2 questions about biking

kamakazeekim Posts: 1,183 Member
1. Does biking actually help with weight loss?

2. If I start biking I need a way for my little ones to do it with me. My daughter is getting pretty good with her "big girl bike" without training wheels and she can do a pretty impressive distance for a 4 year old. My 17 month old though is where I'm having some questions....Should I get a seat to put on the back of my bike OR I've seen on Amazon a seat that attaches to the handle bars and sits in between your legs.


  • Mmmmona
    Mmmmona Posts: 328 Member
    1. Does biking actually help with weight loss?

    2. If I start biking I need a way for my little ones to do it with me. My daughter is getting pretty good with her "big girl bike" without training wheels and she can do a pretty impressive distance for a 4 year old. My 17 month old though is where I'm having some questions....Should I get a seat to put on the back of my bike OR I've seen on Amazon a seat that attaches to the handle bars and sits in between your legs.

    The safest way is to get the little tented caddy that you pull with your own bike,
  • DrMAvDPhD
    DrMAvDPhD Posts: 2,097 Member
    1. Yes, any cardio will work to increase your caloric needs so that you can use stored fat.

    2. I have no idea but be sure to do your research and use safety equipment (HELMETS!) for both children.
  • traceytwink
    traceytwink Posts: 538 Member
    1. Does biking actually help with weight loss?

    2. If I start biking I need a way for my little ones to do it with me. My daughter is getting pretty good with her "big girl bike" without training wheels and she can do a pretty impressive distance for a 4 year old. My 17 month old though is where I'm having some questions....Should I get a seat to put on the back of my bike OR I've seen on Amazon a seat that attaches to the handle bars and sits in between your legs.

    The safest way is to get the little tented caddy that you pull with your own bike,
    That depends if you have cycle paths etc as cars are so ignorant of bikes, I used both front and back seats for my kiddies as well as a trailgator, the front is great for the little one to look around but not so good for your knees as you have to cycle wide legged and when they fall asleep like toddlers do its hard to prop them up, where as the back one is great cos they just lean against you and fall asleep up they do have to stare at your butt the whole time and if you have a rucksack it can be in their face, see if your local bike dealer will let you test both types out see which you like best, I myself preferred the back one, and I would recommend the trailgator for your other child cos when they are tired you can just tow them along too, think of all those cals you'll be burning then ????
  • girlinahat
    girlinahat Posts: 2,956 Member

    2. I have no idea but be sure to do your research and use safety equipment (HELMETS!) for both children.

    And for yourself also - the number of times I see adults out cycling with their kids and whilst the hild has a helmet on, the adult doesn't. Kids learn by example. If you want to teach them to be safe, you have to follow the same rules.
  • Sycoholic
    Sycoholic Posts: 282 Member
    Yes, cycling is not only fun but good exercise. Wear a helmet.... all of you. You may not be riding fast enough to hit your head and kill yourself but you can easily do it and vegetablize yourself.

    The bolt on seats for kids are nice, but if you fall so do they. Think about how high up you put them on the bike. That's quite a ways for them to fall, and probably at speed too. I'm a big advocate for trailers. They're relatively lightweight and tow really easy. They can be seated safely with helmets and seat belts. If the bike falls over these don't.
  • 1ahayward
    1ahayward Posts: 9 Member
    I'm an avid cyclist and have maintained a 55 lb weight loss for 4 years. Several of things: 1. Online estimates of calories burned on a bike are HIGH, although myfitnesspal isn't as bad as some. I usually estimate about 1/3 fewer. Although if you're carrying kids, the extra weight may boost the number you burn. 2. The mental challenge with exercise is to avoid rewarding yourself afterwards with a cinnamon role, etc., and exercise has always made me hungrier. 3. While I'd say cycling contributed modestly to my weight loss, cycling really helped my attitude during weight loss. 4. Cycling has been instrumental in maintaining my weight loss.
  • 1. Does biking actually help with weight loss?

    Yes, but wear a HR monitor to gauge your calorie output. And WEAR A HELMET.
  • rbeyale729
    rbeyale729 Posts: 5
    yes you will sweat up a storm cycling. <---spin class. Or if your cycling on the roads up hills that's a killer workout as well. Loves it!
  • gagnon9691
    gagnon9691 Posts: 75 Member
    When I was biking a lot last year it wasn't so much the weight loss that I saw but my clothes were fitting better and I was slimming down a lot. I am sure the weight came off but the muscles started to show more. I have leg muscles now where I didn't even know muscles were.
    A trailer is the best thing to get to tow a little one around. It will last longer. I was towing my son around until he was 5 1/2. He was able to bring toys and snacks and he would even bring a pillow and blanket for longer trips. Most trailers have a "trunk" area so you can make trip to the store or if you go for a picnic or something.
    And as everyone else has said always wear a helmet. If you go with the trailer I would suggest trying out a skater type helmet. They are more round so it is more comfortable in the trailer.