Anyone on low carb?

I am trying low carb. Now I am not doing anything restrictive but I am paying attention to labels and trying to look to reduce my carb intake by half ( I eat a lot of carbs so half is still high for a typical low carb diet) . Has anyone had luck with dieting and reducing carb intake?


  • JeanDescole
    JeanDescole Posts: 152
    Tried and failed, but it was a lot harder for me since carbs are such a big role in my diet. I've grown up with cereals for brekkie, white breads with lunch and white rice with dinner. However I have cut down the amount I eat since then a lot, but my advice is to not go cold turkey, (or v. close to cold turkey like I did). Reducing by half seems sensible and achievable, so I wish you the best of luck!
  • SaebraSpirit
    SaebraSpirit Posts: 150 Member
    Yep I live Primal/Paleo and I incorporate a low carb diet.

    10%carbs 30%protein 60%fat <---me macros

    It works really really well, I've lost my body fat % of 28% to 21% within about 2-3 weeks.
    Also gained a ton of muscle and I've been able to return to the athletic track for 100m sprints and hurdles.
    So yeah its extremely good for you, especially if you avoid all sugars and processed foods which cause the insulin spikes.
    I get around 30-50g of carbs a day at the moment although I don't recommend doing this for long periods of time. I'm just cutting the fat but once I reach maintenance again I will increase it to about 100g a day :)

    I also incorporate IF --> Fasting Primer
    Which cuts fat like butter muahaha :P

    My starting weight was 67.8kg (last year, but I wasnt low carb at the time just low calorie)
    My weight currently is 52.9kg
    I am 5'9"
  • bookworm221
    bookworm221 Posts: 35 Member
    Yes I'm doing low carb. It works really well. Previously I ate lots of carbs - rice, pasta, bread, potatoes were a staple part of my diet. I thought i'd never be able to cut them out. But I am feeling healthier and less tired on the low carb diet - so although it is still difficult as my carb cravings have not vanished, I am feeling positive about my diet! :)

    Good luck, I hope it works for you
  • wiezinthejuice
    wiezinthejuice Posts: 17 Member
    I watch my carbs and since doing so I feel less hungry and more energized.
  • capergirl770
    capergirl770 Posts: 23 Member
    Second time on low carbs, first time I lost weight very fast .. Regained it because I ended up with a Thyroid problem. I am now back on it and on Thyroid meds and I am losing again.. about 6-7 lbs in 3 weeks and I'm 148 lbs now.. IT works and really decreases your appetite.. For me I find it very easy.. I love meat more then carbs so I have no prob eating a steak LOL. Only problem for me is I like to have a few drinks and it stalls my weight loss a bit.. Good luck, if you stick with it, you will see big changes fast.
  • Elisirmon
    Elisirmon Posts: 273 Member
    My 3rd week low carb ketosis diet for my thyriod feel alot better.