods. I like wheat bread and sandwhich meat or peanut butter and jelly. Try hundred calorie packs if you have the money for treats. Special K pastries are really good. Since I'm picky I try to eat what my parents eat for dinner which is a huge change for me. Remember portion sizes though. Add salads or veggies for dinner as much as possible. Try yoplait light yogurt as a side for lunch, lots of good flavors and only 90 calories.
    Do you have protein and veges/salad most days
    Yes. The more you can fit in the better. Eggs are good for protein. Fruit is good for snacks. I like apples with peanut butter. Carrots are good too by themselves if possible. Salds without dressing are best but not always possible. Have salads as much as possible.
    What are your tips you can share with me to get me off to a flying start?
    If you have trouble conforming your diet, LOG EVERYTHING!!! Then make sure to exercise enough so you have extra calories at the end of each day. Water, WAter, Water!!! The whole 1200 calories thing is BS, you need more than that. Try the group eating more to weigh less.
    How do you manage exercise if you are not overley interested in it?
    music. Also my gym has tvs' which is really nice. I like to listen to music and use closed captioning on the tv, it flies by. Try classes it will get you involved, and people of all levels go. Try going out dancing or taking your kids or dogs for walks. Something easy, yet fun. Netflix at the gym helps if you have it too. Lots of people don't have memberships, it's just a little more work. Look on your favorite magazine website for works outs if gyms aren't an option.

    Feel Free to add me.